Chapter One

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Anna's P.O.V

I pulled the last box out of the back of my mom's silver Suburban. I had just moved from Hiram, Georgia to Lakewood, Louisiana. My mom got a job transfer. She was a big CEO of some company. I really didn't know what my mom did, honestly.
As I walked up the porch steps, I looked over at the other houses. They looked the same as mine. I continued walking inside and up the stairs to my bedroom. It was littered with boxes and rolled up posters.
"Anna!" My mom yelled.
I set the box down and went back downstairs.
"Yes, mom." I replied.
"We should go meet the new neighbors." She said.
"Right now?" I asked.
"Yes, right now." She began. "Are all of the boxes out of the U-Haul and the Suburban?"
I nodded.
"Ok. Let's go."
I wasn't getting out of this so I just walked out the front door with her. We went to the right first. My mom knocked. A boy, that looked about my age, answered the door.
"Hi. I'm Sarah Jackson. My daughter, Anna, and I just moved in next door and we thought it would be nice if we introduced ourselves."
"Oh. Hi! I'm Noah Foster. My mom is home right now if you want to come in."
"That would be nice."
Noah stepped aside so we could come inside.
"She's just in the living room." He began.
"Mom, we have guests!" He yelled.
A woman with a brown, bobbed haircut walked into the hallway. She smiled widely.
"Hello! I'm Kathy Foster, Noah's mom. Who are you, might I ask?"
"I'm Sarah Jackson. My daughter, Anna, and I just moved in next door. We're introducing ourselves to the neighborhood."
"Oh, wonderful! Come, sit down."
Both Noah and Kathy seemed like extremely happy people. My mom and Kathy chatted it up while I sat, awkwardly, looking around the living room. Noah began to approach me.
"So, Anna? That is your name, right?" He asked.
"Yes. Your name is Noah if I'm not mistaken." I replied.
"That is my name." He began. "Where did you and your mom move from?"
"Oh wow. That isn't that far away."
"Not really."
"What school are you going to?"
This conversation was extremely awkward.
"George Washington High School."
His face widened in a smile.
"Me too! You want to catch a ride on Monday?"
"Yeah, sure. Thank you for the offering. That's really nice of you."
"Oh, it's nothing. We have to pick up my other friend, Audrey Jensen. She's cool."
"That's cool, I guess."
I laughed slightly.
"Do you guys need help unpacking or anything like that?"
"I do. I really do, actually. If you want to come over later."
"We could go right now if you wanted to."
I nodded in agreement. We both got up and began to walk out of the living room.
"We're gonna go over to Anna's house and start unpacking." Noah said.
"Ok. Be careful." Kathy replied.
We walked out of his house to mine. He walked in front of me.
"My bedroom is up the stairs, the second door on the right." I said.
Noah jogged up the stairs and went to my bedroom. I walked behind him.
"Ok. I suggest we start with the bed and dresser." I said.
"Yeah. That seems like a good idea." He replied.
My mattress was leaned up against the wall by my window. We set up the black box-set first and then put on the mattress. Noah helped me set up the dresser and put the sheets on my bed.
We moved things around the room until they were in the right spot. Noah took an interest in my posters.
"Do you want help hanging these up?" He asked.
"No. I can hang them up on my own. Thanks for offering though." I replied.
"Well, I think we're done here. Unless you have more stuff." He declared.
"Nope. That's all of it." I began. "How long have we been here? Like two and half hours?"
"Yeah. I think so. Why are our moms still talking?"
He laughed slightly.
"Should we go see what they're up to?" I asked.
Noah nodded in agreement. We walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the porch. As we were walking down the porch steps, Noah almost tripped. I started laughing.
  "Thanks for the help, Anna."
  Noah started laughing, too.
  We began walking towards Noah's house again. It smelled really good the closer we got to the house.
"Are they baking something?" I asked.
"It smells like it." He replied.
We walked into his house and, sure enough, they were baking brownies.
"We are gone for two hours and this is what we come back to?" Noah asked.
"Oh! Noah! Anna! You're just in time!" Kathy exclaimed.
"Did you guys get your room unpacked, Anna?" My mom asked.
"Yeah. All the boxes are empty." I replied.
"Good!" My mom exclaimed.
Kathy handed Noah a plate of brownies.
"You two can go eat those in Noah's room."
  Noah and I looked at each other. I grabbed a brownie and took a bite.
  "Ok." Noah said.
  I followed him to his upstairs bedroom. His room looked like a Horror movie director threw up in it.
  "You take an interest in Horror." I said.
  Noah smiled. He did that often.
  "Yeah. It's a passion, or as Audrey says, an obsession." He replied.
  "I like it." I began. "It's different."
  I looked around the bedroom. There were posters, books, computers, and a lot more. His room had a lot of life. It wasn't just a boring room.
  "We can sit on my bed." Noah suggested.
  "Yeah, that would be a good idea." I mumbled.
  I sat on Noah's bed. He sat down next to me, still holding the plate of brownies.
  "So what are you into, Anna Jackson?" Noah asked.
  "Um..." I had to think for a second.
  "Music, reading, drawing, and Tim Burton movies."
  "Huh. Tim Burton movies. I've never heard that one."
  "Yeah." I began. "I always liked The Corpse Bride. It's probably my favorite."
  Noah and I talked for a while and then Kathy came in and told me my mom was leaving and I was welcome to stay.
  "Oh, no. I should probably go and help my mom unpack. Thank you for offering though." I began. "Thanks for the brownies and, Noah, thanks, again for helping me unpack my bedroom."
  He nodded.
  "No problem." He replied.
  "Alright. Well, Miss. Anna, we will see you later." Kathy said.
  "Yeah." I mumbled.
  I walked out of Noah's room, down the stairs, and out the front door. My mom was walking inside when I walked out of the Foster's house. I jogged to my front door.
  "They're nice." I said as I walked into the kitchen with my mom.
  "Yeah, they really are. Do you want to help unpack or just go finish your room?" My mom asked.
  "If you need it, I'll help. If not, I'll finish my room." I replied.
  "I'm fine. I can do it. Go finish your room."

  I nodded and walked up to my bedroom.

Heyyo!! So I hope you guys like this! If you see any mistakes, let me know. I didn't know Noah's mom's name, I don't even know if she had a name in the show but it's Kathy in this story, so.


When Love Met Destruction ¥ Eli HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now