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*Adam's POV*

I woke up and looked at mah budder watch, it read 7:00 A.M. Mah Gawshhhh it's early. I felt somethimg heavy on my chest so I looked down and there was a sleeping Ty. Im finally dating Ty o: oh my, *screams*. Shettt I think I woke up Ty.

"Wuttttt..." Ty mutters still with his eyes clothes.

" Nothingg just excited were dating."

I kiss him on the lips and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast. I cooked eggs and bacon for Ty, I made biscuits filled with budder for me.

*Ty's POV*

I quickly ate my delicious breakfast and ran to my room. I had a gift for Adam for our second day of dating. I made him an amulet thats budder and has a rare purple jewl in the middle. I ran back downstairs with a box in my hands. I gave it too him with a huge grin on my face, hoping he'll like it. He opened it up and like died. He had a hugeeee grin bigger than mine. He put it on and checked himself out in the mirror.

"Who's dat smexy dood in the mirror?"

"Looks like you hun."

"I love it Ty, you're the best boyfriend everrrr!"

*Adam's POV*

The amulet is so freaken awesome! It has budder and some rare gem in the middle which is pretty cool. I love itttt, of course not as much as I love Ty. I know we've only been dating for two days but I sorta am curious about his member. ( Pervy Adam up in here ) Is it long??? Is it big??? Is it yummy :P ??? ( Lmfao ) I'll try to get him to show me tonight [; . Oh mah gawsh I havent uploaded anything on youtube for like two weeks and I havent checked my phone. Well then. Damnnnnn I have 50 messages asking where am I and if im alright. I should put up a video soon maybe my recruits are worried too.


" Sureeee I'll Skype youuuu. "

I set up my recording software and waited for the call and suddenly a beep beep and a picture of Ty appeared on my screen, quickly pressing answer I said heyyy.

"Yo." He responded.

"Alright let me tweet this..... Done. Okay lets start.

" Hey guys its Sky here andddd I am here with Deadlox!! "

" Sup "

I poke his stomach, sort of saying should we tell dem? He nodded .

" Well sorry for not uploading.. I've been busy.. Busy with wut?? Well guys Skylox is true!! "

The comments fill up with #Skylox or not true show us!

I kissed Ty on the lips and I think we kissed for about 5 minutes until I noticed we were live streaming. Ty pulled away blushing away.

" Well lets get on with Minecraft! "

    ---------2 hours later--------

" Well thats it for now, see yal later! "

" Peace. "

*Ty's POV*

We stopped the livestream but we didn't stop the Skype call.

" That was fun, boo. "

" Yeah, mind coming to my room? "

" Sure be dere in a sec. "

I ended the call and put on a beanie. What does he want?? >.<

I walked in the room and on the bed I see a half nude Adam.

" Woah dood ... "

" Like?? "

" Yeah... But I'm not ready... "

" Aww ... Well dis is awkward.. "

" Mhm.. Well im just gonna.. "

" Yeah.. Night babe. "

" Night "

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