Maniac Messiah (Nicole's View)

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   My legs were still weak underneath my body were shaky, as Jared and I had walked to the kitchen where he pulled out a chair and asked me to sit. "Jared, you really do have lovely house." Jared chuckled. "After that kiss, you want to talk about my house? You are darling." Jared's sentence trailed off as if he whispered about me to himself as he looked through the fridge. I blushed and giggled, "Can you blame me? You make me nervous." Jared closed the fridge and turned to me with a bottle of water, He leaned on the counter, opened the bottle and took a drink. He had water in his mouth as he motioned for me to take a drink. I declined. Jared swallowed and looked at me with a smirk upon his luscious pink lips. "How do I make you nervous? You act like you never held me in a meet and greet photo before." I felt my jaw drop. "You remember me? But how?" Jared smiled, "I'm sorry, I just saw your phone's lock screen photo, it was you and I." I lowered my hair in embarrassment. "You do look familiar though." Jared's words had relaxed me a little, "Well in our meet and greets, you always wore sunglasses, I never looked at you once. My head always remained down around you. If you haven't noticed, I still can't make complete eye contact with you." Jared formed a push up position against the counter and pushed himself up. He began to walk towards me, I dropped my head down again to hide behind my hair. I watched as he slid the water bottle into my view. "Please drink up, you'll need it." I looked up confused and there he was, inches from my face again. This time I looked him dead in the eyes and his mouth built up a wicked smile. A devilish smile, I couldn't blink or look away. Jared twisted off the cap and began to drink the water, never breaking eye contact. Jared placed the water bottle on the counter beside me and grabbed the back of my hair and pulled it back. I hissed through my teeth but it felt good. Jared's other hand stretch around my jaw and opened up my mouth, He began to release the water from his mouth down my throat. I swallowed the water and he released me. I wiped my mouth, "What was that for?! What if I chocked on it?!" Jared watched me get frustrated and chuckled. "Chocked? On water? That wouldn't have been the only thing you choked on tonight." My eyes widened, He knew the right things to say at all the right times. Jared walked back up to me and put his hands on my lap, "I also wouldn't want you to be thirsty later." Jared slid his hands up my thighs to my hands and pulled me off the chair into his arms. Jared's body was so warm, as if he was running a high fever. "Jared, are you okay? You're burning up." I spoke against his chest. "I'll be fine." Jared's voice was rough with my ear against his chest. "I need some kind of release." Jared's voice was always appealing but he had a bedroom voice when he said it. Jared released me but kept one arm around my right hip, he tugged on me to head out of the kitchen with him.

We went down the long hall filled with abstract art, we reached a door by a huge open window overlooking the city lights. Holding me close to his hip he pulled the room key out, opened the door and led me in. The room became dark as he quickly but softly closed the door behind him, than I felt the heat of his body standing in front of me while my eyes adjusted to the dark room. My hands shaky and my knees weak, his hot hands outlined every curve of my body from my face down to my feet. He removed my shoes. I can feel the soft rug under my feet as he slid his hand back up my body to my hands and tangled his fingers in mine. I could feel his breath on my neck, than my hands were released. I walked further into the darkened room as he stood there without a word. I stopped a foot away from the bed and turned to look his way all I could see was a 5'9" silhouette. He stepped closer, into the light that was peeking through the sliding glass door behind me. I can see him; his eyes mirrored my pale skin. Looking into what was only my reflection, made me weak in the knees. Walking towards me with his eyes black as night he could only avoid contact with mine. The little light that assisted me to see him was the light coming into the room from the full moon outside. As drawn into him as I was, I feared what he would do next. His penetrating eyes made my blood run an almost feverish feeling; I could feel his heat than his hands gently touch me and slid from the front of my waist and wrapped around my lower back. With one good tug I was held against him tightly, I looked up at him and asked what you want from me? I saw the devil smile.

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