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I was getting ready to head out, I put my gun holsters on and put my guns inside them. I pulled my jacket on and pulled my hood up. I went outside to my bike. I got on my bike and started it up. I was going to take down a safehouse. One was in Canada, so I went there.

  I pulled up to a place near the safehouse, I got off my bike, got my suitcase out of my satchel, and climbed up a ladder leading to the roof. Once I was up there I started to put together my sniper rifle. I layed down and aimed at one of the soldiers heads. Once he got in a place where I was sure no one would find, I shot him in the head. He fell to the ground, I aimed my gun at another soldier and did the same thing. That's when I noticed something, Sydney and Steven were sneaking up behind two guards. They slit their throats and hid the bodies. I had to stop shooting before they noticed me. They were sneaking around, shooting and slicing every guard they saw. It was amazing to watch, then a sniper up top noticed them. He started aiming at the two, and was about to fire, but I aimed my pistol at the snipers head, and shot four times. The sniper fell to the ground, dead. I continued to watch until the sirens went off. Soldiers were piling out of the safehouse. I aimed and shot a couple of them, but the others were focused on Sydney and Steven. I kept on shooting the soldiers, but it wasn't effective enough. I climbed down the ladder and pulled out my pistols. I shot a few of them that were behind cover. Then they noticed me, they started shooting in my direction, but I jumped behind cover. Sydney and Steven were taking out a majority of them. I aimed above my cover and shot a few more. Then a soldier came behind me and started choking me. I elbowed him in them side and he leaned forward a bit. I turned around and shot him in the stomach two times. I grabbed his gun and started emptying my clip on the soldiers. They all fell to the ground, dead. The last two started shooting at Sydney and Steven, I shot them in the head. I climbed up the ladder as fast as I could and started dismantling my sniper and putting the parts in my suitcase. I latched it shut and climbed back down the ladder. I ran back to my bike, but they were already there. Sydney and Steven pointed there guns at me, then Steven said, "Wait, I know you, you were at Walmart." He stared at me in amazement. I dropped my suitcase and pulled out my two guns. I shot both of their guns and they dropped them. I ran up to them and punched Steven in the temple, he fell go ground, unconscious. I tried to do the same thing with Sydney, but she grabbed my arm and twisted it. I yelled in pain and kneed her in the stomach. She punched me in the face. I stumbled back, and she ran at me and tackled me to the ground. My hood fell back and she saw my face. She punched me in the head and everything went black.
I was surprised that an operative of the organization would try to kill their own organization. Well, I was an example of it, but that's not the point. A man who almost killed me a few months ago tried to help me take down his own organization. This was just strange. I tied his hands and feet up and put him in the back seat of my car. I then went to go wake Steven up. I slapped him in the face a couple of times and yelled, "Wake up, idiot." He jumped up, nearly hitting me in the face.
"What, where's that guy," he asked, confused.
"Tied up and unconscious in the back seat of our car." I told him. I helped him up, and we and walked back to the car. He got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger side. I looked at the man to make sure he was still unconscious. Steven started the car and drove back to where we live.

Once we got there, the man in the back was awake. "His name is William," Steven said.
"OK, good to know," I said back. We got out and picked him up and carried him into our apartment. We tied him to a kitchen chair. "Why are you here?" I asked him.
"I don't think I'm the one who brought myself here," he said.
"You know what I mean." I told him, I was extremely annoyed.
"What if I don't?" He asked. I punched him square in the face. "Okay, I know what you mean now. My boss said if I didn't kill you he would kill me. But when I got the police station y'all weren't there. So I was running from the cops, when I realized everything I was doing was evil, and all that stuff. I bought an apartment, I needed food so I went to Walmart, there I met Steven. After that, I wanted to take down the organization with y'all. Except not show myself while keeping y'all alive. As you can see, that didn't work to well," he told all this stuff to us. I was surprised to say at the least.
"Okay, but why didn't you just come after us after you lost the cops?" I asked him.
"Like I said, I'm not that evil anymore," he said. "I'll help y'all take down the organization. But, I'll do my job alone, while y'all do your job together," he proposed.
"Fine, but don't expect us to trust you right way," I told him.
"I fully understand" he said to us. I cut him loose and he got up and rubbed his wrists. "Did you really have to tie the rope so tight?" He asked me.
"Yes," I told him. "The more pain I cause you, the more pleased I am."
"Fine, I'm leaving," he said and left. I walked back to our bedroom and passed out on the bed.
William's POV
I had to get a taxi to bring me back to my bike. Once the taxi arrived at the destination, I got out and ran to my suitcase on the ground and put it in my satchel. I got back on my bike and started it up. I drove back to my apartment. I went inside and fixed a sandwich. I ate my dinner and went in my bedroom and passed out on my bed, leaving my gun holsters and my jacket still on.

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