The Morning + a/n

86 1 5

Just a warning this song features explicit content such as profanity including slurs, listeners discretion is advised


Reiki, Gale, and I made our way to my car.  Reiki sat in the driver's seat as I took shotgun and Gale settled for the passenger seat. The exterior of my car was a deep blue with a few scratches here and there. It was used well, to say the least... the interior consisted of black leather, crumbs and the stench of Red Bull.

There was tension in the air, especially between Gale and Reiki. Although we grew up together, there's not much I know about them... It's always been that way with them, you never knew what either one of them was thinking! Reiki was really distant in the past and I almost never saw Gale. It's only been recently, that I've seen either of them hang out with us a lot. It must've been in those years he fucked up

"First off where are we going? Who is Violet?"  I asked confused by the dialogue exchanged between Reiki and Gale not too long ago.

"She was well... my ex-girlfriend and our current destination is her apartment. I'm moving in with her," replied Reiki, his eyes focused on the road.

What did he do? How is it so bad that he'd move out? There's no point in asking, I don't need to push my luck, I'll find out later...

I proceed to lower the window for some fresh air. I looked outside, observing the scene of cars and buildings zoom by and we then reach a red light. I looked ahead, out the windshield ready for the traffic light's color to change, when I smelt smoke coming from the lane to my right. I turned my head to find a blue-haired man throwing out his cigarette onto the road. I tried to get a good look at his face but he sped off. I swear it looked liked Rin... I must be hallucinating!

"Hey Storm, have you ever heard of ARK-367?"



Fuck, I can't feel my face! I shouldn't be day drinking this god damn much... What are those newbies names again? Wasn't I supposed to haze them or something? Well shit... I can't remember. My eyes looked around everywhere but the road ahead, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and made a sharp turn. As if on cue... 


The caller ID read Romeo on my dashboard, I pressed a button on my steering wheel enabling me to accept the call. I mentally prepared my ears for the screaming.

"Rin, where are you? We were supposed to meet up!" yelled Romeo on the other end of the phone.

"The leader made me in charge of the newbies last minute, sorry."

"You have to be careful of your actions, Rin! Reiki got found out by Uncle Laxus you're next"

"Yeah, I know. But, Reiki seriously got found out?"

That explained the commotion... I thought one of his exes was pregnant or something.

"Ya, don't do any stupid shit! Laxus is already on Kai's ass about Reiki!"

I pressed another button on my steering wheel to end the call before he could say more. Shit, can Romeo go a day without questioning my every move... I mean I can't blame him if we're caught - it's all over.

After 30 minutes of fucking traffic, I made it to one of our many warehouses. I walked up to the front, the members outside on watch were masked and armed, they recognized me and let me inside.  Everyone here wears black.. so when I saw this kid in a beat-up blue shirt, I guessed he was a new recruit, he came up to me nervously and started talking.

"Are you Stormbringer'?" asked the kid nervously, he obviously was scared.

"Sure and I'm guessing you brats want me to haze you?" I asked in return. I'm too tired. 

The kid nodded in response. 

"You don't even look a day over 14, kid," I said making my way upstairs - a place for only higher-ups.

"I'm not... but what do we do now?" the kid replied his face contorted, trying his to avoid eye contact. 

So we use children now too... well I'm not surprised.

"Figure that shit out yourself, kid. Welcome to ARK-367." I grunted as I mounted up the hollow metal stairs. With each step, I made onto the metal my head hurt even more. I adjusted my new earring and staggered while making my way up.

Pray for the wicked, I guess.

Finally, I reached the second floor of the warehouse, I rested my arms on the railing observing the people below me.

I soon sensed a presence behind me, I turned around to see him - the leader.

"Rin, there's someone you need to meet."



"I'm guessing this person is an outsider? I should probably put on my shit..." replied Rin pensively.

He then put on a navy blue baseball cap and a black mask that covered half his face.

"I've got somewhere to be now Rin, I trust you can take care of things, right?" asked the tattooed man with a relaxed expression.

"Yes, sir." replied Rin seriously, his face void of emotion.



I closed the door behind him and plopped down on my bed in utter disbelief. Storm Fullbuster just gave me a hickey and told me he liked me back... I think I'm gonna die!

Should I tell the girls or mom? Should I call him and ask him out? Wait, I can't it's too embarrassing! I got to make sure this is real! How can I go around with this... I can't even say I burnt myself!


I know this is an abrupt ending and I doubt anyone is reading this but hii!!
I noticed this draft was two years old so although it is incomplete I decided to post it. I've decided to keep the writing the exact same in the name of preservation, so I apologize if the grammar is horrible. Furthermore, my writing changed so much lol I honestly don't know how to add on to this without changing all of it. Keep in mind I was like eleven when this came out 😭. But the main reason I'm writing this because I still see people adding this to their reading lists. For anybody reading this would you be interested in a rewritten version?
I would no doubt keep this version, and instead I would make a new book with this general plot and characters from the beginning. What do you think? Because otherwise I cannot see myself in any way, shape or form finish this book as it is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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