Player 99

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I worked for Houston's Sports and Talent Agency in downtown Houston. I had helped the Houston Texans score J.J. Watt, now one of the most famous defensive players in the NFL. My boss, Josh Hendrickson, asked me to go check in on the team. Driving over from the office, I was so excited to see them again. 

DeAndre Hopkins. Arian Foster. Andre Johnson. J.J. Watt.

I helped them all sign with the Texans. They were like my babies and I was still in contact with them and most of the team. Pulling into the parking lot, I parked my Bronco and got out. I grabbed my shoulder bag, filled with stats, my planner, contracts for other players that I have to review, my cell phone and even more paper work. As i walked through the doors of the stadium, my cell phone rang. I groped through my bag until I found it in the side pocket. Pulling it out, I saw that it was Mr. Hendrickson. 

"Haver you arrived, Miss Stone?" my bosses voice came through. Walking toward the field entrance, i looked for a piece of gum in the black hole that was my bag. 

"Yes, Mr. Hendrickson," I replied, finding a pack in the very bottom. 

"Good. Just check on the coach and the players, see if any of them want to transfer and make a note, then you can take the rest of the day off," my boss went on. Unwrapping a piece of gum, I threw the wrapper away. 

"Yes sir. I'll see you tonight at dinner then Josh," I said smiling. Oops, did i forget to mention that we were dating? My bad.  

Josh sighed before answering. "Had I been on the company phone, you'd be in so much trouble," he said, trying to hide the laugh he was holding in. "But yes Paige, I'll see you at dinner." 

We said goodbye and we hung up. I put the gum in my mouth before walking through the doors. The team was on the field, doing some drills. Coach Kubiac was watching from the sidelines. He brought a player over to him, talked to him before sending him out on the field again. I walked over, putting my best smile on. 

"Mr. Kubiac," i greeted, offering out my hand. He turned and shook it.  

"Miss Stone! Good to see you. Come to steal my players?" he joked. I smiled and shook my head. 

"Just here to check on my babies," I said, gazing over his shoulder to the field. I saw J.J. talking to a player. Oh, J.J. i thought, my blood pounding at the sight of him. I pulled myself out of my reminiscent thoughts as the coach continued. 

"Well, practice will be over in twenty minutes, why don't you take a seat and I'll send someone to get you after they've showered," the coach said. I nodded and left, going to find a seat in the stands. 

I took one and began to work. Checking my planner, i had a conference call with James, the co-owner of the Agency, tomorrow at 10, 2 meetings that afternoon with potential clients and had to start to work on the report on J.J. for Josh. I closed my planner as i let my self drift to the thoughts i had earlier. 


When we first started working together, we've had sparks flying since the moment we've met. We were into a lot of the same stuff, shared the same views, and our personalities just meshed perfectly. We had a lot of late nights and early mornings when I was working with him. I was sad to see him go, but i knew that it was best for him and his career. I missed him everyday, though i hid it. It was against work policies to develop any feelings with a current client. Though J.J. wasn't a client anymore, Josh and i were sort of a thing going on, but i knew J.J. had my heart... I just hoped he never realized that.  

"Excuse me? Paige? They're ready for you now," a female voice interrupted my thoughts. I jumped before i nodded and packed my planer in my bag and followed the young girl to the locker rooms. The guys were all sitting there. J.J. was the first one to turn to see who it was. 

"PAIGE!" he greeted running up to me and pulling me into a big hug. I felt my feet being lifted, but i didn't care. He was holding me. I felt myself laugh at his eagerness before he set me down. 

"Hey, J.J.," i said, smiling. It was good to see him again. His smiled was huge as he took me in. He was about to say something else when the other guys came over to hug me. 

DeAndre Hopkins got to me first and gave me a huge hug while Arian Foster and Andre Johnson argued over who gets to hug me first. I just laughed as other players came up to give me a hug while they argued. Finally, Andre just left the argument and came over to give me a hug. Arian hit him as Andre walked away, but his hug was just as warm as the others. 

After hello's were said and hugs were given, it was time for business. I talked to each of the guys. None of them wanted to transfer and said they'd stick out their contract. I gave them props for staying before i went to talk to Kubiac. We talked about the offense (which seriously needs helps) and praised the defense (props to J.J. and the other guys) before we both agreed there was nothing i could do here. I shook his hand and took my leave. While walking out, J.J. caught up with me. 

"Hey, Paige," he said, running after me after i left Kubiac's office. I stopped and turned. J.J. smiled as we started walking again.  

"Hey Justin," i said as we walked out. He laughed. 

"Wow you haven't called me that since i signed with the team," he said, opening the door for me. I shrugged. We walked in silence to my car. I opened the door and got in. I unrolled the window and looked at him. 

"I miss you Paige," he said, taking my hand from the steering wheel. I looked at him. 

'Justin," i said, wanting to tell him that i missed him too. "I can't. I'm with Josh." He looked down and let go of my hand. "I miss you too," i said, before driving off. I drove to my apartment and stood in my kitchen for the longest time, wondering what was wrong with me. 

"I can't believe I said that too him!" i said aloud, a habit i do when i'm really nervous about something. " I can't believe that." I sat down and thought over it. I debated calling J.J. and telling him that i didn't mean it. I didn't do that though, because i did. I missed him everyday. Brake it off with Josh, i thought suddenly. you don't love him. I got up and got ready for the date, seeing that i was supposed him at five thirty and it was four forty five. I put on a black dress that went down to my knees, a tight belt underneath my bust and paired with it with a bracelet. I took my phone out and started a text to J.J., seeing as i never deleted his number. 

We need to talk. Meet me @ Reliant at 7~ P.  

i set my phone next to my purse as i got my keys and my wallet. I put everything in there when i heard my phone go off. 

See you there. I'll be waiting. ~J.J. 

I put my phone in my purse with a smile on my face before i left. I locked the door behind me and drove to the restaurant, my mind on the meeting with J.J. 

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