26. Back to Me

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Kendall Jenner stood before everyone else in the world, holding her very well deserved Academy Award as all participants clapped for her success. She did look stunning and gorgeous but she sure didn't feel that way.

Unlike what many people might have expected, she didn't start speaking right away. A hesitant and scared expression dominated her body and eyes as she watched the attractive tall figure she had fallen in love with go farther away from the stage every passing second.

For the first time maybe in a very long time, Kendall was absolutely clueless. She couldn't think. She couldn't decide.

She didn't even know it was possible, but in a nanosecond, millions of thoughts passed through her conscience. She thought of every single thing that was going on in her heart. The most significant one was, the blonde girl who was about to leave her. Possibly forever.

At the thought of her not ever being able to see Cara again, at least not the way she wanted to see her, Kendall made up her messed up mind and forgot about the speech she had memorised and practiced in front of Justin for almost eight hundred times.

Without much calculation, at the sight of Cara going away, Kendall began speaking.

"Well it's amazing to be.." Kendall glanced at the award she was holding adoringly. "Holding this lovely lovely award in my hand. If someone told me about this two years ago, I would have assigned them to a psychiatrist."

The funny attempt made the crowd chuckle. Cara, however, didn't react in any way other than speeding her steps up a little bit. She felt like Kendall's voice and every word that she uttered was just a jagger to remind her of how humiliated she felt.

At the sight of Cara speeding up, Kendall mindlessly poured her heart out to the world. In a way she herself least expected.

"I'm an actress now." Kendall began, her voice slightly shaky due to the amount of nervousness and fear that she felt in her heart. Meanwhile, Cara reached the door and went out with no second thoughts, making Kendall's heart do unwanted twists.

"I was a businesswoman," She paused, scanning a few faces to overcome her urge of breaking down on the stage then and there.

"A doctor," she continued, closing her eyes briefly before continting. "A fashion designer, and many other things in the movies I've been in."

"And I think while holding this.." She raised the award lightly, showing it to everyone. "..I can say that.. I can be absolutely anyone I want to be at this point." Many people nodded their heads as a sign of agreement.

"But then I met this girl." She took a deep breath. "She made me feel like for the first time in my life, I didn't need to act as anyone but my authentic self. She made me feel like a person. She.. She made me 'feel', like I am maybe good enough the way I am."

With every word she uttered, more of her heart became apparent to the participants. Her words held a passion she didn't know her heart could possess. She was being completely honest with herself and with others for the first time ever.

"I felt free with her. I fell in love for the first time in my life and it is.. The best thing that's happened to me." She held back her tears with much difficulty, holding on to the small podium for a little support.

"I couldn't help but feel scared at first when I understood what was going on. And how helpless I was with the feelings I had. So I tried to cut it off of me and.. I noticed I couldn't."

"I want to dedicate this award to that girl, who came crashing into my world and stole my heart. I never got the chance to tell you but I want you to know that I love you." She finished, smiling at the cameras hesitantly to indicate the end of her speech.

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