Chapter 6

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The Bookshop

Chapter 6

Calum’s POV

I closed the door to my house and sighed. The boys were finally gone. I was about to close the door to my room when I heard my sister, Mali call out for me.

I lazily make my way to the living room where I figured out where my sister was. When I entered, she was talking with some girl. “Hey, Mali.” I say. The two girls turn to look at me and that’s when I realized that I forgot someone.

“Hey, Jessie.” I say awkwardly. Fucks sake, Cal. How could you forget her?  I think to myself.

Mali smiles at Jessie before standing up and pushing me to the hallway. When Jessie was finally out of sight, Mali whispered, “You’re bringing her home.” My face dropped and I groaned. I was about to ask why but I think Mali knew what I was about to say.

“Look, I know that you forgot about Jessie and it’s getting late. You don’t want a pretty girl like her walking home alone now do you?” I hesitate for a while and sigh.

“Fine.” I grab my coat and head to the living room to tell Jessie that I was gonna bring her home. She was gonna protest when Mali appeared out of nowhere and said, “No worries, love. He owes you one.” I turn and give her a glare and she just smiles back.

The two of us head out and start walking to Jessie’s home. It was quiet the whole time and it was just plain awkward.

When we reached her house she gave me a smile and said, “Thanks, Cal.” I return the smile and say, “No problem. So…you talked to my sister?”

“Yup. She’s really cool and really funny.” She says with a small laugh. We both nod our heads and the awkward silence kicks in once again.

“You wanna come in?” Jessie asks breaking the silence. I shake my head and say that it’s fine. She gives me a hug and says goodbye before heading inside her house. “Oh yeah, I had fun writing that song.” She says before closing the main door.

I turn and start walking back home when someone gripped my shoulder. I was about to punch the stranger when I saw the familiar face of my sister. “What are you doing here?” I ask her. She grins at me and I say, “Wait. Were you stalking me, Mali?”


“Mali!” I yell.

“Oh shut it. I know you like her.” She says and folds her arms together. She raises an eyebrow at me and I laugh. “Me? Like a girl who I just met like, a week ago?” I walk away from Mali and she says, “Come on, bro. Admit it or I’m telling mom that you skipped classes today.” I turn around and find her in the same position. Well, except for the phone she now had in her hand.

“You wouldn’t.” I say.

“Oh, I would.” She says.

“Fine! I kind of like her, okay? But the thing is, Ashton kind of likes her too. But he isn’t doing anything about it.”

“Well, dear brother, I have the perfect plan.”


Step 1.

Compliment her. (nothing sexual though because I know how you are brother.) But please don’t say the usual things like, “Wow, you smell good!” N O.

Step 2

Give her small stuff that she likes. Like a flower or something.

Step 3

If it’s been two weeks or something, take her out on a small date. Fast food restaurants don’t count. Diners do.

Step 4

Be polite and you know, don’t fart. Or burp. Or scratch your bum. I’ll push you off a cliff.

Step 5

Show her that you actually do like her. No kissing and shit first. Make sure she wants to.

My sister gave me a 2 hour lecture on these five steps. She explained every single thing in detail and I swear, I wanted to fall asleep.

But guess what? After two hours of lecturing me on how to “get the girl”, Mali looked at the paper she was writing on and crossed out everything with a pink Sharpie. She stood up and said, “You know what? This isn’t gonna work. Be yourself. Just...don’t be so perverted and sexual. I’m begging you.” She heads upstairs and leaves me to stare at the paper that looked like a child drew on it.

I guess I could try to get Jessie to notice that I like her. I just hope nothing embarrassing happens.

A/N: Hey gurl hey. I have updated once again! It’s kind of crappy. Wee. But I promise, shit’s gonna be going down in the next few chapters. :) Comment, vote, you know the drill. Thanks for reading. BTW this is a really weird chapter in my opinion. lol.

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