Levi's POV

"Thank you so much! I don't know what would I do without you, man!" He said. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder like what friends would do.

"Tch. I'm just helping because it looked like you were suffocating on those idiots so don't get too use to it, brat." I said without showing emotion on my face.

He just smiled and unwrapped his arms from me. I felt so uncomfortable at the sudden lack of warmth on my shoulder.

This was too awkward so I just walked away. He followed me from behind without saying a word. Great, I gained myself a new dog.

We walked to the cafeteria with mostly flirtatious stares at him and harsh glares at me. I gave them a death glares with sharp daggers in them.

"HEY! Levi!" I sighed and saw shitty glasses running at me.

"I guess I'll see you later."

With that, he left me to his bratty group friends that had a short blonde coconut and a boring raven-haired girl.

Wait. What was this feeling in my heart and why did it hurt so much? Is this how jealousy or anger felt like? Whatever. It was not like both of us have feelings for each other.

"Levi! Come sit with us! I thought you were not showing up so we ate instead of waiting for you."

"Tch. I wasn't hungry anyway."

"Here, Levi. You can have some of my bento." Petra offered but I declined immediately.

We were interrupted by girls' screaming and squealing coming from the other side of the cafeteria. A lot of seniors were annoyed by this and even the teachers were involved in this so called fangirling.

"Oh. That's the new kid. He gained way too many fans on his first day." Erwin said, pointing at Eren.

"I heard he has the adorable face of a baby angel!" Hanji squealed like she was the queen of the fangirls.

"Levi, are you okay? Why do you look so pissed?" Petra snapped me out of thoughts.

"Tch. I got this funny feeling after getting too close to him. It was a feeling of my heart beating too fast. It was new to me so I don't know what was that." I said.

"Oh my god, Levi! You're in love!"

"This is not funny, Hanji. You guys know that I am straight as a planet."

"Uh... Levi? Planet is round." Petra said innocently.

"Whatever. I don't actually care what is my gender interest anyway and-"

The bell rang, yelling at us that lunch was over and we just returned to our classes. On the way there, I couldn't help it but to stare at him the whole time.

I'm Not A Girl [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now