Chapter 4

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Dahah! I did it. You see that. I actually wrote a chapter in a timely fashion. Pfft! if this lasts then it means a higher power is getting involved. So, picture of Nate >>>
I'm thinking next chapter will either be Ann Marie (Their mother) or Misty. *ponder much*
Also, I figured out what I'm going to do with the main story. Alec and Alex are pretty much a constant througout. Yay! Oh how I love them. XD It could only be because they're incestuous twins.
Okay, so I finished typing this up at 6ish in the morning after waking up at 6.40 and staying awake all day....and night. XDDD Who needs sleep right? I'm only twitching. Edited!

♥ Alex ♥

    I watched Alec's appearance from the living room window. I'd tucked myself away behind the curtain and peeked out the corner. I couldn't hear anything as Alec and Nate spoke, but Alec was leaving just as fast as he'd come looking for me."You know he's like super pissed." I let out a small scream and jumped. As I turned toward Nate my foot caught on the curtain and I hit the ground with a small grunt.
    "Geezus Nate!" I snapped at him as he started to laugh.
    "Seriously though Alex, you need to talk to him. I don't think he was disgusted. In fact he looked a little worried under that death glare. Maybe he likes you too." he managed to get out when he'd caught his breath again.
    "Shut up. Go away." I muttered as I crawled back to the couch with a sigh. "Did Misty say when she was getting here?"
    "When her sister decides to drive her."
    "I need to get friends who can drive."
    "Hey! Because I was in the car when you screwed up, I didn't get to take my test. It's all your damn fault."
    "I'm not at fault for the raccoon!"
    "There was no raccoon! I was in the back seat Alex. What bad drugs were you on?"
    "But...It was screaming 'Let me out! I'm ganna be sick!' and grabbed the steering wheel." We both fell silent for a second before bursting into laughter. That was how Misty found us ten minutes later. On the ground laughing hysterically. Every time we'd tried to stop we'd start again just from looking at each other.
    "You two are thinking about the day you screwed up drivers Ed for everyone, aren't you." she said as she dropped onto the couch.
    "Y-y-yes." I managed to get out before letting out a grunt when she smacked me with a couch pillow.
    "I still hate you two for that stunt. And you're lucky I didn't break something." she crossed her arms over her chest and looked away from us.
    "Aww, don't hate me Misty." Nate whined out as he crawled over and hugged her leg with a smile. "It was Alex's idea. He threatened me if I didn't go along."
    "Right. Why'd you two leave early anyway?"
    "You missed the twins frenching." Nate said with a grin. Misty's eyes went wide, mouth dropping open as she stared at Nate and then me.
    "It wasn't a frencher!" I cried out, hissing out when a pillow smacked my face.
    "That's not the point! You were supposed to let me see. You said I could get a picture. Nate! Stop humping my leg!"
    "It's not humping. I was just hugging."
    "I've surrounded myself with freaky perverts." she hissed out as she started to push at Nate. "Don't make me get the squirt bottle again!" Nate actually let out a whine and cringed away from her a little.
    "You're one to talk Misty." I muttered out, snickering when I smacked the pillow away this time.
    "Are we going to watch a movie? Or do I have to listen to both of you bitch like girls?" Nate asked as he stood.
    "Put one in then. I'll get the popcorn." I said, grinning as I jumped up and rushed toward the kitchen. I had to thank Nate later for the 'subtle' subject change.
    Monday was always our movie night. A way to try and turn a Monday into something to look forward to. This Monday was horror night and Nate's pick so it was sure to be a pants wetting movie. He had a knack for picking good ones. Ones scary enough to make a demon cringe. It wasn't more than a couple minutes into the movie when all three of us were screaming like little girls. Even Nate the Horror King. And when his parents came home I think my heart stopped. I won't tell you why I had to change either.
    Misty left around nine, demanding details tomorrow at school and I was such a coward I begged both mine and Nate's parents to let me spend the night. I wasn't ready to face Alec yet. I was too scared about what he was going to say. Or even possibly do. Slinking away with my tail tucked seemed the best option for now.
    The next day at school I even managed to avoid him though I had to hide in a open classroom with Misty and Nate. Without Alec around I'd probably get my ass kicked for opening my mouth so it was better to lay low. It was like this the rest of the week. Talk parents into letting me stay at Nate's. Check. Avoid Alec at school. Check. And hide at lunch. Double check. I was so revved for the party by Friday I was pulling out my hair. I'd never gone this long without causing trouble and it seemed to be building up inside me. Saturday started late for Nate and I. We slept until noon and then played video games until we had to get ready for the party. And then Nate reminded me of something that made me cringe.
    "You know, Alec's going to be there. What're you going to do?"
    "SHIZ!" I yelled out, throwing my shoe back down. "Ugh! I can't believe I didn't even realize that." I threw myself on the ground like I'd been shoved and glared up at the ceiling. "Well, maybe since we'll both be drunk, and he's going to find a new toy, we can avoid each other."
    "Eh, Michael's house is big enough. But Alex," he whined out. "I don't want to spend the whole party avoiding your scary ass brother. I want to have fun."
    "You're right. Forget it, we probably won't even see him." Of course, with my luck that wasn't the case. I bumped into him, quite literally, the minute I got through the door. We stood staring at each other.
    "Get me a drink Nate." Misty said as she dragged Nate off. Bitch. How could she leave me alone now? Actually, I doubted she was far. She'd want to watch every second of this.
    "Alex." I shifted a little, looking back at Alec when he said my name.
    "Later." I said and darted off before he could stop me. I thought I'd heard him call my name, but the music and crowd drown it out.
    "You chickenshiz coward!" Misty snapped out when she and Nate found me in the kitchen five minutes later. I was already downing my fifth shot of Tequila by then. "Why did you run away?....Again?" she hissed out, frowning when I downed another shot. "How many is that?"
    "Six." I muttered as I poured another
    "Okay, stop." she said as she snatched away the bottle and shot glass. "The fact that you're still standing amazes me."
    "They haven't kicked in probably." Nate said as he sipped at the shot in Misty's hand. She glared at him and poured it out on the table, handing the bottle to a passing guy and his buddies.
    "I know you two come to these parties top get drunk,"
    "So do you." Nate added as he popped open a beer can and took a swig.
    "But this time you should be trying to make up with Alec," she continued as she glared at Nate.
    "Nag." he said, smiling as he offered his beer. "Leave them be Misty. They'll work it out. Twins can't hate each other. Biologically impossibly."
    "That doesn't make any sense at all Nate."
    "Right, I'll catch you two later." I said, grinning as I rushed out the back door. I'd seen Michael slip out a second ago and figured he was joining his buddies for a smoke. What can I say? I've been bottling up my mischief all week. I needed an outlet and Michael was always a favorite choice. I stepped out onto his back porch, my world finally taking a dive as the shots caught up to me. I was surprised I didn't face plant on the damn wood and was grateful for the railing.
    When I'd finally gotten my world semi under control I found that there wasn't anyone outside. I could see a light on in the shed across the yard though and was starting down the steps, slowly making my way toward it, when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I saw Michael's back as he ducked around the side of his house. A smile formed as I skipped(stumbled) my way over to peek and see what he was up to. Michael sat on a riding mower, sipping at his beer as he started up at the sky. "I didn't peg you as a stargazer." I said, smiling as I stepped up behind the mower and leaned in a little.
    Michael froze mid-sip, sitting for a minute before he was turning his head a little with his can to look at me. He sat facing the fence to the left of the mower, leaning back against the side of the house. "Shit." he hissed into his can before taking a big swig of it.
    "What'cha doin' out here?" I purred(slurred) out, smiling at him as I moved around to the side of the mower so I stood facing him.
    "I was trying to get away from people. Lot of good that did me." he said as he tossed his empty can toward the backyard.
    "Because I don't like parties. This was all Jessica's doing."
    "Wow. I'm...shocked."
    "Why're you talking to me?" he asked, frowning as he stared at me.
    "Because I like teasing you? And words are just that. Words. If you let them hurt you than it's you who's giving them power. I don't let what people say effect me."
    "I see," he looked away, shifting a little on the seat. "Alright, look I'm sorry for everything I said. But you really do piss me off. I'm not gay."
    "Did me just saying I like teasing you not penetrate that think football skull of yours?" I asked as I jabbed at his temple with my finger. I smiled and slipped my arms around his neck, shifting so I could press between his legs with a small purr. "How about we test you?"
    He leaned back a little, hands going to my waist to push at me. "No, thank you."
    "Come on, just one kiss and I'll leave you alone for the rest of...the week."
    "That's like a day."
    "Next weekend then. Come on, you could be bi."
    "No, now let go before I have to kick your ass."  
    "Oh, resorting to violence to establish that you're still a man and hide the fact that you want to actually kiss me. Assert dominance."
    "What? Creepy. Seriously though, let go."
    "One kiss first." I smiled and leaned in, fingers threading into his hair and grabbing to keep him from leaning back any further. "One little peck behind your house where no one can see you isn't going to castrate your manhood Michael."
    He sat glaring for a minute before a sigh left him and he seemed to relax a little. His breath reeked of the beer he'd downed. "You smell like you crawled into a Tequila bottle and died."
    "Thanks. I always say that's what parties are good for." I pushed forward before he could say anything else and pressed my lips to his. He stiffened at first before he started to relax, lips starting to move against mine. My lips parted, tongue brushing over his bottom lip. When his mouth opened our tongues met. The taste of beer met my tongue. I started to press into him, arms tightening around his neck. I whined out when he tried to pull away, frowning as I looked up at him. "Wha.." I started, only to pause and follow his gaze toward the backyard.
    Alec stood glaring at us, arms crossed over his chest. I raised a brow when Michael jerked his hands away from me like I was on fire and held them up in a surrender fashion. "Shit." he breathed out as Alec's look turned murderous and he started toward us.
    "Hey man, it was all his idea. Didn't exactly have a choice in the matter." he said as he leaned away from Alec.
    I frowned up at him, opening my mouth to say something only to let out a small sound of surprise when Alec grabbed my arm and jerked me against himself. "Keep your hands off him." Alec growled out at Michael before he started to drag me away.
    "Bye, Michael. Cool party." I said, smiling as we moved past him toward the gate. I lifted my hand in a small wave, getting one in return from Michael before frowning up at Alec. "Where're we going?"
    "Home." he snapped out as he jerked open the gate and dragged me toward his car. When he yanked open the passenger door he turned toward me. "In."
    My brow lifted as I stared up at him, a frown forming as I tried to cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not your damn dog to boss around like that."
    "Please get in Alexei." he ground out as he frowned at me.
    I stood stunned for a minute before climbing into the car. He was usually serious when he used my full name. I didn't feel like testing his waters when he said it and he knew it worked. Alec slammed the door and moved around to the driver side.

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