The Base of Operations

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We were flying to the HQ. I looked down at the ground below us, I got bored so I went to sleep. When I woke up, we had already landed. We all piled out onto the ground below us. The soldiers led me to my room, there, I changed my clothes, back into my signature suit. I walked into the office where my boss was. "What went wrong?" My boss asked in a gruff voice. I explained everything that happen in the last two days, or I'm pretty sure it was two days. "Fear serum?" He asked.
"Yes, sir" I said, annoyed.
"One more thing".
"There's a rogue operative you need to take out, she's someplace in New York City, her name is Sydney Trigg." He gave me a file with her picture in it.
"Yes, sir", and with that, I left to get a silencer from the gun room. Once I got it, I went to our garage. There, I found my motorcycle. It was a black color like my car. I put the key in the ignition and started it up. I drove to New York City, nearly crashing multiple times. I'm not used to driving motorcycles, I've been driving cars for as long as I can remember. I pulled up, near an expensive apartment building. I went in and walked past the receptionist and into the elevator. I pressed the number to the second floor. I was just gonna search the floors to find her. I walked to a door, I knocked and someone who wasn't the target opened up. "Sorry, wrong door," I walked over to the next door, did the same thing I did with the other. Yet again, she didn't come to the door. I went to the next floor, and knocked on the first door I saw. Finally the target came to the door. "Who are you?" She asked, confused.
"My name is not important, may I come in?"
"No, not until you tell me who you are."
"Fine, my name is Dr. Ramiro, may I come in now?"
"Why are you here", she was persistent, I'll give her that.
"I need to talk with you"I said, starting to get annoyed.
"Fine come in." Finally, I was about to shoot her right then and there.
"Thank you."I walked past her into the living room behind her. I turned around to see a gun pointed at my head.
"Why are you really here?"
Wow, wasn't expecting that! I grabbed her arm and twisted it, she let out a cry of pain. I disarmed her and pulled my gun out from my chest holster. I pointed the gun at her head. She looked vaguely familiar, but I pushed it down and focused on the problem at hand. I was about to pull the trigger, but then a nan came out of the bedroom and tackled me to the ground. I struggled against his grip, but eventually I was able to break free. I rammed my forehead into his nose. I heard a crack so I knew my plan worked. I pushed him back and I got up, and I ran to my gun on the floor and shot the man in the shoulder, he fell to the ground. I aimed my gun at the target and shot her in the leg and shoulder. She would die of blood loss if she didn't get immediate help. Same with the man. I ran out of the room before anyone could call the cops. I got on my bike and started it up and drove back to report my success.

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