Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Jessie’s POV

School was done. Thank the gods up above. Now the only thing I had to worry about was Christmas presents and the outcome of my grades…and maybe the fact that Calum was gonna be going away for a whole year because he was touring with One Direction.

I was proud, I really was. But, come on, there is like, a number of girls who will definitely fall in love with them. I bet they’re gonna be pretty too. And it kind of scares me because, one, I’ve never had a relationship in my life before and I’m just scared he might cheat on me and I don’t want to reminisce that as a first break-up. Too much pain. Two, pretty girls are pretty. Especially when they have nice personalities. Three, I’ve only been with Calum for two months. I don’t think it’s that much of an official relationship just yet. So, yeah! Let all of the insecurities hover over me like a big tidal wave.

 I was walking back home while thinking about this so it was kind of a coincidence that Calum had appeared out nowhere. He noticed that I was a bit quiet throughout the usual walk back home since I usually talked a lot so I think it kind of worried him. And it surprised me how he found out what the problem was right away. “It’s about me leaving isn’t it?” He asks.

I sigh and nod my head. He scoffs and says, “You know I would never leave you, right?”

“Calum, we’ve only been together for two months. You could just forget about me anytime, you know? And there’s like, a bunch of girls who are prettier and better than me, to be honest.”

“But none of them are gonna catch my attention. Not like how you caught my attention.” He says.

“Please, we met in a bookshop for crying out loud! It’s nothing special.”

“Come on, Jess! Stop being so insecure about yourself!”

“Name one thing that caught your attention when you first saw me, Cal.”

“The way you squint your eyes when you read for a long time.” He says and I notice that we both stopped walking and we were just standing by the sidewalk. “The way you look like you’re gonna flip the page of a book when you’re clearly not even in the last paragraph of the last page.”

“How the hell do you even notice these things?” I ask him.

“As I said, you caught my attention. But it’s not looks-wise. Shouldn’t that mean something?”

I let out a sigh and nod my head. Calum smiles and hooks his arm around my shoulders. “I could actually go on but I think that’s already enough proof to show how much I love you.” He says. I roll my eyes at him and he laughs. “I really do love you.” He says but I didn’t say anything because, should I? Should I not? Time to start all this doubting once again.

We continue walking back home but he leaves me once we arrive at the street where his house was located. Before he could walk farther I called out his named and Calum turned around. “I love you too.” I say.

He smiles and walks back to me. Then, he kisses me and let me tell you this, I liked it. It felt nice. Sounds weird, but it did.

When we pull apart, he raises his pinky and says, “I promise I’ll never leave you. So you better do the same.”

I hook my pink around his and say, “Promise.”

A/N: Eugh. This is so cheesy. I can’t believe I came up with this. Oh, well. I hope you liked it? Haha.

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