chapter fifty four ;;

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jungkook was very eager to meet yoongi later that night. they promised to meet each other at 17:00 o'clock (5pm). jungkook didn't know what yoongi would have in store for them.

after that little encounter at the café earlier in the day his classmates were swarming him with questions. many. questions. jungkook had the sudden urge smash everyone's face with a 10 pund brick. he got questions like,, "is he single?" "how did you two meet?"  "how old is he?" "is he your boyfriend?"

jungkook simply didn't answer.

—        —

it was finally time to meet yoongi for their date(?). jungkook was filled with way too much excitement. jungkook was already for this hangout with yoongi. he even brought an extra pair of clothes.

jungkook decided to walk to the destination as to where they were meet. a park bench in the local park. it was 16:45 when jungkook arrived at the spot to meet. he was always early to places, no matter how early he had to be there in the morning. he never liked being late.

now all he had to do was wait.

finally it was time. 17:00 o'clock. yoongi had just arrived by car. (hoseok dropped him off) yoongi had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. at first he thought it was girly, but he didn't care. they were only ₩15,000 (roughly $15). it was a deal.

yoongi knew jungkook would be there waiting for him. once yoongi stepped foot on the wet grass —it had rained earlier— yoongi got overwhelmed with emotions. even though jungkook and him had 4 days together at the camp, they really never got alone time. now was there chance. they didn't have to worry about jungkook's mother, judging people, hoseok, etc. they just had each other.

yoongi started walking towards the spot he told jungkook to meet him at. and much to his surprise (not), jungkook was there waiting for him. jungkook was dressed more than usual. he wore a white button up, black skinny jeans, and from the looks of it worker boots. yoongi stopped and looked down at his attire.

a red flannel, gray skinny jeans, and converse. his normal attire.

he looked up and started walking again. he walked behind jungkook and put his hands over his eyes.

"guess who?" yoongi asked.

jungkook smirked. "hoseok?" he received a smack in the head.

"no you idiot. it's your boyfriend." yoongi said sarcastically now walking in front of him, to get a better view at his beautiful boyfriend. jungkook looked better in real life than in the video calls they had.

jungkook stood upand wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "ew are we getting all lovey dovey here?" yoongi remarked.

jungkook laughed. "yup. I'm gonna kiss you." yoongi only stood there, eyes shut.

instead of a loving kiss from his boyfriend he felt a small pain on his forehead.

jungkook flicked him.

"you're such a kid, oh my lord." yoongi said laughing. jungkook laughed along with him. from doing so jungkook received a very sloppy kiss on the cheek from his overly touchy boyfriend.

jungkook learned. with yoongi as his boyfriend, there would be A LOT of touching.

jungkook jerked his head back in disgust. "eww~" jungkook complained.

yoongi only laughed again.

this time jungkook leaned in and gave yoongi a kiss on the lips. it was quick but meaningful. they then hugged. for awhile.

but it was nice.

after the very long hug, yoongi let go first shoved the bouquet of flowers in one of jungkook's hands and his own in the other. yoongi had a very fun night set ahead for the two of them.

—        —

guys serious question. if you read this book religiously, should I have smut in the next chapter, yes or no. cause like I've been winging this book since like chapter 20 so i don't know what I should do? so yes smut, or no smut?

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