chapter forty nine ;;

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yoongsmaster: WAT?!

junglekook: i......

yoongsmaster: i?

junglekook: am goin to daegu for a sCHOOL FIELD TRIP

yoongsmaster: they still have thoss?

junglekook: um yeh...

yoongsmaster: AAAAAHHHHH i GeT to SeE U, righy?

junglekook: YEH

junglekook: we have to do something for school and then they gave us the rest of our time there to do watever we want

junglekook: which is like 6 FUCKING HOURS

yoongsmaster: do u hesr me SCREAMIN

yoongsmaster: OMMMGGGGG

junglekook: I AM SO HAPPY

yoongsmaster: i cant wait to tell hoseokk bout this!!!!

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