Chapter 8

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Ganna love this. Okay so want guess at who the pic is? ^^
So I told you guys this whole story started from a roleplay I had going with a good friend right? Well she totally fell in love with my character. She'd get on everyday saying "Gimme him!" It was kinda awesome. Yeah, he starts out a dick. But what demon doesn't right? Even after everything he still has his dick moments.
But I still love Lucas. XD So yeah, that's Lucas. I was ganna wait to show his pic, but I think now is as good as ever. Next chapter will be another new character....but I can't give away the adorableness ahead of time.
Edited much!
♥ Alex ♥

    I sighed as I shuffled into our joint bathroom. Staring at the shower for a good minute I let out another sigh. "Why me!" I cried out suddenly, dropping to my knees on the shower mat.
    "Alex! Shut up and shower!" I muttered and stood, pouting as I stared at Alec's door. He'd already been in here which meant the hot water was gone. Still grumbling about brothers and having to share a bathroom, I started the shower and stripped down. Five minutes later I was diving for my room with a cry.
    "Cold!" I yelled out as I slammed the door. I heard Alec's door open as he went to shut of the shower and finish getting ready.
    "Drama Queen." I heard Alec mumble. We were both racing for the door by eight, late for school since I'd taken my time getting ready. Misty and Nate were waiting for us out front. Though we only got to say hello before the bell rang and we had to trudge off to class.
    I ran into the lunch room, grinning a little as I plowed toward my table. A large body suddenly appeared though, large hands grabbed my shoulders to steady me. I looked up, intending to apologize only to pause when I realized it was Michael. A slow smirk started across my face.
    "You promised until next weekend." he whispered to me as he stepped back and pulled his hands away.
    "Act like a decent person and I'll stick to that promise." I whispered back before raising my voice enough for Michael's friends to hear. "Great party." I said as I patted his shoulder and started to step around him.
    "Fag." one of his friends hissed out with a cough.
    I paused and frowned at the other. "Real mature, Junior."
    "Don't talk to me. Don't want to catch fag." he growled back as he stepped toward me. He stumbled back again though, looking surprised for a minute before glaring past me. Alec had reached around me to shove him back. "How pathetic. Your brother always has to save your worthless ass."
    Alec's hands fisted as he stepped around me. "Shut up before you eat fist." he growled out as he stepped into the others face. I started to reach out to try and pull Alec away, but I was too slow. Fists flew and I was jerked out of harm's way. I looked up at Michael as he set me aside before diving into the fight to hopefully try and break it up.
    I frowned as I stepped back toward the growing fight, Nate and Misty stopping me. "We have to stop them now. Alec's wings." I hissed to them, getting worried looks.
    "There's nothing we can do Alex." Nate said as he frowned at the fight. Alec had the other pinned to the table. "Everyone else is already trying."
    I chewed lightly on my bottom lip as I watched, already feeling something bad welling up. Gods no, I thought as I watched. It happened a second later. Tearing fabric, silence and then chaos. I shoved toward Alec as he jerked away from the one he'd attacked, wings flaring out in all their red and black leather glory. I wasn't worried about anyone else but him. I reached Alec at the same time the world around us froze. We stood stunned, taking in the image of people caught in mid run, scream and shock.
    Lucas stepped out from behind the lunch lady, glaring as he strolled toward us. He was dressed in his usually rat pack suit with a red tie and white shirt. His red Italian leather shoes tapped on the linoleum as he weaved his way toward us. "What did I tell you?" he said as he reached us, a glare still in place.
    "You'd kill anyone who found out about what we are." Alec said as he stared Lucas down.
    "Exactly." he pushed his hands into his pockets and turned in a slow circle. "Yes. It can be done."
    "What!" I frowned and stepped closer to him. "You can't kill off a whole school."
    "Not true. It happens all the time. Crazed students with guns or terrorists attacking with bombs. Pyromaniacs setting them on fire. Believe me, there are plenty of ways to play off a mass death. Cult idiocy."
    "Don't kill them. They did nothing wrong." I snapped out when I reached him. "There are other ways. I know there are. So use one of them and don't kill them damnit."
    Lucas stood staring at me, a frown appearing. "You're soft. You won't survive long if you keep acting like that." he sighed and shook his head. "Fine I'll let them live. In exchange for your early deaths."
    I stared at him for a minute, turning to stare at Alec who stood glaring at Lucas still. My gaze slipped past him to Nate and Misty's frozen forms. "Fine." I said, looking back at Alec who gave a nod.
    "Good. Tonight then." he raised his hand and snapped his finger. The world around us started to move...backward. It was a minute before I realized what was happening. He was taking us back before the fight. Before I entered the cafeteria. "This time, avoid this Michael kid." Lucas said before he motioned for Alec wearing a new shirt to sit at the table with Misty and Nate. It wasn't until Alec was sitting that Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the door with him. "You mess up this time and I kill the school." he warned before disappearing. Seconds later the drone of the cafeteria coming to life startled me into peeking through the doors. I watched as people ate their lunch and socialized like nothing had happened.
    When I entered the cafeteria this time I made a wide arch around Michael's table and slid into the bench next to Alec who exchanged a confused look with me. "There you are!" Misty said with a smile.
    "Uh, yeah. Got held after for talking back to the teacher or something."
    "Of course. Anyway, we're going to the new movie tonight. Want to come?"
    "Can't. Family thing tonight." I sighed like I didn't want to go.
    "Then ditch!"
    "Can't." Alec said as he fought with his chocolate milk container to get it open.
    I smiled as I watched him, waiting for a minute before I took the milk and peeled it open. Alec stared for a minute before muttering as he looked away. "Yeah, we really can't get out of it. Our dad is coming over to pick us up."
    Everyone at the table froze and stared at me. Yes, including Alec. I gave Alec a 'what?' look. "Seriously?" Misty whispered out with a frown.
    "Yeah. He wants to take us into the city for dinner."
    "Weird." Nate muttered out.
    "He's been around a lot lately. Maybe because you two are almost grown. I know some people don't take an interest in their kids until they're adults."
    "Lame." I blinked at Nate and Alec who'd said it at the same time. Nate laughed a little, Alec just took a sip of his milk and looked away.
    "Yeah, so we can't go tonight." I said with a small drop of my shoulders.
    "Okay. So much for my double date idea." she said with a small pout.
    "Sorry Misty." I said with a titled smile. The rest of lunch was uneventful. Though I kept expecting something to happen. Any indication of Alec exposing us, but it never came. It hadn't happened after all. Not this time around. Alec and I said goodbye to Nate and Misty in front of the school after the final bell. I think they realized something was going on because I hugged them both a little tighter than a normal good-bye-see-you-later hug. I was about to lose my two closet friends and they wouldn't even remember me tomorrow. "Bye guys." I whispered as we walked away.
    I looked up at Alec when his hand slipped into mine. "It'll be okay Alex." he said as he opened the passenger door for me.
    I smiled at him and gave a small nod as I slid into the car. Alec climbed in after me and pulled out of the spot. "We should enjoy our last hours as humans." I said, smiling as I slipped my hand over Alec's thigh.

    Lucas came to pick us up at six. Mom was a little surprised, but let him take us. "You better have them back by ten Lucas." she hissed out as she glared at him.
    "Of course Ann Marie." he said, flashing her a smile as he steered us toward his expensive car.
    "So, how are we going to die?" Alec asked when we'd piled into the car.
    "Haven't figured that out yet." Lucas said as he pulled away from the curb.
    "Seriously?" I asked with a frown. "Wow. Okay then, what's going to happen after?"
    "Your school won't remember you. It's better that you didn't exist to them. Ann Marie will forget she had you. I already have someone cleaning your stuff out of the house. No pictures either."
    "I want the pictures." I said as I leaned toward the front seat.
    "Yeah, I figured. I'll have them left in your rooms."
    "We're sharing a room." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.
    Lucas let out a sigh and muttered a little. "Fine. But if you two insist on this couples thing, you do it in private. I don't want to see it. Understood?"
    "Understood" I smiled and sat back before frowning again. "Wait, where are we staying?"
    "After you die you can travel between the Middle world and the Underworld. I have a home down there. There's others like you. When you get your shell you can keep that form or your demon one. Here in the Middle world you'll have to wear it to be seen anyway."
    "Okay. How long does it take to get a shell?"
    "Twelve hours. Because you're my children you have one. Lower level demons can't. They have to resort to possession."
    "Really? And  others like us?"
    "Yes and yes. It took you that long to ask that?" he said, frowning before he gave a shake of his head. "You're not my only children. And you're not the youngest."
    "I see." I frowned a little at him. "And I thought we were special." I rolled my eyes.
    "You are. At least as my children. Your mother was a descendant of a Fallen."
    "Wha! We're part angel?"
    "Yes. All my children are half angel, half demon. Some have more angel though. Your mother doesn't have a lot in her. Her great grandmother was an angel. Gregory's mother was an angel so he has too much angel in him for my liking."
    "Gregory?" I asked with a frown.
    "Your younger brother. You'll meet him in a couple hours. Demetrious is the oldest. Try to stay away from him. He's not the best person to be around. Next is Lily."
    "Only three? I'm a little surprised."
    "I only warned you about the ones living with me at the moment."
    "Oh." I looked at Alec who shrugged.
    "How many kids do you have anyway?"
    "About a dozen. Possibly. I only check in after they're close to becoming adults."
    "Great parenting skills." I muttered as I looked out the window with a small snort.
    "We're here." Lucas had stopped the car. In the middle of a street.
    "Umm...What?" I frowned as I watched him climb from the car, locking the doors behind him and having the locks disappear. The dinging of a train warning started a second later. I sat stunned for a minute as I realized where exactly he'd parked. I threw myself at the door, frowning as I struggled with the handle. "Are you serious?" I yelled out at Lucas as he stepped away from the car and tracks. "I don't want to die like this! I thought you were going to poison us or something. Open the damn door. I refuse to die trapped in a car like a dumbshit who couldn't get the damn door open." I was still yelling as the light from the train appeared and sped toward us. "I'll kill you when I come back you jackass!" I yelled out as I beat on the glass.
    Alec sighed out, shaking his head as he leaned back like a train wasn't speeding toward us. "Alex, stop that." he said with a small frown.
    "You can't tell me you're okay with going like this." I froze when I saw the train, turning away quickly before I could watch it hit us. I can't believe I was going like this.
    I didn't notice when it hit. Not until sound assaulted me and then pain. There was so much of it. The world darkened around me as my eyes closed. Were we even sure we were going to wake up? I mean, who knew for sure. Maybe Lucas had been lying and we were dead for good now. Little late to worry about it honestly.

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