3. Just Like A Pill

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Kendall stood in front of the mirror, checking her appearance for the hundredth time that evening, gracefully running her hand through her smooth straightened hair, which was unlike most of times, brushed to the side.

Thoroughly observing her reflection, she admired the red lipstick idea as well as wearing the outfit her stylist had picked out for the occasion, which was a black dress. Simple, but elegant. That has always been her style.

In general, she would agree her makeup artist and stylists had provided her with an excellent attire for the very special night. Like they always do.

The only thing holding her back from leaving at that moment was the fact that her sister, Kylie, wasn't ready yet. Kendall had been waiting for her for quite some time now, actually.

She decided to sit back on her couch and wait for her sister patiently. She knew now by experience that telling Kylie to hurry up almost always lead to opposite results. And that, wasn't anywhere near her intentions.

Therefore, Kendall allowed herself to relax for a short while and prepare for a night of possible high tension and certainly lots of eventful encounters.

The reason the Jenner sisters and probably every well known individual in the music industry and people related to them wanted to look absolutely perfect for the night, was the VMA's.

For musicians it was a chance to promote their products and gain publicity. For performers it was a night filled with adrenaline. For random people it was a night of cursing on live television with Miley Cyrus hosting again that year. But for Kendall and everyone on her list of friends, it was a battlefield.

Most of Taylor's squad usually attends the VMA's with her. Kendall and her family also do the same. These two facts alone are enough to create a warzone on the night that the producers claim is organised to 'bring us closer'.

This year, however, it was only going to be Kim, Kanye, Kendall and Kylie from the family since others were very busy. Which gave Kendall and Kylie the permission to hang with their friends during the event.

Gigi, Zayn, Bella and Justin were going to meet up with them inside. That is, if Kylie managed to get ready before the ceremony ended. Then, they'd have a shot, Kendall thought.

She checked her phone to see they were already a bit late. Shaking her head with an amused smile caused by her sister's antics, she relaxed further into the couch. Apparently she had to wait quite a bit more as there was no sign of Kylie being ready yet.

Kendall glanced in the direction of her suitcases, each one very neatly packed for her to leave within a few days time to begin filming the new movie. She sighed at the thought.

Unfortunately tonight, Cara was going to be joining Taylor. Usually she'd be too busy to care about the VMA's but this year, maybe just to annoy Kendall, she thought, Cara was going to be there.

"Come on Ken! We're late!"

Kylie's voice brought Kendall out of her not-so-pleasant thoughts. She directed her gaze to the door to see a very panicked Kylie struggling to rearrange her dress at the same time as getting her hair out of her eyes.

"It's not like I had eight outfit changes." Kendall teased as she stood up and grabbed her purse from the table in front of her.

"I don't have a second to waste on your sass! Just hurry up!" Kylie grabbed Kendall's hand and semi-dragged her downstairs with both of them struggling to keep up with the younger Jenner's pace due to their heels.

"Slow down!" Kendall squealed and tried to free her hand from Kylie's tight grasp but failed. "We're so late we'll miss the show!" Kendall chuckled at her own comment.

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