Dead roses

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Wait why is Mira losing it? Last time I checked she never loses it like this, especially when it comes to the children. It's even weirder that Gale is actually putting up a fight.

Something was off about him the moment I mentioned Reiki... I hope Mira doesn't skin him alive. Honestly, her Sitri Soul can do that.
Crap, just thinking about what she'll do to him is making me cringe.

"Excuse me? Kid, I ain't asking for your social security number! Stop defying me!" Mira yelled shocked by the boy's response. Her voice was sounding more and more like her satan soul despite her body remaining in its human state.

Yikes, I haven't seen her like this, since then! Idiot, what are you accomplishing from completing this crazy death wish? Gale snap out of it!

"I don't care about your feelings right now! We need to focus on the greater good of us all! Tell me what you know!" continued Mira getting louder with each word. She started violently pulling at her light pink locks in distress.

Please don't fuck this up, Gale!

"Why don't you ask that tantrum-throwing man you call a husband? It's obvious you know what this might be connected to. But, you have more of a chance of getting an actual answer out of emo sparky than me!" replied Gale dying of laughter. He was mocking her by re-enacting the scene that took place about 45 minutes earlier.

He's suicidal! There can't be any other reason! But, on a less hysterical note...why is he dealing with her like this? Can't he go about it- I don't know- in a sane manner? One thing Mira would never tolerate, even from me is the belittlement of her husband. She's so gone, at this point I can't do anything, Gale!

I looked around the room at the kids and they seem as shocked and worried as I am. Gale isn't dumb, he's the most calculated out of the kids, excluding Storm and Reiki himself. 

What... is he accomplishing?

What's your goal, Gale? 

"Gale, what do you accomplish from this?" I asked softly. I'm trying my best here to help the mood but, like usual my best isn't good enough. If only Natsu was here, he was always good with these things! 

As if God heard me, I heard a grunt followed by mismatched footsteps. He stood before me... my pink haired dragon.

"Natsu," I whispered lifting my head to meet his eyes.  

I hoped he'd save his family, like the many times before...


"I know Lucy, I know..." I looked away from Lucy and focused on the two

I can't believe this shit before me right now! Who do they think they are, the both of them? We're family!

"Mira, shut up. I don't care if involves Alverez... Oh and Gale, stop with this attitude. You, out of everyone here should know it amounts to nothing good." I said emotionless. I'm done with their bullshit. If they think they can behave like this, they're wrong!

Honestly, old me would probably be yelling in their faces, at this moment. But, people change and indifference will make them realize my disappointment more than my care ever will...


Oh, shit the world's ending! My dad is not screaming like a maniac! What is he planning? It's not in his nature to be so cold...

Then, before I could finish my thought Auntie Mira walked out of the room.


Dammit! Overplaying this persona is not working! Gale won't budge! How the hell am I supposed to find out what actually happened? Well, I can't just kill the character now! 

Especially, as they all believe me, except Gale. 

So, I stormed out of the house and made my way to my car. Thank god I had the keys and Laxus was too pissed to get them from me. 

I drove in the direction of Laxus' favorite pub, 'The White Magnolia'. He usually went there gathering info from people of all walks of life. That's where he must've heard of what Reiki did! Honestly, he probably joined some street gang in middle school, everyone's just being dramatic! Right? 

But, Gale made it seem like more, and that intrigues me. Jeez, that boy can act! Everyone's probably screaming their asses off at him not understanding his true motives. Gale knew I was someone who not only controlled their emotions very well but was also very manipulative when I have to be. In that case, he would give me a piece of my own medicine and annoy me. In his eyes, it'll waste my time and drive me out...

That so observant.

By the time I finished that thought, I already pulled up to an absent parking space and started reversing into the designated area, twisting my neck looking out the back window. Finally, I parked and walked inside. 

I sat on an empty stool at the bar and started searching the room. Before I could finish my search, the bartender turned me around and caught my attention. 

"Auntie Mira, what are you doing here?" a petite brunette asked. 

Mackenzie? Since when did she start working here?

"Ah nevermind that, do you know where your Uncle Laxus is?" I asked hoping she saw the blonde around here. 

"He walked in half an hour ago and asked where Kai was. I then told him he was at home and he ran out the door before I could even say bye!" Mackenzie pouted as she recalled the event. 

Does Kai know anything about this? I mean Kai was always rebellious as a child, but he grew out of that phase by senior year. 

Although, Kai works with information brokers to infiltrate gangs for the government. Shit, why didn't I ask him earlier?

Oh, ya! It's a new job...

I hate my life.



"From what you're saying, we can only assume it's them, dad," replied Kai to his father's story. 

"Organization ARK-367 of Purgatory, also known as 'The Home of the Fallen'. They're in the purgatory class for now but, one more move and they'll move up to 'Gehenna' or worse 'Tartarus'..."

"The House of The Fallen, huh. That brat really fucked up didn't he..." murmured Laxus envisioning the red-haired boy as a child. 


'Uncle Laxus, do you want seashells? You can give them to Auntie Mira!'


"If you don't mind me asking...who do you think is with them? asked Kai intrigued snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Reiki," I replied exasperated, contemplating the situation.

"Oh, he's fucked."



Ah, finally I got far enough from there! I almost lost it... it was a close call.

But, where do I crash now?

Looking through my contact list, I immediately knew where to go. 

Oh, she's gonna love seeing me again... maybe I should get her something? Dwelling on this thought, I made my way through the park until I stopped in front of a bench. On this bench stood a lone bouquet of...


Guess that's what I'm giving her.

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