Chapter 6

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Finally right?! >< So sorry it took so long. Life the better of me. *mutter* Annoying. Just...annoying. >< I've been working so much lately I'm ready to stab someone. ANYWAY! Here's the post. And I almost got the whole story line worked out. Should get this story wrapped up in another 5 or so chapters since it is only a short one on how they get together. Don't worry though. You will see plenty of the twins in the new story I'm working on. >< Haven't edited either. I had to do a lot of typing tonight to get this and the other posts out tonight. Maybe later. xD
Okay, so I struggled a bit with the pic I'd post this time. Should it be Ann Marie, Lucas or Ian. Not too many characters yet. I even thought of Michael. Then realized I didn't have a pic for him. XD
But anyway, back on track. I decided on Ann Marie first since I mentioned her more. So, I present Ann Marie! The twins mother. XD
 ♥ Alex ♥

    I frowned at Alec, shaking my head. "No, you haven't. Don't say that, they're cool." I reached out and smacked Alec's arm when he laughed a little.
    Misty had finally left the stairs, smiling as she flopped onto the blanket cocoon and started to poke at it to try and get Nate to come out. Alec smiled as he leaned toward the living room a little. "I didn't know you liked frogs Misty." he said, laughing a little when she hissed out and shoved the shirt she wore down. She sent a glare at Alec before yelping out when Nate jumped up.
    "Shut up. Don't talk to her like that." Nate growled out. Alec only let out a snort and shook his head a little. "I mean it Alec. Misty isn't one of your bimbos." he snapped out.
    I frowned a little and stepped between them. "Nate, he was only teasing." I said as I held up my hands to keep him from getting any closer to Alec. The one person in the room who'd kill Nate if he laid hands on him.
    Misty had finally jumped up, frowning at Nate as she grabbed his arm. "Nate, chill out. He was just teasing, like Alex said. What's wrong? You totally overreacted."
    Nate shifted a little, hesitating before he looked away. "Sorry," he muttered as he shifted again. "I think it's the hangover.' he muttered, pulling the blanket back on with a flush.
    I giggled a little and reached out to give his shoulder a small shove. "I haven't seen you naked since we were kids."
    "Shut up Alex." he growled out, shoving me away before he stomped toward the stairs so he could find something to wear.
    "You two wait here. I'm going up to shower and then we're going to breakfast." Misty said with a smile as she moved to go up the stairs after Nate.
    "Well, we're going to be waiting a while." I said, frowning as I moved to take a seat on the couch. I looked over when the couch shifted, frowning at Alec who'd taken the spot next to me. He practically sat on my lap and had his arms draped over the back of the couch. "You think they're sharing the shower?"
    "Don't care."
    "Okay, why're you being a dick now? What did I do?"
    "Nothing." Alec muttered, frowning as he looked away from me.
    "You're lying. I can smell it, remember."
    "I just don't want to be here Alex. I don't really hang out with your friends, remember?" I frowned at him, reaching out to grab his hair and gave a hard yank. "Ow! The hell Alex?" he snapped out as he shoved my hand away.
    "You need to get used to hanging out with them. They're my friends.  I know you're used to playing lone wolf, but it's not just you trying to avoid people anymore. It's both of us now."
    "There's a reason I avoid people Alex. The same reason you should. They could find out about what we are. We can't act normal forever. When we graduate at the end of this year our humanity is over. It'd have been better if we didn't leave a trail behind."
    "So you're saying I shouldn't have made friends. That I should've stayed invisible?"
    "Yes. We were never normal Alex. We've just been lucky that nothing big has ever happened. You heard Lucas' warning about people finding out. I know you did. Do you want your friends dead because you didn't want to be alone?"
    "No, but it's not going to happen. I don't have to worry about going...psycho in public. They'll be fine and at the end of the year we'll disappear like nothing happened. Like we never existed." I looked away from Alec, not wanting him to see the hurt. Sometimes I didn't like being what I was. It was a lonely, hated existence. Demons were always the bad guys. God forbid if they ever tried to change who or what they were. But it was the simple facts of life. When Alec and I died, our humanity would die with our bodies. It was the hard facts.
    Lucas tried to tell us different, but it was hard to trust someone who'd never been human or felt humanity for themselves. He'd never felt the emotions of real life; love, joy, happiness. All were foreign words to him. It was this thought that had me worried. When we lost our humanity, did we lose those feelings as well? Would I no longer care for Alec? Would he no longer care for me either?
    I turned my eyes toward Alec, watching him as he stared toward the window with a small frown. I couldn't even begin to understand not feeling toward Alec. It'd be like having a hole appear in my body. A missing piece. Would I still have the memory of loving him, but not the feel of it? "Why're you staring at me?" Alec finally asked as he turned his eyes on me.
    "Huh? I was staring?" I asked, smiling at him as I put on an innocent look and tried to shove the thoughts to the back of my mind.
    "Like I'm really going to believe that with a look like that." he gave a roll of his eyes before smirking at me. My eyes widened, turning to try and get out of reach. I was too slow. He chuckled as he dragged me back, trapping me against him as he started to tickle me.
    "N-No!"I cried out, laughing as I started to shove at him, kicking out with my legs as I tried to get away. "A-Alec stop!" I yelled out, though there was laughter in my voice. "Help!" I cried, shoving my hands into Alec's face.
    We both froze when a battle cry filled the room. I stared a little wide eyed when Nate threw himself at Alec, only to get shoved to the ground with a grunt. Alec let out a snort as he sat back, shaking his head as he dragged me into his lap. "You should've tried a sneak attack." Alec said with a small smirk.    
    I glared a little at Alec, shoving my elbow into his side. I smiled in satisfaction when he let out a small hiss and glared at me. "Are you okay Nate?" I asked as I looked at him, watching him stand. He didn't look all to happy.
    "Yeah, I'm fine. I think." he muttered as he brushed at his clothes.
    "Should've known better Nate." Misty said as she stepped into the room and frowned at him. "I warned you." she crossed her arms over her chest. "Did you cause permanent damage?"
    "No, Mother. I'm fine. No blood, see?" he said, smiling as he turned in a slow circle for her to see.
    "Shame." she said as she gave him a small push. "Are you two ready? I want breakfast before it's too late."
    "I should be the one asking if you two are ready." I said as I tried to wiggle out of Alec's lap. When he didn't let me go right away I shoved my elbow into his stomach. I slid from his lap to the ground and rolled away from him. "Let's go. We split before we ate." I said as I jumped to my feet out of reach of Alec.
    Alec let out a snort as he stood. "That's because you rushed us out of there. I'm sure mom thinks something is up now." he muttered as he moved toward the front door. He didn't even wait for us, just went on out to his car and climbed into the driver side. His car purred to life a minute later.
    Nate frowned as he stared toward the car. "He's waiting right?" he asked as he pulled on his shoes.
    "Pretty sure." I said as I stepped out to wait for them. Misty led the way out, Nate following so he could lock the door. "Shotgun!" I yelled out, smiling as I ran to the car. I grunted when I slammed into the door after it didn't open. Glaring into the car through the window, I found Alec laughing, his hand still on the lock button. It was a little odd seeing Alec like this. Joking around had never really been his thing. I wasn't complaining though. It was nice seeing him relax and have fun. Maybe it was because he didn't have to watch himself around me anymore.
    Nate was chuckling a little as he stepped up and opened the back door for Misty. "Smooth move." he said to me before he was moving around to the others side. I smiled when my door opened and raised a brow when Nate couldn't open his. "Hey! Come on Alec, I didn't even do anything to you!"
    "Hah! Suck it Nate." I said, grinning as I climbed in, Alec still grinning.
    "Okay guys, Stop screwing around. I'm hungry." Misty hissed out, frowning at Nate who'd started to struggle with the door like he could forced it open. "Idiot." she muttered, shaking her head. "Why did you have to be gay Alex? You're not as bad a spaz as Nate. I could see us getting married."
    I laughed when Alec actually let out a low growl. I grabbed his hand to quiet him. Leaning over I pressed the unlock button. "Sorry Misty. You only like me cause I'm gay anyway. And I know you like Nate. Have for what, two years now right?"
    "Shhh!" she hissed out before putting on a smile for Nate as he slid into the car.
    "What'd I miss?" he asked, almost pouting as he looked at Alec's glare in the mirror, my grin and Misty's fake smile which looked more nervous and embarrassed.
    "Nothing. Alec, drive. I want food."
    Alec looked like he was going to say something about Misty bossing him around. My squeeze to his hand stopped him though. He let out a sigh as he started to pull away from the curb. "IHop, Denny's or Sherri's?" he asked.
    "IHOPS!" Nate yelled out.
    "Can't. We got banned remember? I don't think they like the pancake fight we tried to start." I said with a small sigh.
    "Denki's then?" Nate said with a sigh. "I guess. I mean their food is okay."
    "Uh, can't go there either." Misty said with a frown. "Remember three months ago when you and Alex decided a 2 o'clock run to Denny's was in order? Drunk. You're lucky you idiots ran before the cops got there."
    "Yeah, we can't show our faces there Nate. They'll call the popo on us." I said as I tried to hold in my laughter. It had been a good night.
    "Sheeri's hooo then." Nate said as he threw his hands up. We all laughed when he hit the car roof. Even Alec let out a small snort of laughter.
    "You guys are children. It's a wonder mom hasn't had to get you out of jail yet Alex." Alec said with a small shake of his head. "The only thing she knows about is the Driver's Ed thing."
    "I take great pains to hide the demon side from her." I grinned at the look Alec shot me, but it had Nate and Misty laughing a little.
    "Are there any places you dipshits AREN'T banned from?"
    "About 10 percent of the stores in the city." Nate said with a grin.
    "And that 10 percent are the ones we'd rather die than go into." I added.
    "Like Abacumbie and Filth."
    "Forever 21." Misty added with a small shrug.
    "Gods Misty, please don't tell me you've been part of their stupidity." Alec said with a  small sigh, raising a brow at me when I shot him a glare.
    "Oh! No. I just had to add something since they were naming store's they wouldn't be caught dead in. Victoria's Secret." she said with a smile.    
    "Wait, you don't like VS?" Nate asked, almost seeming to have a whine to his voice.
    "No. Doesn't mean I don't like nice lingerie though." she said with a smile.
    "Thank god." Nate said as he pressed his hand to his chest. He hissed out when Misty punched his arm.
    "Hey. Play nice or I'll pull the car over and smack both of you." Alec said with a small smile.
    I smiled at him. It was nice to see Alec relaxing and coming out of his shell. I wasn't sure if it would last though. Alec was the silent type. I think he liked being that way too. "Okay Daddy, we'll play nice." I said with a small grin, catching him rolling his eyes. He pulled into the Sherri's parking lot a minute later, taking a spot up front since it wasn't too busy now. We all piled out of the car and inside where we were shown to a booth. After ordering our drinks Alec turned to glare at me and Nate.
    "If you get us kicked out, I'll kick your ass," he said as he pointed to Nate. "And I'll paddle yours." he said as he pointed to me.
    I blushed and shifted a little as I looked down at my menu. "Oooh, kinky. I didn't know you were into that stuff Alec." Mist said with a small grin.
    "Misty, you're drooling on your menu." Nate said with a small frown. "Faghag." he muttered as he glared at his menu.
    "Shut up. I'm not drooling." she said as she nudged him.
    Alec raised a brow before looking at me. "Don't ask." I muttered as I stared at my menu with a small frown.
    "So, will I get a picture? You know, of you two kissing?" Mist said with a small grin.
    I paused and blinked at Alec. "What?"
    "I said sure. There's nothing wrong with it right?" Alec said with a smile. "We'll get you one when we get home."
    Nate groaned a little and scrubbed his hands over his face. Misty grinned and started to rub her hands together. "Um, can I take your order now or do you want more time?" We all paused and stared at the waitress. I realized she'd had to have been standing there for long enough to hear everything we'd said.

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