Skylox. >.< *not done. :D*

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One day Adam was playing the hunger games on his server. Once he had spawned he looked around to see his opponents. He saw a bacca, which reminded him of Jerome , he saw a squid, so disgusting, and then he noticed a young teen about one or two years younger than him. He had unique eyes, although the left was covered by hair. The young teen had black headphones over his ears and head. Adam started to daze off about the awesome and handsome teen until he heard a gun shot that said the games were now on.

*Adams POV*

I ran as quickly as I could and got the first chest I saw. The chest had a stone sword, an apple, and a raw porkchop. I ran away to a far away island and hoped no one had followed me. I got to the top and looked for chests. None. I sat down resting from running block to block. I saw a nametag so I got up and had my sword in my hand. The player went up the mountain and just when he got up I noticed it was the young teen I saw before. I went over and said "Hey, I'm Adam wanna team?" noticing he had low health and an arrow in his knee. The teen nodded and limped to a nearby tree and drank a water bottle. 

*The young teen's POV*

I limped to a nearby tree hoping it would help my knee, well it surely didnt since I kept making noises when I would try to sit down so I just drank a water bottle I had in my inventory. Adam asked what my name was, I muttered " ..Ty.. " hopefully he heard since I was outta breath just going to this mountain. He nodded and gave me a golden apple. I said " A golden apple??" He almost slapped me in the face, and then said " YOU SAID THE G WORD!!! ITS CALLED BUTTER!" I laughed so hard then I noticed he turned a bright pink. Hes so cute..  Wait. I'm straight not gay... Well I dont know.

*Adam's POV*

I yelled at him, I felt awful since he had a scared look on his face. Then he bursted out laughing , his laugh was so ... so beautiful .. After all I am bi c: but I know he was probably straight. 

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