Chapter 9

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-Eli's POV-

  Anna was sick and that's why she wasn't at school. Or at least that's what I heard. I hadn't talked to her since our movie date. If you could even call it a date. I didn't know if I was falling for Anna or not. She was extremely beautiful and she had an amazing personality. I hadn't felt about like this about anybody in a really long time. Anna was cool. She was cocky. She was confident. She was different.

  I felt attracted to her the first day I saw her. She was funny but quiet. She didn't draw attention herself but always had the attention on her. She was so sweet. I adored the way she lightened the mood. She was always happy, or at least what I had seen of her.

  The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the classroom. Noah Foster wasn't at school, either. I found Emma and asked her if she knew where they were.

  "Hey, Emma. Do you know where Anna and Noah are?" I asked her.

  "Anna is at home sick and Noah stayed home to help her or something like that." She responded.

  "Oh." I responded.

  "Why?" she asked.

  "I was just wondering." I told her.

  "Ok." she said, walking away.



  The final bell rang and I went to my locker to get the rest of my stuff. I texted Anna.

E; Hey. I heard you weren't feeling well today. Need anything?

A; No, I think I have everything. Noah made sure I was ok.

E; Alright. Just wanted to make sure.

A; Yeah. I feel a lot better than I did this morning though, so that's good.

E; Yeah. Think you'll be good enough for school tomorrow?

A; I should be. If not, will you get my assignments for me?

E; Yeah, sure. Do you have all your books at your house?

A; Yep. Why?

E; I can give you the assignments from today.

A; That would be great. Thank you so much.

E; No problem. Want them now or later?

A; Now would be great.

E; Ok, gimme a second.

I looked through my backpack to see what assignments I had gotten that day. It wasn't much but it was homework. I texted Anna back.

E; We had to read pages 25-40 in English and had problems 1-25, odds, in Algebra.

A; Ok. Thanks, Eli.

When Love Met Destruction ¥ Eli HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now