Chapter 8

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IMPORTANT!: I have never seen Ouija: Origin of Evil. I'm going off of the commercials. Whoops.

-Anna's POV-
I looked at the time. It was 4:45. Eli would be here any minute now. I was kind of excited. I didn't know if he liked me or not. I mean, he was being really nice and I definitely appreciated that. It sucked enough being the new girl but I had so many friends already and it was nice.
  I heard a car pull up outside and I looked out the window. Sure enough, it was Eli. He drove a really nice silver and black Mustang. I walked outside and got in the passenger seat.
  "This car is really nice." I said.
  "I know." He replied.
  I rolled my eyes. He was always so cocky. But that's what I liked about him. He pulled out of my driveway and drove down the street. We got to the movie theaters at 4:05. The line was non-existent.
Audrey was working there.
"Hey, guys. What are you two doing here?" She asked.
"We came for the petting zoo." Eli said, sarcastically.
Audrey rolled her eyes.
"Sorry, Audrey. We need two tickets for Ouija: Origin of Evil." I butted in.
"Ok. That'll be $7.50." She told us.
Eli took out his wallet and paid Audrey. I grabbed the tickets and we walked into the theater room. It was dark and we were the only ones in there. I followed Eli. He went to the middle rows and sat down.
  "You didn't want anything to eat, right?" He asked.
  "Right." I replied.
  Eli nodded his head. We watched the usual commercials and then the movie started. I leaned in slightly to Eli. I could see him smirk. There weren't any truly scary parts but there were hella jumpscares.
When the movie was over, Eli took me home. I had a good time, considering it was a scary movie.
I walked into my house. My mom was on the couch, her feet propped up on the coffee table. She sat up and looked at me.
  "Hey, Anna! Where were you?" She asked.
  "At the movies. With Eli." I told her.
  I could see her cock an eyebrow.
  "Eli?" She questioned me.
  "He's a friend." I said.
  "Oh." She began. "It's nice to know you're making friends ok."
  "Yeah." I mumbled.
  I went upstairs and changed into pajamas and brushed my teeth. I went back downstairs and sat with my mom on the couch. She wasn't watching tv, she was reading magazines. I grabbed one and began reading.
It was a summer article. School was almost over. I moved late in the year. Like every time. I put it down and told my mom goodnight. Pushing myself off the couch, I went upstairs to my bedroom. It was only 8:47 but I was so tired.
I woke up sick to my stomach. I went to the bathroom and threw up. My mom was gone. Again. I texted her and told her I wasn't going to school. I called the school, letting them know. Walking down the stairs, I went to the kitchen and got some medicine and then went back upstairs to go back asleep.
  I woke up a few times and then fell back asleep. I was super hot and nauseous. It was the worse sickness.
My phone dinged. It was Noah.
N: Hey. Why weren't you at school today?
A: I'm super sick.
N: Oh. I'm sorry. Feel better!
A: Thanks. I'll try!
I set my phone down on my nightstand and went back to sleep. Maybe an hour later, I heard someone knock on the door. I got up and walked downstairs to open the door.
It was Noah. He had a bag of groceries.
"I don't want to get sick but I brought you some meds, Gatorade, and soup." He told me.
"Oh my God. Thank you." I replied.
He handed me the bag.
"Call me if you need anything else. Ok?"
I shut the door and walked back upstairs. I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. I looked through my social media and texted my mom to ask her to pick up some medicine when she was on her way home. She replied and said that wouldn't be for a while so I took Noah up on his offer.
A: Noah, can you go buy me some medicine? Please? I can pay you back.
N: Yeah I can. And don't worry about it.
A: Ok. Thank you so much.
About a half hour later, Noah texted me and said he was outside. I got up and went to the front door. Noah was standing there with about 5 different bottles of medicine.
  "I didn't know which one you needed." He said.
  "Oh, it's ok. I'll probably need all of these at some point." I told him.
  I grabbed the medicine.
  "Do you know what you have? Like the sickness?" He asked.
  I shook my head.
  "Probably just the flu, honestly."
  "Oh. Well if you need anything else, let me know."
  I shut the door and went to the kitchen. I took all the medicine. I hated the taste of medicine. It was disgusting.
I left the kitchen and went back to my room. My mom had called me and left a voicemail. I listened to it.
  "Hey, honey. Just calling to see how you feel. If you feel worse, call me. Bye. Love you!"
   I decided to shower because I thought I would feel better.

I grabbed my towel, phone, and speaker.

Sah dudes?! I'm sorry it took so long for the update. I got grounded .-. But now you have it. I'm also sorry it's 300-400 words too short .-.


When Love Met Destruction ¥ Eli HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now