Chapter 3

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Another short chapter. Only because I didn't want to do too much with this chapter and then have to back track for the next one. I also forgot to add Alec's picture in the last chapter. XD Occupational hazard of never uploading pictures with a story. I'll have to remind myself. I'll have Nate's picture up next chapter.
And this has been edited! *gasp*
So, once again, I present ALEC! >>>>
★ Alec ★
                    Alex's lips were soft against mine. There was a sweet taste to him, one that made me want to pin him under me like I had that morning. Gods above how I wanted him so bad. If he hadn't snapped me out of it that morning I probably would've done what I was doing now.
                    I managed to get some control back when Alec jerked back from me. Frowning a little, I started to reach out for him, opening my mouth to automatically voice my apology. I couldn't believe I'd just done that to him. I'd sworn to myself I'd never touch him.
                    "Alex!" I yelled out when he bolted. A growl left me as I rubbed the back of my neck. The burn of my change had subsided when I'd kissed Alex. I'd given in to the one thing I'd told myself I'd never do. It was all because of Michael. Seeing him so close to hitting Alex. My hands fisted as another growl left me. I'd not let anyone lay a hand on him since we were five when kid had hit him for stealing his truck. Said kid hobbled away from school black and blue with a broken arm. Alex and I had been transferred to another kindergarten because I'd been expelled.
                    It was when we were twelve that I'd started to develop my feelings for Alex beyond that of being my younger twin. He'd come into my room one night during a thunder storm crying. I'd wrapped him up in the blankets with me and held him close all night. By morning all I wanted was to keep him in my arms forever. And then I'd realized how wrong it was. Alex was my brother. So I'd turned my frustrations of knowing I couldn't have him to everyone else. On anyone who'd accept me into their bed. Anything to keep my hands off him. And it'd worked until today. My hand scrubbed at my face, trying to calm myself before the bell rang. I'd have to talk to him when we got home. Our parents would be at work still. We could talk to our hearts content.
                    I didn't see Alex the rest of the day, nor was he at the car for his ride home. When I asked Misty if she'd seen him she stared at me like I'd grown a second head.  "It does speak." she'd whispered as she stared up at me. I narrowed my eyes at her, causing her to take a step back. "Uh, he and Nate disappeared after fifth period. Nate said Alex wasn't feeling well so I think they ditched."    
                    "I see." I muttered, turning and stalking back to my car with a small sigh. I sat glaring out the front window for a minute before starting the car and speeding out of the lot. The coward had left school to avoid me. I was worked up when I reached the house and found it empty with no sign of Alex's bag at the door or in his room. I stood in the entry way for a minute. A growl left me as I tossed my bag at the closet door and stalked back out the door.
                    I broke the speed limit the whole way to Nate's house, jogging to the door. It opened as I reached the porch, Nate standing there with a frown. "He's not here. He told me he was going home like two hours ago.   
                    I stood glaring at Nate until he started to fidget. "You're lying." I hissed out at him. I could smell it coming off him. The lie was so ...readable it wasn't funny. It only made me all the more angry that Alex was using Nate to avoid me. He couldn't just face me? Was it really that bad. Did he hate me that much now? "Tell him I need to talk to him." I didn't even wait for him to say anything. Instead I turned and strode back to my car. I blared the music on the drive back to the house, trying hard not to let my anger explode before I was safely hidden in the house. My knuckles were white by the time I pulled up in front of the house.   
                    I went to climb out, growling out as I struggled with the seatbelt that'd tangled around my arm. Slamming the car door I strode to the house. I barely made it inside before the tattoo burning become too much for me. When I was safely locked in my room I yanked my shirt off, glaring at the tattooing in the mirror. It covered the whole of my torso and back. It seemed to glow red in the areas that'd burned the most. The black of the 'ink' stood out against my pale skin. It was the symbol of what we were. Most demons learned to hide them early. But because Alex and I were still young and had yet to die we still had our human emotions. It was harder for us to suppress the urge to change or to hold back our change. I started to pace my room, turning away from the mirror. It was hard to calm myself without Alex there as a calming agent.
                  All I could think of was talking to Alex. I needed to see him. I didn't want it like this between us. He probably hated me. Dropping onto my bed I scrubbed at my face with my hands. Alex meant the world to me. I never thought for one second we wouldn't always be together. Having him next to me always helped to keep me calm. He was my anchor.

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