Chapter Four

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  My alarm went off. It was the wonderful first day of school. Well, it was my first day anyway. Noah was going to take me to school. I got up and did the whole shower and teeth brushing thing. I didn't know what to wear.
I dug through my dresser drawers for things to wear. I eventually just threw on a pair of black jeans and a hoodie. I also pulled on my beanie and low-top Converse. Noah texted me.
Noah: Hey. I leave at 7:50. Be ready!
Me: Will do, Foster.
I looked at the time. It was only 7:05. A whole hour had gone by but I still had 45 minutes until I left. My mom was already gone. She left at 6:30. I went downstairs and looked for my backpack. It was just a black and gray backpack. Nothing too special.
  I found it on the kitchen counter. My mom must have put it there. I double-checked to make sure everything was in it. I didn't want to show up without something. God forbid, that would be awful.
  I decided to walk around the house for a while to pass the time. I didn't know what else to do. I checked the time again. 7:15. This was not going any faster. I decided I would text somebody, instead. Eli seemed like the perfect candidate.
Me: Hey.
Eli: Hey. Are you ready for school?
Me: I wouldn't text you if I wasn't.
Eli: Ok. When do you leave?
Me: 7:50.
Eli: Geez. I forgot you lived so close to the school and you could leave that late.
Me: It's kinda nice. But tomorrow, I won't get up at 6:00. I have to wait so long.
Eli: Haha. Yeah, that's a bit early for your location.
Me: Yeah. Well, text me when you get to school.
Eli: Ok.
I didn't text back. I played some music for a bit and then looked at the time. It was 7:45. The time went by fast. I grabbed my bag and house keys. I grabbed my phone and walked to the front door and walked out, locking the door behind me.
I saw Noah walk out, too. We caught each other's glances and I walked to his car.
"Ready?" He asked.
"As ready as ever." I replied, smirking.
I got in the backseat so Audrey could sit up front.
"Alright. Let's go get Audrey." He said.
He stuck the key in the ignition and backed out of his driveway. He slowly drove off.
After a while, we were at Audrey's house. She ran out and got in the car.
"Morning." She mumbled.
Noah drove off from Audrey's house to the school.
Eli texted me at 8:10.
Eli: Hey. I just got here. When do you think you'll be here?
Me: In like 5 minutes.
Eli: See you then.
After a couple minutes, we were at the school. My stomach dropped at the sight. I was extremely nervous. Both Noah and Audrey saw it in my expression.
"You'll be fine." Audrey said.
"Yeah. You have us to help you through the day." Noah inputted.
I smiled, weakly. We all got out. I had to get my schedule and my locker combination. I followed Audrey and Noah.
"Where's the office?" I asked.
"Noah will take you." Audrey said.
"Ok." I mumbled.
When we found the group, Audrey stayed and Noah and I departed to the office. Noah stood behind me while I got the stuff I needed. I turned around again to walk with Noah.
  "Locker number 416." Noah began.
  He looked around.
  "Is right here."
  I followed Noah because I had no idea where I was going. I stopped in front of the locker and did the combination. I opened it and threw my backpack in, after grabbing my binder.
  "Shall we go find the rest of everybody?" I asked.
  "We shall." Noah said.
  I shut my locker and walked off with Noah.
  "The bell rings at 8:30, right?" I asked.
  "You are correct." Noah replied.
  Everybody was in a big group, outside. They were sitting at a table. I sat down next to Eli, he was sitting on the end. He looked over at me and smiled.
  "Why do you carry your binder?" Brooke asked.
  "Because I find backpacks to be a hassle." I replied.
  "What about all your books?" She asked.
  "That's what a locker is for." I snapped back.
  She rolled her eyes.
  "Watch out, Brooke. Anna is the new smart ass of the group." Stavo said, laughing.
  Brooke also rolled her eyes at that. I already didn't like Brooke. She gave off that rich bitch vibe. I didn't fancy people like her.
"You have a flame to you, don't you, Anna." Eli stated.
"I guess if you want to call it that" I replied.
"That's what I'm calling it because that's what it is. You have sass and class." He said.
"Yeah, well, you probably have shade and bad grades." I shot back.
This caused the whole group to laugh, leaving Eli embarrassed.
"That was good. I won't lie. You got me." He mumbled.
"I got you good, Hudson." I replied.
  He shook his head and smiled. I really liked his smile. It fit his baby face. That made me smile.
  "Why are you so smiley?" Noah asked.
  "I thought about something really funny." I told him.
  "What?" Emma asked.
  I hesitated and then said it.
  "Eli has a baby face." I said.
  I began laughing.
  Eli glared at me.
  "Why are you dissing me so hard, Jackson?" He asked, laughing.
  "Cause it's fun." I said.
  He rolled his eyes.
  "Whatever." He said.
  The bell rang and we all got up from the table. I didn't know where anything was.
  "I'll show you around if you want me to." Eli said.
  "That would be great, thanks." I replied.
  Eli grabbed my schedule and looked at my classes.
  "We have a few together." He began. "But anyways, follow me."
  I trailed after Eli to my first class. He took me to my class and then departed for his class. I had this class with Audrey. I sat next to her because she was the only person I knew.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." She replied.
The late bell rang and the teacher came into class.

-At Lunch-

I went to the cafeteria. I wasn't hungry so I didn't get anything to eat. I looked for the group but didn't see any of them. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turned around extremely fast. It was Eli. He smirked.
"Jesus. You scared me." I said.
He laughed.
"I noticed." He replied.
"Where is everybody?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"I don't know." He began. "But do you want to go outside?"
I nodded. Eli and I walked outside. I felt people looking at us, me in particular because I was the new girl. Eli looked at me, too.
  "You're famous Anna." He joked.
  "Yeah, I guess I am." I replied.
  We walked to a table outside and sat down.

  Eventually, everybody showed up.

Blah. This isn't a very good chapter but I'm leaving and will have no wifi all weekend and I wanted to publish something. Anna is kinda badass, might I note! 😂 Anyways, hope you guys like it and I will write another chapter when I get back. Love ya!


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