Party Time!

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A couple weeks after I informed Connie about the plans, which she was thoroughly pleased with, some of the girls told me that they were going to steal me away from my future husband to be for a bachelorette party. When I was included on this peice of information, I groaned. I didn't really want to go. I'd be fine getting a mani pedi, facial, bottle of wine and some Magic Mike at home, but Justin put up a fight. 

The 'Arguement' 

"No, I don't want one," I said, really half whined, leaning back in my chair, my lower lip pouting at my fiancee. Justin just crossed his arms and sighed heavily. He was thoroughly irritated with my refusal to go to my own damn bachelorette party, which I didn't really want anyway. We've been at this for about twenty minutes now. Both of us were tired of arguing.

"Paige, this is going to be one of the last nights you're going to be officially off of the market. I want you to go, enjoy yourself. I can't believe I'm saying this. But go out and get drunk. Those girls put in a lot of effort in putting this together, it'd be rude for you not to go and my mom'll kill you and me if you didn't. You for not going, me for not making you go," Justin said, leaning towards me. He had a point there. Connie was all about me having a traditional wedding, when our circumstances had been anything but. 

"Justin, after everything, it's like we're trying to be normal when what happened to me, to us, wasn't." 

He frowned. "Yes I know, but normalcy is what you wanted, it's what the both of us wanted and now we have that. Having a bachelorette party like a normal person woud be the normal thing to do when a normal person is about to get married," he said, emphaziing the word normal each time it passed from his lips. I sighed and glared at him. 

"But what happened-" 

"I know what hell happened, Paige," he snapped. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath before he spoke again. "I'm just saying that the friends you have now are going through a lot of work to bring you a good party and it's taken a lot of work on both of our sides to get where we are, and we're happy and safe now. So just go. Go be normal like you wanted. I know what appened wasn't normal but we cannot let it affect OUR wedding and OUR future together, ok?" he asked, his eyes full of apology and regret for yelling at me and hope that I'll cave in and do as he asked. I sighed and raked a hand through my hair in defeat. 

"Fine," I muttered before I went to take a shower. 

Things cooled down quickly after our discussion. I could never stay mad at my JJ, I just didn't have it in me to and he didn't have it in himself to stay mad at me either. So after a hug, an apology, a kiss and some make up sex, we were ok. In fact, the night the girls were taking me out, the guys were taking him out on his bachelore party, which he begrudgingly was going to go to, after all it'd be rude of him not to go. 

When that night came, Alexa was the one to come get me and Brian Cushing, the big teddy bear, came to get him. We parted in the parking lot after a kiss. 

"Don't get too wasted," I told him, giving him a hug. He chuckled, kissed the top of my head and looked over it at Alexa. 

"Don't let a stripper touch her or I might end up in jail for murder," he said while I pulled away. I laughed and poked his chest, teasingly. 

"I could say the same for you, tough guy," I chatsied. I looked over at Cushing. "Just don't let him get too wasted ok? We have our engagement party tomorrow evening and I don't want him suffering from a hang over when we go, understood?" 

Cushing saluted me. "Yes, ma'am. I'll do my best ma'am." 

I smiled. "Do your best my ass. Make sure he doesn't get hammered," I snapped, jokingly. Cushing held a hand over his heart, looking offended. 

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