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Eren's POV

I knocked on the infirmary door three times but got a silence as a response. I did it again and got the same thing. The nurse must be out on a break or something.

I opened the door and let myself in without permission. Yup, it was empty. I put Levi gently on the soft white bed and did my own nursing on him. I got a clean handkerchief from my pocket and wetted it at the sink nearby.

I placed it on the his forehead and brushed all the beautiful soft tangled hair from his face. He looked so peaceful and cute at the same time.

I stared at my watch and it showed 3:08 pm. Shit, I had to go home before mom get suspicious but I can't leave him like this, can I?

Fuck it, I'm not risking any more lectures from mom. I grabbed a pen from the nurse's table and wrote down a note for Levi when he wake up soon.

When I was done, I put the note inside of his hands and left to claim his bag and Levi's. I went back to the classroom, it was empty and there were two bags which was mine and his. Instead taking his bag to him, I brought it home with me.

Levi's POV

At first I felt warmth but now I can't feel anything but coldness brushing against me. I opened my eyes and sat up. The damp handkerchief was long dried as my forehead absorbed most of the wetness.

Tch. Hard cold bed. Freezing conditioned air. Less sanitary room.

I noticed something papery in my one of my hands. I opened and saw a note. I read it out loud in my head.

'Sup man. You just passed out cold and I carried you here but there wasn't a nurse around so I did my own nursing. I need to leave as soon as I can as my ears couldn't afford another nagging from my mom. Your bag is with me so you don't have to worry and you have my number, right? Why don't we hang out sometimes, yeah?

From Eren.'

I sighed. Brat. I folded the paper and put it into my pocket. I stood up and caught a glimpse of the clock that said 5:13 pm.

Wow. I was out that long.

I brushed all the visible (actually invisible) dust off my uniform and headed out. I actually had this feeling in my stomach.

I was actually quite happy when he suggested for us to hang out sometimes. It was like a date. No, more like an alone time with him, just the two of us.

Oh~ I like the sound of that. I am so looking forward for this 'hang out'.

I'm Not A Girl [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now