Hunger Games. Still. :3

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I noticed myself blushing and tried to hide it but obviously failed since I saw Ty smiling. I wonder what was going on while we were talking and hanging out. I looked over the mountain and saw a group forming, feeling a bit worried since most of them had iron swords. I turned around and saw that Ty was bleeding and now had a sword through his shoulder. I gasped and ran quickly to defend him but it was too late. Deadlox has been killed by MunchingBrotato ( xD Idk. Just thought of him for a murderer. Janet??) Ty had slowly fell to the ground and right behind him there stood a boy with a checkered shirt and glasses. He had an iron sword in his hand that was full of blood. Well. There goes my life. He started to swing and swing taking half of my hearts. I gave up trying, knowing I was going to die then the words popped up in chat. SkythekidRS has been killed by MunchingBrotato. I spawned back in lobby hoping to see Ty and meet up. No luck :C.

*Ty's POV* ~before he died

Adam had wandered to the side to look what was going on down there. He seemed pretty worried with the look on his face. Once he turned around, I felt a sword going through my shoulder. I couldnt move. I couldnt run. Man it hurt, so painful but i'm glad its not real. I saw in chat Deadlox has been killed by MunchingBrotato. Great, Just Great! Now I wont be able to see Adam unless I meet him in spawn. So I waited and waited and waited until the chat said SkythekidRS has been killed by MunchingBrotato. I got happy and jumped up from the seat and looked around. I saw him walking around..  maybe he was looking for me c:

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