Chapter 14

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The breeze in Lightscale's fur felt brilliant after being cooped up in the barn for so long.

Waterpaw had been giving Lightscale one of her own leaves. She had been feeling so much better, but it couldn't be said the same for Waterpaw. Waterpaw had fallen incredibly ill, even worse than Lightscale had been.

Lightscale felt free once more as her fur shook.

The pink sky was beautiful as it darkened to purple. She had missed the sunset. Lightscale sighed, knowing that if she got better and returned to her clan, she would never picture the sunset as beautiful.

Lightscale scented Redleaf before he sat down beside her.

Lightscale had only been there a moon and she already felt like she knew everything about him.

Lightscale coughed. Blackcough still settled in her body.

"They're moving the more sick cats to the cottage." Redleaf told her.


"Waterpaw, and umm, none from your clan."

"Because Skyfur and Pigeonfur are dead." Lightscale was surprised to feel a tiny bit of sadness that her sister was dead.

"Sorry about that." Lightscale could see Redleaf lower his head.

She shook her head.

"Well, we should go back inside. I can smell rain on it's way." Redleaf turned back in the direction of the barn.

Lightscale sighed. She wanted to stay, but knew he was right.

As they padded back to the barn, Lightscale felt a heavy breeze blow against her fur. She inhaled the fresh air, hoping that somehow it could cure her.

The cold grass rubbed against her legs as they walked back into the barn. It's walls gave off a creaking noise that sent shivers up her spine.

For the past few nights, when the wind was blowing hard, Lightscale had dreamed that the barn has collapsed the cats. She remembered hearing Redleaf scream as he was crushed by the twoleg structure.

Despite her nightmares, Lightscale padded into the barn alongside Redleaf.

The barn was almost completely full. They maneuvered to where they had moved their nests, in the far side of the barn, the farthest from the wind.

The air was thick and filled with coughing as they settled into their nests. Lightscale looked worriedly at Redleaf as a orange tabby kit, hanging limply, was taken out of the barn by a warrior.

There was a flash of something in Redleaf's eyes as the kit was taken out.

Lightscale leaned closer to him, their fur almost brushing. "I know it's just a kit, but is there something else?"

Redleaf just kept looking at where the kit had disappeared. "What happens when it's over?"

Lightscale shifted in her nesting, hoping he wasn't talking about what she thought he was. She had been trying to avoid this topic for a long time.

"What do you mean?" she simply said.

Still staring, he answered, "After we go back to our clans. What will happen between us?"

Lightscale looked away, "I... I don't know."

Redleaf sighed. "I don't want to leave you." He spoke quietly.

Lightscale looked back at him with passion in her eyes. "I don't want to leave you either."

Lightscale's mind suddenly flashed with Nightfire. She had forgotten about the handsome tom. She had forgotten her feelings for him, even after their fight.

Redleaf put his head on his paws and closed his eyes. "Is it wrong of me to say that I hope we never find a cure?"

Lightscale chuckled, trying to throw the black tom out of her mind. "I think it is."

Redleaf hissed quietly. "Why do we have this stupid warrior code telling us we can't have kits with a cat from another clan?"

"Kits?" Lightscale's eyes widened she had never thought of having kits with Redleaf.

Redleaf looked up at her. "It's just a dream."

But that dream made Lightscale's heart soar. She wished that the dream could become true.

Lightscale quickly licked Redleaf's ear. She leaned against him and closed her eyes, hoping that she could dream about their kits.

Before any of you ask, no Lightscale is not pregnant. But here is a short chapter with a spoonful of sappy stuff.

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