Does she like me back ?

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I looked at Storm and saw him daydreaming. He held a small smile while his cheeks were tinted pink.

I knew he was thinking about Nashi.

He had to be! There's no other explanation! Although I didn't want to do it, I opened the car door and pushed him out.

"Hey what was that for?!" asked Storm annoyed.

"You were daydreaming about your girlfriend, so I pushed you out. Less work for me, I would have gone Rin's way but he was trying to find his phone in his backpack. Sorry, Bro." I said smiling.

"You could have asked me to move," Rin said perplexed by the situation.

"I know, but this was more fun!"I said with a smirk on my face.


Of course, this way is way more fun for her, especially the part about messing with me . I thought to myself. Then I remembered something she said.

"You were daydreaming about your girlfriend!"

I blushed at the thought of the girl who couldn't get out of my head. She was really beautiful with her pink hair, chocolate eyes, and rosy lips. Urgh, now I can't stop daydreaming about her, Reiki's right I should just talk to her.

Today I will finally tell her the truth.

Yeah, today's the day, I tell Nashi Dragneel that I love her!

Wait, what if Nashi doesn't feel the same way!

Get that shit out of your mind Storm! Of course, she'll feel the same way, you're the Storm Fullbuster, son of Gray and Juvia Fullbuster, Fairy tail high's most powerful Ice mage, brother of Rin and Sylvia Fullbuster. You got a lot going on for yourself, then again so does Nashi, she practically has every guy at FTH falling for her, daughter of Natsu and Lucy Dragneel.

Sadly, having an overprotective dad that can burn me to a crisp, whenever he feels up to it isn't that reassuring, and then, there's her brother Nash who'll keep me at gunpoint if I dare make move on her.

So the odds aren't exactly in my favor, doesn't mean I'm not going to try!

Once I was done having an argument with myself I snapped back to reality to see people staring at me for just standing there at the school entrance. I just walked passed them and entered the school.


I thought about what Sylvia said earlier.

"They're so cute when they fight!"

I blushed at the idea of Storm and I being together as a couple and our overall cuteness, fighting or not. Then I got a sick feeling in my stomach because of a thought that just occurred to me.

What if he doesn't like me back! He has millions of girls swooning over him, okay maybe not millions but a lot! His dark blue hair, pale skin, light blue eyes, and his cross-shaped earrings is an aesthetic like no other. 

But of course, for once in my life I was too shy to confront Storm about something! It doesn't help that our dads' are rivals, my dad's going to commit murder if he finds out and we can't forget Nash.

Ugh, sometimes I feel like they're overly protective. A while back, the three of us went to the grocery store and I smiled at one of the workers when he helped me. He obviously smiled back being courteous and just because he was a good looking college student, my dad punched him in the face! 

"He was just being nice!" I said agitatedly. 

"A bit too nice," Nash said mockingly while wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up baka! " (TN: Baka = Jerk/Idiot) I yelled while rushing to help the poor guy. Nash and dad came running after me. Before I could help the poor guy up, Nash took his gun out preparing himself to shoot. I was getting pretty annoyed at this point. For once I was the responsible one, I said a soft "Sorry" to the worker. Then, I pulled my dad and brother by the ear, while they were awestruck that I behaved somewhat with maturity. Afterward, we left the store and headed home. I flashed back to reality and I thought to myself... 

'What if Storm doesn't like me back?'

In order to keep our friendship alive, I'm gonna have to put these feelings aside.


Once Nashi was done having a talk to herself she noticed she was just standing in front of her locker with her lock in hand. She only had two minutes two get to class so, she quickly took her things and headed to class.


Sorry for the delay. We had loads of family things happening, so we didn't get to write. We tried our best to do it separately when we had the time, but since we didn't have our ideas combined it was harder for us. BTW we are cousins and we're one year apart.. So we don't see each other so often. We try to see each other every weekend just for the story. And we have school so it's tougher. But we will try our best to post at least one chapter each week. Thank you for your support. - Older author

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