Don't Eat Too Much

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Chapter 4

Jack's POV

As we walked towards the mouth watering smells of dinner my stomach rumbled, as we got closer I imagined a Hogwards setting with tonnes of children and lots of food. When we arrived I was deeply disappointed to find a school cafeteria style room with only around 50 children, all varying in age and they all looked at me. 100 eyes looking at you is horrible, no worse than that, it is terrifying. Nevertheless, I held my head high and walked to the buffet laid out at the side of the room. Alice had abandoned me to sit with her friend, or at least that's what I assumed and as a figure walked towards me I became very interested in the plate of sausage rolls.

"O positive... With an interesting twist of spice, I like her."

"Excuse me?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Did you just say you liked me because of what my blood type might be? Because I will have you know I am AB negative." I lied. "We had freaks like you at my old school, I didn't like them and I sure as hell do not like you asshole!"

"It seems she has a temper... What a funny thing she is, Tyler thought you smelt nice, didn't you Tyler but the fact that you hold a sense of humour is a bonus."

"Leave her alone Luke." A very low sexy voice, which I could only wish belonged to a sexy guy, came from behind me and I had to strain myself from turning too quickly. "It's her first day, now scuttle back to your table in the shade before the sun catches you." He gave Luke a killer smirk before acknowledging me with a genuine smile and yes, I melted inside.

He was tall and boy, was he good lookin'.

He had beautiful brown eyes, bad-boy style jet black hair, draw-droppingly defined jaw bones and his voice was just wonderful to hear.

"Does the new girl have a name by any chance?" He asked, those eyes were so distracting.

You dumbass he is talking to you!

"Er... I'm sorry what?" I replied quickly, I didn't know how much time had past since he asked my name and I was making a complete idiot of myself.

"Your name, or did you forget it?"

"It's Jack and there's no need to be rude, thanks for the help but I was fine and I didn't need it."

Why would you say that Jack he just... You such an idiot.

His eyes began to glow angrily. "Sorry for helping you bitch, hope you don't get picked for our group because I will make your life a living hell."

He stormed off, clearly pissed and I picked up a ready made sandwich to eat, I couldn't just stand there like an idiot.

Well now you've done it, pissed off the hottest guy you meet, right after he saves you, are you stupid or what?!

Wait, surely I was able to choose my own group to be with, why would they pick one for me? I shrugged it off and sat at a table alone, no one cam to sit with me, no one even looked at me after I had sat down and so I ate the sandwich in silence, the table colour was very interesting.

I was nearly finished when Ma'am arrived in the canteen.

"Jack, can you follow me to the office please."

Oh shit, I bet hotness snitched... You're in for it now.

I got up quickly, she didn't look like one to wait and I lifted my head up as I walked out, I wasn't one to cower.

"We are going for your evaluation, we need to know what group you will be in."

"Can't I choose my own group? That's entirely unfair!" I moaned. "You can't take away my free will!"

"Things work differently here darling and you will do as you are told young lady." She replied sternly, leaving no room for argument.

We walked the rest of the way in silence and as I opened the principals office, I thought I was going to heave.

Dillon's POV

After I sat back down with the pack, none of them kept my gaze, I was fuming, usually my dominance affected everyone and no one challenged me and survived.

But she did.

My wolf became restless as Jack left with the housekeeper. He needed to kill something, as did I. I needed to run, kill and run some more. I left before I killed anyone in my pack, they were trying so hard to make me feel better, that she was new and fresh and she didn't understand but even humans submitted to him, even humans never held his gaze. He had stood up for her against Luke, then she challenged me, then I threatened her. It didn't even scare her!

Run. Kill. Need.

My wolf was scraping the surface of my skin, wanting to break free, needing to break free.

I had to get outside.

I ran to a door in the house, I didn't notice what one and then he was free.

I had phased.

The Not So Perfect School For Perfect Children (#Wattys2016)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu