Robert's Ultimatum

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The next morning when my alarm went off, I jolted awake. J.J. was asleep next to me, his arm hanging off th side of the bed, his hair messed up. I glanced at him after I hit the off button on my clock. I got dressed quickly before I brushed my teeth. I was rinsing my mouth with mouth wash when J.J. stumbled in. He was rubbing his eyes, in his boxers, and his hair messed up. I spat out the liquid and turned to him. I laughed as he nearly tripped. I reached around him and grabbed his pants. I leaned in and kissed him before I handed him his pants.

"Put these on. I'll drop you off at your place on the way to work," I said before turning around and running a brush through my hair quickly. He laughed before he started to get dress.

By the time I gathered my bag, phone and planner, J.J was waiting by the door with two cups of coffee. I opened the door and let us out. I locked it behind me before I took my cup from J.J. We walked to the garage, silently. He started to take my hand as we pasted Kevin. I pulled away slightly and shook my head. Once we were in the garage, I started to explain before he questioned me.

"It's too soon, Justin. He still thinks that I'm with someone," I said, getting in. "I don't want him to go to the press that we're together." J.J. nodded and don't say anything as he got in.

I drove him to his apartment and pulled around back. I knew the pap's would be hanging around in the front. I put the car in park and turned to him.

"Do you want to do lunch?" I asked, smiling a little. He nodded, a big grin splitting across his face.

"Yeah, how about we have lunch here?" he suggested. "I don't have practice today." I nodded.

"Sounds great. I'll come by around 12," I said as he reached for the door handle.

"Bye," he said, before picking my lips. I smiled.

"Bye," I called after him.

After he shut the door, I reversed the car and headed to work, barely missing the traffic. I pulled into the parking garage and parked in a spotnear the door. I grabbed my bag and coffee and got out. I went inside and got in the elevator, rising it to the fifth floor.

Once I got to the office, Peggy, our secretary, said that Robert and Josh were waiting for me in the conference room. I groaned, but thanked her. I dropped my stuff off at my office before i went to the conference room. Robert was standing up, his back to the door, looking out of the window. Robert was in his late twenties/early thirties with curly sandy blond/brown hair and blue eyes. He had a litte scruff and a strong jaw. He was built, but subtly. He was attractive for an asswhole. Josh was sitting down, biting his nails, like he always did when he was nervous. I sat down behind Robert, crossed my arms and cleared my throat. 

"Robert," i said, coldly. If i was going to be forced to do this, i was going to do it dragging my feet. He turned and smiled. 

"Paige, how nice of you to come," he said, taking the seat in front of me. "I'm going to assumed that Josh told you about the contract and the decision i've come to when it comes to the two of you." I nodded. "Good, now since you really don't have a choice in whether or not you do it, here are the rules. 1- You can't break it off until i say so. 2- You have to really sell it. No half assed performances. 3- If you violate these rules, i will make sure you will never get another job for any other Sports Agency, understood?" He leaned forward. I nodded. 

"Fine, but if I'm going to do this, I have a couple terms of my own. 1-We cannot get engaged or married.  2-I want you to make me your CFO. 3-My personal affairs stay that, mine and personal. Any attempt to ruin them, will result in an immiediate press conference and EVERYTHING will come out, the whole contract and Josh being gay," i said, standing up. Robert stood up. He was a good five inches or so taller than i was, but I stared him in the eyes. "Understood?" I raised my eyebrow. He nodded and reached out his hand. 

"Understood," he said before i shook it. I nodded. 

"Good, have a nice day," i said, not meaning it. "Hi Josh," i said before walking out. I went to my office and slammed the door. People looked at me weird, but i just shut the blinds and pouted. I stared out of my window, wanting to scream and destroy everything in my office. 

This is just so fucking ridiculous and i hate Robert, i pouted in my head. I was about to go on when my office phone rang. I stormed over and picked it up. 

"What?" i snapped. 

"Sorry, to interrupt you," J.J.'s voice came through. I gapsed. 

"I'm so sorry, Justin! I didn't mean to! I've been having a shity day at work," i half explained. J.J. laughed. 

"It's not even ten yet," he said. I sighed. "Anyway, i just wanted to say hi." I smiled. 

"Ok, hi," I said, blushing a little bit. 

"See you at lunch," he said. 

"Later," i said before hanging up. Slightly in a better mood, i did my work and before i knew it, it was time for lunch. 

I practically just danced out of the office and down to the elevator. I got to my car in fve minutes and i drove over to J.J.'s. I parked a block away from his place and walked. I didn't want anyone to connect the dots. I buzzed the little thing and J.J's voice came over the intercom. 


"Hey, it's me," I said. 

"Come on up," he said and with that the doors unlocked and I headed in. I went up to the third floor where he was waiting for me. He pulled me into a big hug and a huge kiss before we went inside for lunch. 

His apartment was huge and spacious with giant windows and a high ceiling. I always liked it over here. We sat down to eat gormet sandwhiches and some pasta with oregano on it. It was delicious. After we finished, we sat talking for the twenty minutes i had before it was time for me to go back to work. When it was time to go, J.J. walked me to the stairs. 

"Can i come over tonight?" he asked. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. 

"I don't know. I might have to stay late at the office," i said, pecking him on the lips. He nodded. 

"See you later then," he said, as I turned. He smack my ass before i walked down the stairs. I winked at him but kept walking. 

I left the building, walked to my car and got in. I drove to the office with a smile on my face. Things were going good, other than besides work. I didn't want to lose my job, but i wasn't exactly happy about this either. When i got to work and was in our part of the building, there was a manilla folder on my desk with my name on it. I opened it and dumped out the contents. Inside was pictures of me and J.J., kissing, hugging, having lunch, and a note. It read: 

You better end this now or you lose your job and I ruin his career. 


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