The Trick

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Me and Steven were training to take down the organization. Well, I wasn't really training, I had to tell Steven what to do with the guns and all that good stuff. Right now, I was showing him how to do a field strip on the sniper. Once I showed him how to do that, he started trying to do it.
"Wait, pull that out, then that one." I had to this multiple times for him to get the hang of it. It had been a few months after the attack. "Finally, god, I hope that won't take as long as the others," I showed him how to fire the gun and reload it. I passed the gun to him, he aimed at the target and fired. It didn't hit anywhere near the target. "Well, that's a lost cause, try this one," I gave him a glock. I showed him how to dismantle it and reload it, and he aimed it at the target. This time he actually hit the target.
"Yay!" Steven said, surprised he hit the target. "That was awesome."
"OK, now we know you can use a gun," I said sarcastically.
"Hey, come on, it was all my skill."
"Yeah sure, see the hole where you shot the sniper," I said pointing about a foot away from the target.
"Hey, the sights were off,"
"Yeah, sure, keep shooting I'll go get some food." I walked out of the room and into the kitchen, we were at the police station right now. I had free admission to use the shooting range since I was a police officer. I opened the fridge to get the turkey and cheese. I put them on the counter and got the bread from the cabinet above me. I made the sandwiches and brought them back to Steven. He was shooting pretty well at the target. He hit it, at least.
"Steven, sandwiches." I said to him, he put the gun on safety, and ran/walked to the sandwich. He always liked to eat. He inhaled the sandwich.
"Thank you." He said with his mouth full of food. I laughed at his childishness. I walked over to the range and started shooting, I shoot in the center every time. "How do you do that?" Steven asked, watching me from behind.
"Practice makes perfect." He just kept staring at me in amazement while I kept on shooting.
I was in my bed reading a book. I didn't know the name, I was bored and I just grabbed a book from the library. My phone rang and i answered it. It was my boss.
"Dr, I need you in my office right now." I put my bookmark in the book and got up. I walked to my closet and put on my suit. I walked through the hall, into my bosses' office.
"What did you need," I asked curiously.
"Do you remember the contract of Sydney?"
"Yes, sir," I was starting to get nervous, why would he be talking about that contract, I thought I killed them.
"One of my operatives saw Sydney and her husband attacking one of our safe houses, they also had some police with them." I was surprised as all hell. They weren't dead? I thought I killed them. Then I remembered, I didn't hit the man in too fatal of a place. "You failed your mission, and because of it, you got multiple of your colleges killed." He said this like he thought I felt nothing bad about this. I felt more guilty than I ever felt in my whole life. There was so many things I could have done to prevent this, but I failed. "You need to track down and kill these two, and if you fail you will be executed." I wasn't surprised at what he said.
"Yes, sir, I'm on it." I left the room to get the rest of my supplies. I went in my room grabbed, my two gun holsters, and put my guns in them. I bought the other gun holster after the contract with Warnar. I grabbed my keys out of the bowl by the door and went to the garage. I got on my bike, put the key in the ignition and started driving to New York City.
When I arrived there, I got off my bike and went to the place where they would most likely be, the police department. I walked through the door and pulled both of my guns and shot the two men in the lobby in the head. I didnt want to be subtle, I just wanted to kill whoever killed my colleges. I went passed them and went into the kitchen. I shot a few more guards, but the people I was looking for weren't there. I went into the shooting range, but they weren't there either, just a few more guards. Then the sirens went off and police started coming through the doors. I shot a couple of them and ran through the police station, and through the back door. I ran back to my bike and started it up, I started driving as fast as I could. The cops were hot on my tail. I went left, through an alley, and pulled out in the other side of the building. I kept on driving until I was sure I had lost the cops. I pulled into an alleyway and leaned back on my bike. What was I going to do? If I went back to the organization, they would kill me. I had no idea what I would do so just layed there until I fell to sleep.

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