The Operative

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  I woke up and took a shower, I haven't had a shower in days. I dried off and put on my clothes and made a sandwich. I ate my breakfast and put on my holsters. I went outside and got on my bike. I started it up, I decided to go to a safehouse in New York City. I drove around to find the nearest one. Once I found it, I got off my bike and went around back. The building was pretty old looking. It looked sorta like my apartment. I went in through the back door. I pulled out my guns and kept on walking through the hall. I crouched down and walked through a door on my right. There was a guard sleeping in a chair. I shot him in the head, and took his clothes. I was disguised has him, I walked around, looking for soldiers to take out, or even an operative. I strangled one, and hid him in a laundry bin. I found a few playing cards, I aimed at two of them and shot them both in the head. I aimed at the other two, who already had guns out, and shot them. I heard the sirens go off, someone outside of the room must've heard it. Why can't anything go my way? A few soldiers hid behind the wall, while others just ran in and started shooting. Operatives were trained more than the soldiers, so I should be able to pick out who the operative was. He/she should be one of the few who were hiding behind the wall. I aimed shot a couple of them, I kept on doing this until I was behind cover. I shot a few more until the operative came out of his cover. He aimed his gun at me and shot. The bullet hit me in the left shoulder, I grit my teeth but kept on fighting. I shot four times in his direction. I got back behind my cover and reloaded. I aimed up and shot a few more soldiers. I aimed up above my cover and shot the lightbulb. The room was dark, once my eyes adjusted, I aimed and shot the operative one time the shoulder. Operatives are trained to endure pain, so he kept going and aimed at my head, I jumped to the right at the last second. Nearly hitting my head on the wall. I got up, and flipped a table over. I shot over my table a couple of times. I stood up and aimed, but he wasn't there. I turned around and dropped to the floor. He was standing behind me about to shoot. I shot him in the leg and he fell to the ground, I shot him in the head. I got back up and stitched up my wound. I walked around and checked the rooms to make sure that everyone was dead. I found a room labeled 'Files', I opened the door and checked the room. Nobody was in here, so I walked up to the nearest filing cabinet. I looked for the files named R. I found it and looked through it, I found mine, and Steven's and Sydney's. I looked through mine, It looks like they sent that operative I just killed, to kill me. No surprise there, I looked in Steven's file, they sent an operative to kill him too, shit! I looked in Sydney's file, they sent an operative to kill her too. Sydney can take care of herself against an operative, not so sure about Steven. I need to kill the operative. They sent Delilah to kill him, she's cleaner than me on her kills. This should be hard, she's gonna be doing it silently, and she doesn't mess up. I ran outside and got on my bike and drove to the police station.
I pulled up around back, and got off my bike. I saw her car, so she should have already infiltrated the station. I sneaked in through the back door and found Steven in the shooting range. "OK, you need to leave this place right now," I said quickly and quietly.
"What, why?" He said, confused.
"There's an operative trying to kill you right now," right whenever I said that, I got shot in the same spot I got hit by the other operative. What is it with that shoulder? I pulled Steven to the ground and crawled behind cover. So now I can't move my left arm. Steven grabbed my gun and shot a few times in her direction. I aimed up and did the same thing, but she was faster than that, she jumped behind cover. Steven and I continued to shoot at her, but my gun ran out of ammo. I jumped up and grabbed a 9mm, after I did this, I shot at Delilah, I shot her in the leg. She fell the ground and I shot at her but she pulled a pin on a grenade and threw it at us. I pulled Steven away from the grenade and ran through a door behind me. The grenade went off, blowing the door off its hinges. The door flew at me and hit me. The last thing I remembered was Steven shooting my gun at Delilah.
Steven's POV
I was being pulled away by William, and he pushed me through a door. Then the door was blown off its hinges and was sailing through the air at William. The door hit William and he was knocked out. I aimed his gun at the operative and shot four times in her direction like Sydney taught me to do. I pretty sure one of the bullets hit her because I heard a cry of pain. I looked around and found a few grenades resting on a table. I grabbed one and pulled the pin and threw it at the operative. I heard the explosion so she should be dead. I turned to William and started lifting up the door. Once I got it off of him, I lifted him up on a table. I checked him to make sure there was any wounds. He had a cut on his left eyebrow, which I patched up, no problem. I called Sydney and told her everything that happened here.
"I'm pretty sure they might send an operative to you too." I told her.
"Yeah, maybe, I'm heading you're way." She told me.
"OK bye, love you."
"Love you too." She told me and hung up. I looked at William, he was still knocked out. I sat down in a chair and waited for Sydney to get here.

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