Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jessie’s POV

Today was the day the boys were leaving for the UK. I was in Calum’s house and he was freaking out because he couldn’t find one of his jackets. His mom was out in the backyard putting some of Calum’s suitcases in and trying to figure out where the rest of the boys’ suitcases would go since they were all riding with Calum.

While Calum was literally running around the house asking everyone he saw where his jacket was, I looked through his closet and found it. I rolled my eyes and folded it up and placed it on his suitcase. He went back inside his room and said, “Jessie, I swear to God, I need the jacket.” He walks over to his suitcase and before he said anything else, he said, “Oh. It’s here.”

“Yeah, it was in your closet.” I tell him.

“But I looked in there!”

“Not good enough.” I tell him. He sticks his tongue out and I do the same.

The doorbell rings and I head to the front door to open. Ashton, Luke and Michael all stood there with suitcases in front of them and huge bags slung over their shoulders. “Hey, you guys.” I say. They head inside the house and I help them with some of their bags.

“When are you guys leaving, anyway?” I ask them as they all sit down in Calum’s living room.

“We’re supposed to be at the airport at 4.” Ashton says. I look at the clock and see that it’s only one.

“Kind of early, we know. But our parents all wanted us to be there early because they know how slow we all move.” Michael says.

Calum comes in with all his bags and decides to sit down on the floor since all the boys were taking up the seats. I take a seat beside him and ask, “So, you all good?”

He nods his head and asks, “Where’s Anna? Isn’t she coming?”

All of us look at Ashton and he shrugs. “She told me she was coming. I just don’t know if she is.” The doorbell rang once again and I heard Mali yell, “I’ll get it!” I see her run to the front door and I hear her small conversation with Anna, I think it was Anna. I mean, it sounded like her.

After a few minutes have passed, Anna walks into the room and looks at me. I think it was like a, “You have a few hours left to tell him or I will.” Kind of look and I just rolled my eyes at her.

Calum’s mom appears through the doorway and asks if we wanted to eat something we all nod our heads and she tells us to head outside in the backyard since she still had some leftover food from last night and lunch.

We all head outside and sit down on a picnic table outside to eat.

“We’re leaving at three, my loves!” Calum’s mom yells from inside we all nod our heads and grab some food.

“You guys excited?” Anna asks.

“Well, yes and no.” Luke says. “Yes because we’re touring with One Direction which is great. No because I’m going to be living with these hooligans for a long time and I’m getting homeschooled. And I know that they’re going to be bothering me about it while we’re there.”

Ashton, Calum and Michael laugh at Luke and Anna and I roll our eyes at the three. “Well, good luck.” I tell Luke and give him a pat on the back. He thanks me and threatens to throw his sandwich at Calum.

After what seemed like ten minutes of talking about the stupidest things ever, Mali comes and tells us that it’s time to go. Everyone heads inside but I tell Calum to stay behind with me. “I have to tell you something, Cal.” I tell him.

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