Chapter 7

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Wow it's been a while right? Yeah I know. Sorry life just really handed me a "F*** you" card and laughed as it walked away from me. Ugh. Yeah, rather not talk about it because it makes me a little nervous.
Anyway, I finally just thought "You know, this story isn't that long, I'll just finish it". So, that's what I did. I finished Mortal Words. Though this is only chap 7, I'm not sure if I'll post the other 3 chaps by tonight or over the course of the week....donno. Maybe tonight if I get them typed up. To sorta make up for not posting and all.

Also, a picture of Ian since I did Ann Marie last time. After this will be two more characters. And then the end. XD Don't have another pic for the last chap though, but I'll post a pic I found that reminded me of the twins.

★ Alec ★

     The waitress took our orders and left with a small frown. "Wonder what she heard." I muttered as I stared after her.
    "I think everything." Nate said with a small chuckle as he pulled over the creamer containers and got to work at stacking them.
    Alex laughed a little nervously. "Doesn't matter what she heard. It's not like anything is going to happen."
    Misty dropped her shoulders a little, smirking as she nudged the table and sent Nate's tower tumbling. "Hey!" he yelled out, frowning at her. "It took forever to balance them like that." he growled as he gathered up the containers again.
    "It was only a tower Nate. You can make it again." Misty said as she rolled her eyes a little. "I'll even help you. I'm a master tower maker."
    "Actually, Alec is a master." Alex said as he jumped up, gathering two bowls of containers from the other tables around us before hurrying back. "Here, show them your fort work Alec."
    I raised a brow at Alex before letting out a small laugh. "Alex, I only did that to keep you entertained." I nudged the bowls toward Nate, going still when I saw all three of them giving me pleading looks. "No." I frowned at them as I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest.
    Alex put on his big eyed puppy look, actually letting out a whine as he stared up at me. "P-Pwease?" he whimpered out as he reached out to grab my shirt.
    I stared at him, frown deepening as I watched him get worse. "Okay! Just stop." I said, muttering as I stared at him before letting out a sigh. "Fine. But just so you know, I wasn't using normal methods." I told him as I unpacked the containers form the bowl.
    "Oh! Cheater." Alex hissed out before laughing.    
    "Huh? What?" Nate said, frowning as he looked from me to Alex and then back again.
    "He's saying he used his super powers." Alex said with a grin, getting a snicker from Misty and a snort from Nate.
    "Right." Nate said with a roll of his eyes.
    "Just watch and see." Alex said with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest. I rolled my own eyes before I started to build my mini fort. Honestly, it never would've stood on its own if I hadn't cheated a little and used some power.
    "How are you doing that?" Nate hissed out, frowning as he glared at my fort.
    "Lots of practice. Like I said, I used to do this to keep Alex entertained when we had to wait for our food."    
     "You make me sound like an ADHD tard." Alex muttered with a frown.
    I opened my mouth to comment only to have Misty beat me to it. "Because you can be." she smiled at the waitress when she set our drinks down and hurried off. "I think she doesn't like us." she said  as she pulled her orange juice over and took a sip.
    "You scared her." Alex said with a snicker.
    "We! Plural Alex. All of us." she said as she tossed an ice cube at him.
    Alex frowned and tossed some right back. "This is why I had to build these." I said to Nate, who sat staring at the fort as if afraid to miss something. When I finished Nate leaned in to take a close peek at it before muttering as he yanked out the base container. I could've kept it standing even then, but didn't want them to think something was going on. So it toppled to the table like any other tower would have.
    I shot a glare at a smirking Nate, just glad he didn't notice the delay in the tower toppling down. "Nice job, Jealousy." I said as I sat back, smirking as he let out a snort.
    "Please. Like I'd be jealous of you." he snickered when the waitress appeared with our food. "Woo!" Nate yelled out, throwing his hands in the air. She hesitated, waiting for me and Misty to clear a bit of the table before setting the large stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage and toast at the center.  Each on their own plate and with more than was usually ordered. She set empty plates down next before leaving. "Hey, where's your food?" Nate asked as he started to pile his plate.
    "We're supposed to share! Stop being a stingy ass and leave some for the rest of us." Misty said as she jabbed his hand with her fork. The rest of the breakfast went similar to that. With a little bickering thrown in here and there. All in all, Alex's friends weren't bad after all. They were actually entertaining. We didn't leave for a couple hours and when we did we went back to Nate's to watch a couple movies and just hang out. I didn't quite understand their movie obsession. And it seemed Nate's family did a lot of church stuff and didn't make it home until late on Sundays.
    "My turn to pick." Misty called out once we'd reached Nate's, moving to go to Nate's room and riffle through his selection of movies.
    Nate stood in the hall with us for a minute before a slow smile appeared. "I'll help her." he said as he rushed up the stairs, taking them three at a time.
    "Pervert." Alex said, rolling his eyes as he moved toward the living room. "Well, they're going to be a while." A sigh left him as he dropped onto the couch and stretched out his legs.
    "Good there's something I want to test anyway." I moved over, dropping on the couch next to Alex. "Lucas said to be careful about touching in public. We were touching earlier and nothing happened. I want to see if he was just messing with us like he always does." I reached out to pull Alex closer. "I want to test it." I whispered as I leaned in, lips brushing over his. Alex let out a small sound, hands moving to my chest.
    I hesitated though when he pushed a little. "Wait, Nate and Misty might walk in. Let's wait."
    "Not something I want to wait and see about Alex." I whispered as I pressed in, giving a deeper kiss this time around. Alex mumbled something, but it was lost in the kiss. A second later his arms slipped around my neck as a moan left him. I felt a small tingling sensation along my back but ignored it. It wasn't enough to make me think my wings had formed. It wasn't until I heard a gasp that I realized how wrong I was. Alex jerked back, both of us staring at Misty and Nate who stood stunned as they stared at me. I'd been so caught up in Alex I hadn't even heard my shirt tear enough to let the wings out. Though thankfully there was still enough to cover me.
    "Oh gods." Alex whispered when he looked at me. "Your wings." he whispered as he pointed a little.
    "Oh...Oh god." Misty whispered as the video dropped from hand and both moved to her mouth. Nate looked like he'd turned to stone though, eyes wide and mouth open. Misty hesitated before she stepped closer . "Th-They're real?"
    "Yes." I answered, a little embarrassed and completely terrified that they found out. Lucas would kill them if he found out. "Misty, Nate," I started as I stood. "You're just...dreaming." I tried to reach out with my power, trying something I didn't even know how to do. Misty froze for a minute, eyes getting a dazed look. She blinked though and frowned.
    "There's no way this is a dream. What are you two?"
    "Well, nice try anyway." Alex muttered with a sigh. "Until the day we die, half-demons. Well, technically we'll always be only half. But since we're more human right now the only thing we have are tattoos, and minimal powers."
    "Alex!" I hissed out as I shot him a glare.
    "It's already done."
    "You said you're more human. What happens when you die?" we all stared at Nate who stood frowning now.
    "We get our demon forms. And a shell. A human body created by magic that helps us live in the human world. We're not monsters. At least not all demons. Some just want to live normal lives. But because there are more evil demons than good ones, we all get a bad name. Please don't think badly of us." I reached out, slipping my hand into Alex's. His friends exchanged looks, Alex looking up at me with a worried expression before looking back at them.
    Misty looked back at Alex and I with an unreadable expression. "You lied to us," she said with a frown, her hand lifting to stop Alex from saying anything. "You said you're not evil. That is such a lie. You have a little devil streak that runs deep." she was smiling by the time she finished talking.
    Alex and I stood stunned before a nervous laugh left me and Alex rushed in to hug Misty. "How can you two be cool about something like this? I mean you just found out I'm a demon. Both of us are."
    "Because you're still you Alex. We've known you since we were kids. Yeah, so we have to get used to something that shouldn't exist, we'll get used to it. Right Nate?"
    Nate raised a brow before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. I mean, you should've told us or something. You did lie all these years and I don't know if I ca..." he grunted when Misty punched him in the stomach. "Okay okay! God I was just messing with them." he said with a laugh.
    "Not the best time to dick around." Misty muttered with a glare.
    "Not the best choice of words." he said as he started to laugh.
    "God, I started dating a child."
    "Are you guys really okay with this?" Alex whispered as he watched her.
    "Yes, of course. Okay, so it's weird and all. I guess normal people would be freaking out. But Nate and I aren't exactly normal are we?" she said as she pulled Alex into another hug.
    I opened my mouth to say something to remind Alex of an important detail. I couldn't do it though. I couldn't ruin it for Alex. It was only two people. Two close friends of Alex's who would never say a word. Lucas couldn't find out if they never said anything. We wouldn't have to worry about having Misty and Nate's blood on their hands.
    "Can you two stop touching now? I know you're gay Alex, but that makes you more appealing to my girlfriend." Nate said with a pout, arms crossing over his chest as he stared at them. I laughed when Alex and Misty pounced, hands moving over Nate as they tickled him.
    It was fine. Everything would be okay. When we graduated, no one would remember us. Our death would never be noticed or remembered.

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