Chapter 3

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Intentional Touch Laurabelle

I woke up, disoriented. And under the heaviness of sleep. Grayson's sleepy breath warmed my forehead. I peeked through one of my eyelids to confirm the movie's end, but took me a few more seconds to process that I was snuggled up with a stranger on a train, leaning on Grayson's shoulder while his head rested on the top of mine. His arm was draped comfortably across his body and rested on my forearm. I tried not to move because his touch, albeit involuntary, felt good. Weird because I didn't usually do "closeness" with non-family members. Somehow I knew Niles and Julie wouldn't be too pleased.

The train conductor announced, "twenty minutes to next stop, Chicago." Grayson stirred, but I stayed perfectly still and tried my best to guarantee twenty minutes of bodily contact with a hot guy. It didn't work because Grayson moved his arm away from our casual embrace. Then he lifted his head off my shoulder. I imagined him evaluating the situation before frowning. His neck cracked a few times while I was a statue. Years ago, as a small child, I mastered the craft of "pretend sleeping" all so my dad had to carry me into the house from the car.

The conductor's voice interrupted my immobility in person; he asked who was exiting the train in Chicago. "We are, Sir." Grayson's voice evaporated into into air. We? And why was he whispering? Elation hummed inside of me because of Grayson's implication. We. Boldness—and a little desperation—crept through me. The result was me nestling into Grayson's shoulder even more. His breath hitched. And a few beats later, his warmth rested against my forehead.His arm wrapped my torso in loose hug. Fingertips gently grazed my forearm, and I shivered involuntarily under his purposeful touch. Until my combustable skin betrayed me. With goosebumps. His thumb was the last to stop moving, and my skin calmed. My heart and brain did not. Why did I find a great guy on a train going to a city I was only visiting? And, when I actually lived in Chicago next fall...Grayson would be at college. In Texas. So unfair because no one had ever made me feel this way.

Getting Digits Grayson

The train halted, lights became bright and the conductor made an announcement for the Chicago passengers to depart. I acted out my best "oh my, did I doze off" stretch, and we both sat up. Wordless. Her face had some unreadable expression. Stoic, maybe. Gorgeous, definitely. I put my laptop away.

"Would you please get my bag for me?" She asked.

I had to think of something to say to her because I wanted Laurabelle to end up being more than a journal entry. "Sure." Too benign. Probably best to prove my obvious ability to reach things than to blurt out something about having feelings for her. "My pleasure," I added along with a wink. Which regrettably caused her to flush through three shades of pink. 

I moved into the aisle and pushed my arms into my jacket where Laurabelle's direct eye contact startled me. She was standing in the aisle too, staring at me within three inches of my eyes. She was waiting for me to hand the bag to her. I ignored her outstretched hand, slung her bag over my own shoulder instead, and was already moving down the aisle when I heard a small whisper, "thank you." She followed me down the narrow steps to the train's lower level. Then onto the concrete platform outside of Chicago's Union Station. My heart dropped. What if this is it?

Typically, I didn't let my guard down with people, especially girls. Happy to be a person who faded into the background. And now, when my circumstances demanded bravery, nothing. Say something! I looked back every few steps to make sure she still followed. Slow down. Let her catch up. Impulsivity won out over speech, and I ducked behind one of the platform support beams. My heart behaved like I had just committed a crime.

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