Back to Work

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*Paige's POV* 

I met with my therapist every week. She was a joy to talk to and she really did help. I stopped having nightmares and I stopped feeling like I was dirty and unwanted. By the end of the month, I felt better. I felt like I could actually enjoy life now, like the weight of everything that had happened to me was off of my shoulders.

Justin was a big part of that. He was amazing while I was going through this. He made sure he told me that I was loved and he proved it too with the little things he did, like making me my favorite breakfasts on Sundays, letting me cry everytime I saw a The Fault In Our Stars commercial and surprising me with pre-ordered tickets to the movie. We were almost a normal couple now, you know, besides the fact that he's an NFL player/star and the stupid paperazzi. The pap's were on us almost all the time, but we just got used to it. 


Today was my first day back at work. I couldn't sit still. I was shifting in my seat every minute. Josh was meeting me in the front. He smiled at me as Justin pulled up. Justin took my hand and gave it a squeeze as I took a dep breath to try to calm my nerves, which didn't really help, but it was worth a shot, right?  

"I'll come pick up at 5," Justin said. softly. I nodded and smiled, but I don't think it was very pretty. "Hey, it'll be ok. Josh has got your back and things will go smoothly. No one is going to say anthing. Just relax and focus on your work. You got this, Paige." He smiled reassuringly and he leaned in and pecked me on the lips.

"I love you." 

I smiled. "You too," I said before I got out of the car.

Josh waved at Justin and walked me back inside, telling me how happy he was that I was back and how things are going to go great now that he had his best team player back. I just nodded as he led me back to my office. He opened my door and waved me inside. 

"Good luck, Paige," he said, giving my shoulder a squeeze before he ran off to take care of the company.

I sighed and stepped in, shutting my door behind me. I walked in and sat at my desk, getting used to being back in my office. I turned on the computer and noticed the stack of folders next to it. I groaned before I got stared on my work. 


I don't think I realized that it was 5 o'clock until Justin came up to get me. He came in and laughed as I jumped at his  voice. He came in and sat in front of me. 

"It is nearly 5:30. Come on Paige. Let's go home," he said, motioning me to come on. I sighed and nodded. We walked out hand in hand out of the office. Once we stepped outside, the pap's were there, surrounding the car. I ducked my head as Justin took my hand and walked us to the car. 

"So, Justin, how are things going with the investigation?" one of them said. 

"Paige! How's life after everything?" another buzzed. 

"Guys! How do you feel with Robert still at large?"  

I flinched at th words, but thankfully, Justin opened the door to the car and helped me in. I put on my seatbelt as he walked around and I slid down in my seat as the pap's kept taking pictures. I buried my head in my hands as Justin took off. I didn't look up until the car stopped. 

"Paige." I looked up. "I'm sorry. I should have-" 

I shook my head. "What did I expect? You're a famous athlete. Us being together and my past is kind of a big story. It's fine," I said, cutting him off. He nodded and took my hand, before he brought it to his lips. 

"Come on, love," he said, "I have a surprise." 

I smiled and nodded. We got out and headed up to his apartment. A couple days after my first therapy session, Justin had gone through my apartment and brought all of my clothes to his place and the few precious belongings I had, which was mainly just my family picture, my mother's necklace.

When we got to the door, he told me to let him go in first, then count to ten before I went in. I sighed and nodded. He kissed my lips before he dashed inside. I crossed my arms before I started counting loudly. 

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Ok, Justin, I'm coming in!" I said before I pushed open the doors. Rose petals and small candles led the way to the living room. Tears pricked my eyes as I followed them, my eyes soley on the flowers on the floor. I didn't look up until I came out of the hallway.

Justin was kneeled down, a small black box in his hand, a princess cut diamond, glinting off the candlelight, and some the team was behind him, holding up signs that read "Will you marry me?". Justin smiled at me as my jaw hit the floor. The tears fell freely as my heart swelled with love. I wiped them away as I tried to say the one word I needed to say... 


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