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Paige's POV 

My heart jumped into my throat as I was escorted down the isle with John and Connie next to me. Justin's mom dug her nails into me as we walked through the door and John stiffened a bit. I winced from the pressure of my future in law's nails before my eyes caught Justin and the sight of my man, took my breath away.

He looked dashing. His blond hair was brushed back. His bright blue eyes were tearful as he looked at me. His suit looked like it was molded to his skin, but he looked good nevertheless. A small yellow rose was in his suit pocket. His smile... his smile was full of joy, pride, love and most importantly promise, the silent promise that we were going to be together forever.As the wedding march went on and my future got steps closer to me, my eyes teared up.

Finally after so much trauma and grief, I was going to be happy and nothing was going to stop my happiness. I wasn't going to be hurt or raped. I wasn't going to have to watch how I spoke or how I acted. I was free to be who I was and be happy. I was free to do as I please with my future husband by my side, who I know loved me with every inch of his soul and I loved him. I knew I was going to live a long and happy life with him by my side and I'd be damned if I let anything tear us apart, especially now that we're here.

"Ladies and gentleman, if you will please be seated," the pastor spoke up as Justin took my hand in his. With shaking fingers he lifted the veil from my face.

"Beautiful," he breathed. I blushed and felt the urge to kiss him. I refrained, biting my lip, knowing I would have to safe our kiss for the end, for when we were officially married, as husband and wife. He gave me a smile, his way of telling me he knew how I felt.

"We have gathered here today in joy of the union of Justin Watt and Paige Stone," he priest went on. "If anyone has a reason as why these two should not be married in the sight of God and their family and friends, please speak now or forever hold your peace." I couldn't help but throw a glance into the crowd. Much to my relief, no one said anything and I received an encouraging smile from Connie. I returned it before looking back at the priest.

"Well with that out of the way, I will be proceeding. Justin and Paige met a couple years ago as we all know and their love was smothered due to their careers. But now, they have overcame the obstacle and an even tougher one, that I withhold with  respect to the person's containing thereof," the Father said. Justin, who had still been holding my hand, gave it a squeeze. We both knew what he was talking about.

"Now we are about to have the union of these two and join them in the eyes of God who has blessed the marriage. Can I have the rings please?"

Both of Justin's brothers, T.J. and Derek stepped up, each of them holding one of our rings. They handed them to the priest who then gave Justin's mine and me J.J.'s. His brothers went back to their spot in the line of groomsmen. 

"I was told that you wanted to write your own vows?" the priest said. I gave Justin a look and he gave me a sheepish smile. The butt changed it on me. I wasn't prepared for this! "Justin, you will go first."

Justin's face was red as he started.

"Paige, please don't be mad that I changed it. I just couldn't do the traditional vows because our lives were anything but traditional. So, I'm going to stand up here and probably make a fool of myself as I confess my heart to you." A few chuckles echoed from the crowd.

"When I first met you, I knew I had to make you mine and as I got to know you, it took a lot not to do so. But out of my misery, it gave me the opportunity to meet and fall in love with an amazing, strong, beautiful, independent, and sometimes annoying woman." I giggled .

"But none the less, Paige Stone, I am in love with you. And I plan on making sure you know that every time you wake up and every time you go to slep. When you think you're hideous, I'm just going to kiss you and convince you you're not. When you're pregnant and feel like a balloon, I'm going to distract you with whatever you're craving and make you think about the little miracle you will be carrying," he promised.

"Thank god!" Connie muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear. The entire church erupted in laughter at her comment. John put his hand over her mouth and asked us to continue.

"I'm going to make sure you never forget that you are beautiful, strong, independent, amazing and yes annoying! We've gotten through so much together and I know this was just the beginning, but if you let me, I plan on helping you through every one you face and to never leave you. I'll always be there when you need me and I'll annoy the crap out of you with my over protectiveness, but make up for it with my love," Justin finished. 

By the time he finished, I was a hot mess. Tears were flowing freely down my face. Thank god Connie put water proof make up on me! My heart was swollen with the love I felt for him. Could he be anymore sweet? I started to lean forward to kiss him when a voice stopped me. 


My heart dropped as I recognized it. Justin and I turned at the same time only to see Robert at the end of the isle, a gun in his hand and a giant ass smirk on his face. Everyone we invited was turning to see who it was. He clapped slowly three times, the gun making it kind of awkward for him. 

"I'm so glad I got her in time to hear that beautiful speech!" he said, his eyes glinting with a plan I'm sure he had up his sleeve. I dropped my bouquet as I tried to breathe, but for some reason my lungs wouldn't work with me. Justin stepped towards me, his arm in front of my torso. 

"What are you doing here?" he demanded. Robert laughed. 

"Did you think I'd let you take my woman away from me?" he snarled. "No, I wouldn't. I came back to take her and eliminate the one who took her from me." The audience gasped. I clutched at Justin's arm, feeling a bit faint. He turned his eyes on me and brought me to his chest, his arms around me protectively. Robert's eyes darkened at the sight of us. 

"Ugh, now I want to puke!" he said, a hand falling to his stomach. "Anyways, I'm going to get right to the point. Paige you're coming with me." Justin shook his head, his body trembling with hidden rage. "Ok, let me rephrase this then. Paige you're coming with me or I shoot everyone in this building, starting with your lover boy?" 

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