Chapter 9

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And thus we draw to a close. *sighs* My twins! *sobs over pictures* Okay well...there might be a little extra chap coming up after this. You'll find out either tonight or tomorrow. XD

Ohohohoh!!! I'm so excited about this picture. Okay so there's another fave character I have. His name is Gregory, but everyone calls him Greg. He's Lucas's youngest and later on in the main story, when the twins are actually like 27, Greg is like 15 in the main story (>< Lot of math involved there.), anyway back to know what, nevermind. XD You'll find out when the story is ready. Anyway Greg is actually a toddler here.  So I produce Greg!
★ Alec ★

    I opened my eyes slowly and blinked at the brightness of the room. The canopy of the bed was a red curtain. That was the extent of my vision until I started to sit up with a small groan. The room was a large suite that had been crowded with Alex and my own things. I could see the door to the bathroom wide open. From the look of it, it could house a football field. To the left of it was another door. I turned to the right when I heard a door open, watching Lucas step into the room. "Finally awake?"
    I hesitated, giving a small nod before looking down at Alex who still slept next to me. I sucked in my breath, staring for a minute before lifting my own hands and stared at them.
    My fingers now ended in sharp deadly claws instead of finger tips. My skin was a mix of red and black. Looking closer I noticed the black held the tribal markings that had made up my tattoos as a human. They covered the entirety of my body now. I wore shorts, silky and only covering the important part. My legs ended in more animal like feet, the toes clawed like my fingers. As I moved to stand I found myself standing on the balls of my feet, claws taping lightly on the tile floor. I glanced over my shoulders, glad at least one thing was still the same. My eyes slid to Alex again, noticing he had small horns had sprouted from his forehead, starting to curve up. He looked the same as me, reaching up I found we even had horns in common. "Finally got your wings." I said to him with a smile.
    Lucas cleared his throat, catching my attention. "How're you feeling?"
    "Fine." I said, watching Lucas. Movement caught my attention though. I turned my gaze past Lucas to the door and stared at the toddler peeking around the edge and sucking on his thumb. His eyes were a blue similar to Lucas', face framed by white blonde curls. He had an angelic look to him really. But a child in Hell?
    "Ah, I see you got away from your nursemaid again." Lucas said when he caught sight of the child. The boy started sucking on his thumb, staring up at Lucas with wide eyes. "Come here then." The boy hesitated before he started to wobble into the room.
    "I thought you didn't take us until we're older?"
    "I had no choice. Gregory's mother drown him a couple weeks ago."
    I went still and stared at Lucas. "What?" I finally hissed out, hands fisting which caused my newly acquired claws to dig into my palms.
    Lucas sighed out, watching Gregory grab his pants leg. "She was a fallen. Gregory was an abomination to her. She thought she could get rid of him by killing him. Didn't know he'd end up here instead." Gregory stared up at me, half hiding behind Lucas' leg.
    "Of course you didn't punish her for killing your child." I said as I crouched and held out my hands for him.
    "Why bother? She didn't kill him. Though she did send him here early and now I have to raise him. That is a little annoying."
    "What an outstanding creature you are." I shot him a glare before smiling when the boy shuffled toward me. He hesitated before reaching out and grabbing my hands. He stared a little longer before shuffling closer. He finally hugged me, letting out a small cooing sound. "How could she kill him?" I hissed out as I wrapped my arms around him and stood.
    "She's a Fallen. A crazed one. Not a shining moment on my part. But she was an angel. I wanted to test what our child would turn out like."
    "Yeah well, I hope she gets hit by a car." I muttered as he brushed at Gregory's curls, trying not to cut him with my claws. "I'll call you Greg. It's less to say." I said as I smiled at him. We all looked to the bed when a loud groan filled the room.
    "My head!" Alex whined out as he sat up. His mouth dropped open as he stared down at himself. He jumped up, stumbling as he got used to his new footing. "I...I have wings! Coooooool!' Alex started to jump around us as he cheered. He froze when his eyes landed on Greg who I still held in my arms. He'd started sucking his thumb when Alex started staring at him, it seemed to be a nervous habit. "What is that?" Alex asked with a frown.
    "Our love child. You birthed it, don't you remember?" I asked, trying not to smile as I watched Alex's face go through at least ten emotions.
    "What?" he asked with a frown as he stared at me. I couldn't hold it in after that and burst out laughing.
    Lucas shook his head, letting out a snort. "He's lying Alex. That's Gregory. Your little brother."
    "A toddler in Hell? Really?" Alex asked with a frown.
    "Long story." I told him as I tightened my arms around Greg. The look he gave me told me he knew that gesture. I planned on protecting the kid. He basically had become ours. Alex sighed out and frowned as he stepped closer.
    "He's ugly." he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked away with a pout.
    I chuckled a little, leaning in to kiss his cheek only to freeze when Lucas cleared his throat loudly. I hesitated before sighing out as I stepped back again. "I'll give you a tour of the castle. Don't leave though. Not until you come into your powers. If you want to go to the Middle world after you get your shells, then ask me and I'll take you until I can show you how to get there yourselves."
    We followed Lucas from the room, taking in everything he showed us so we wouldn't get lost. When finished, Alex and I found ourselves back in our room. Greg had snuggled into me, sucking his thumb as his eyes sagged.  I smiled as I carried him to the bed, laying him down so I could tuck him in. Greg let out a whine, trying to grab at me so I couldn't leave. I sat on the bed, hand stroking over his stomach to help him calm into sleep.
    "Will you stop that. It's weird." Alex said with a frown as he watched us.
    "It's not. It doesn't seem like anyone else really takes care of him." I frowned as I brushed at his curls, watching him finally drift into sleep.
    Alex sighed out, watching us before moving to sit on the other side of the bed. "Okay, he's cute. But if you start paying more attention to him then we'll have a problem."
    I laughed a little and gave a nod. "Okay, understood." I frowned as I watched Greg sleep. "What're we going to do with ourselves now?"
    "Actually, I was hoping you would know. You're the smart one." Alex said as he frowned at me.
    I hesitated and stood, starting to pace around the room. "Well. We could take some classes at the college. I'm sure Lucas would let us mooch off him until we get on our feet and can go out on our own."
    "I guess. But what do we take classes on? Never really had an interest in anything."
    "So take classes until you find something. I think I'll try some painting classes. Always wanted to learn." I said with a smile.
    Alex hesitated before he smiled as he moved over and snuggled into my side, arms slipping around me. "As long as you're there I don't care what we do."
    "You're getting sappy Alex." I said, smiling as I kissed the top of his head.
    "Shut up." he stilled and leaned back as he stared at me. "Wait a minute. Lucas told us that we wouldn't have emotion right? What bull! I still have them, see." he nuzzled into my side and grinned as he kissed my cheek.
    "Yeah, I guess he was wrong. Maybe that means he's capable of them too. We could always try and find him someone." I said with a grin.
    Alex let out a snort and shook his head. "Please, I doubt he is capable of emotion."
    "You say that and yet he's letting a toddler stay here and he kept our school alive. He's letting us live here."
    "All deals and contracts." Alex said with a nod.
    "I guess." I said with a small shrug. "We'll see." I stepped back, pulling Alex with me toward the chair near the fireplace. It was a large papasan chair with a black cushion. "I can't wait until we get our bodies back." I said as I leaned back on the chair, Alex snuggling into me as he settled on my lap.
    "What now? It's not like I can go hang out with friends. And why weren't they working on our shells while we were out?" he asked as he looked around the room.
    "I don't know Alec." I said with a small sigh.
    Alex let out a small sound, staring at the far wall as his claws picked a little at my shorts. He looked at me then, staring for a moment before he reached out and placed his hands on my cheeks. He smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. "I love you Alec." he whispered as he leaned into me a little more. "I know we're demons now, that we shouldn't even feel, but I do." he whispered as his forehead touched mine lightly, the slight tap of our horns touching.
    I blinked at him, stunned for a minute before a smile appeared as my hands pushed into his hair. I tugged his head back by his hair and groaned as I pressed my mouth to his. "I love you too Alex. Gods above do I love you." I breathed out when I pulled back, smiling at him. I'd pulled him so he straddled me. "I don't know what I'd do without you Alex." I brushed my hands over his neck before moving them to his hips.
    "We sound mortal." he said with a small laugh. "We shouldn't be saying these things you know."
    "Who cares. We've never been good at following rules anyway." I said as I hugged him against my chest.
    He laughed as he nuzzled into me, wings twitching a little behind him. "Too true. Way too true. Looks like we'll be together a really long time now Alec. Are you really okay with us?"
    "Alex, I've loved you since we were kids. You saying we'll be together a really long time sounds like a marriage to me. I'm totally happy with being shackled to you for the rest of our unnaturally long likes."
    "Good, because if you'd said otherwise I'd probably be pissed."
    "Nono. We're stuck together now Alex." he grinned a little at me before kissing me deeply to keep me from saying anything else.

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