Chapter 5

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Lightpaw was sucked under the water. Her paws thrashed. She could see other cats squirming around.

Her lungs ached as she spotted Nightfire nearby rising to the surface, his body becoming limp.

No! Don't die! You can't die!

Lightpaw's lung screamed once more. Then her eyes started to close. She watched as she went limp and her body started floating to the surface.

Her eyes closed just as she reached the top.


Lightpaw opened her eyes wide. Her chest ached.

She looked around. She was in the medicine den.

The ground was soaked in water. She saw Owlclaw, Greysparrow, Tanflame, and Hollowoak laying in nests next to her.

Everyone was asleep except Owlclaw who was being visited by Snowwhisker.

Pretend to sleep. A voice sounded in her head. Lightpaw obeyed and closed her eyes almost completely.

Snowwhisker smiled at her mother. "I'm so glad that you're deputy now."

Owlclaw smiled. "I don't know why Brookrush is forcing me to stay in here. It's been three days since the flood."

Lightpaw noticed a wet moss ball, and silently lapped at it.

Snowwhisker glared at her. "You're still very weak, and Flightstar said that I would have been made deputy if you hadn't survived."

Owlclaw looked at her curiously. "What are you talking about." She moved her head aside a little bit. "What's that red stuff behind you?"

Lightpaw held her breathe. She saw red berries sitting behind Snowwhisker.


Snowwhisker calmly rolled them out from behind her. "Oh, just some death berries."

Owlclaw's eyes widened. She tried to stand up, but slumped back down with a pain filled gasp.

Snowwhisker shoved the berries into her mouth. She put her paw on top of Owlclaw's muzzle and plugged her nose.

Lightpaw watched as Owlclaw's eyes rolled up. Lightpaw let out a small gasp.

Snowwhisker turned her head to face Lightpaw. Lightpaw closed her eyes.

There was silence.

Lightpaw opened her eyes and yelped in shock as Snowwhisker put her face up close.

Snowwhisker pinned Lightpaw down on her back.

"Now, I'm not going to tell Flightstar that you killed Owlclaw. That would make me look guilty, because I was trying to become deputy."

Lightpaw looked up in terror.

"Owlclaw just tried to get up but fell and smacked her head on the ground and had a seizure." Snowwhisker got close. "How did she die?"

"Sh...She had a...a seizure." Lightpaw stuttered.

Snowwhisker nodded in approval. "If you tell someone, I will tell Flightstar that you killed her. I will tell her that you threatened to kill me  if I told anyone."

More silence.

"When I become leader and if you're still here, I'll keep you so that the clan keeps a hunter." Snowwhisker got off of her.

She walked over to Owlclaw and plastered a horrified look on her face.

"Owlclaw? Owlclaw! Brookrush, help!"

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