Meeting Dieter.

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Tenma and I had came to a brand new town with much more to do. It was a well-populated place, so we had a greater chance of not being found by authorities right away.As we walked into town, we came across a young boy walking with his father. He tripped and fell in front of Tenma and I.
Tenma knelt down to his level. "Are you alright?"
The child got up, slightly angered in appearance, and ran up to the father to hide behind his back. I came to the realization that he may have been shy. However, I had my suspicions. What is a young 8 year old boy doing being by his fathers side like that and not playing with friends?
I turned to Tenma. "Kenzo." I whispered to him as he glanced over at me; replying in a whisper as well. "What is it?"
"Be careful of that child's father. I have some suspicions that he may be abusing his son."
"Just be careful."
The father walked over to Tenma and I.
"Excuse me, but I apologize for my Dieter's silly behavior. He's been reckless at times.. Say, why don't you two come over to my apartment for some tea?"
"Also, Sir.. I have a question." Tenma chimed in.
"Ah, what would that be?"
"Do you know about 511 Kinderheim?"
His eyes went wide in shock as he stood there, shaking in what seemed like fear.
" I do. However it wasn't a pretty sight to behold of.. Children were torn from their parents or forced away, and they were abused. They had been forced to grow up in harsh conditions to then hurt themselves and others around them once they got older. Everything was controlled with violence."
The old man trembled a little bit.
"Come on up to my apartment like I had previously asked. I'll tell you more I know about 511 Kinderheim."
Accepting the man's offer, we proceeded to accompany them to their apartment.
----some time later-----
"So.. 511 Kinderheim, wasn't it?"
"Yes." Tenma nodded.
Dieter's father continued on.
"511 Kinderheim was an all boys orphanage that was ran in the slums of East Germany. Since it was partially operated by the USSR, we had to agree with whatever they wanted done. Thus, they began to start a social experiment with the boys. As they aged, there was so much hate, fear, torture, and many other gruesome things done. Whom were they lead by you ask? A young boy who was stereotypically a perfect German boy. His name was Johan, and he was the one responsible for ruling over all of those boys. Even though one by one; he began watching them all die by his own word. It was horrifying at the least.
He apparently walked away alive, and rumor has it that he is still walking among us... alive as ever."
"I see.. so that's why he was such a gruesome child..." Tenma whispered to me. Nodding, I turned to Dieter's father with a smile. "Johan is still alive."
The man chuckled. "You got to be kidding me, right?! 511 Kinderheim was burned down to the ground at least 12 years ago. Johan and all of the remaining boys died in the fire."
"Or so you think."
"Don't make me laugh!! Now if you wish to continue arguing with me, please leave now. I have no time for this."
Tenma and I left, wondering of why the father claimed to know so much.
CRASH. A scream followed after the noise. Turning around, I rushed into the room, Tenma in tow.
"Dieter!" We both said in unison.
"Oh, I'm sorry to have worried you two! Dieter fell and hurt himself while playing. I glared at his father.
"Stop lying."
He looked at me and blinked. "What are you talking about? That's what happened?"
"You are feeding me a line of bullshit. I'm a goddamned nurse. Tenma here is a doctor."
The man smirked. "Ah.. I've heard all about you two. You guys committed all of those murders together..."
Tenma and I looked at each other, pissed off now. "WE DIDNT DO THOSE CRIMES!!" The man grabbed his phone, beginning to dial the number to contact the police. I lunged at him while Tenma grabbed Dieter to get him out of there. My fist made spontaneous contact with the man's face, bruising it instantly.
"Damn you!"
I punched him again with it being in the shoulder this time.
"HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" I screamed; angered by the treatment that Dieter had to go through from him. "You don't abuse a child... EVER! How does it feel to you?"
I stood up, and quickly left the room. I met up with Tenma and Dieter outside. "Dieter." He partially hid behind Tenma and looked at me. "W-What?"
"My name is Liza..I'm with Tenma. Im not going to hurt you at all. He and I are here to help.."
Tenma gave a soft smile, and tended to Dieter's injuries. "You're going to be safe now. I promise you that."
Dieter began to cry tear of joy and relief. "T-Thank you Tenma... thank you Liza.."
We both softly smiled and him and gave him a hug. It was the comfort that he definitely had needed for a long time.

Monsters Inside of Us (Monster Fanfic) Tenma x Liza (OC) Where stories live. Discover now