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Nashi P.O.V

I wonder why Auntie Mira is so invested about this...what happened while we were upstairs?

Dwelling on this thought I made my way upstairs to my room and opened the door.

"Guys! Come downstairs right now! Auntie Mira wants to ask us about Reiki!" I yelled anxiously.

I'm worried, with how stern Auntie Mira looked...I know something's up.

"What? Why Reiki now of all times? asked Storm in confusion.

"Damn, even in this situation Reiki still manages to steal your thunder, Nash." Rin chuckled elbowing my brother while looking around the room nervously.

I wonder what's up with him.

"Oh, shut up Rin!" Nash replied as everyone started laughing.

We all made our way downstairs to the living room where mom and Auntie Mira were waiting for us.

Somehow we squished ourselves into the remaining seats. Nash and Sylvia sat beside each other while Akatsuki, Storm, Rin, Gale sat on another sofa with Rosemary sitting on the armrest (that is until she lost balance and landed in Gale's lap, much to Rin's dismay.)

Then Rin's phone started ringing. He checked the screen to see the caller ID. Once he saw who called he turned in Auntie Mira's direction.

"Sorry, I kinda need to take this," said Rin as he smiled sheepishly. He scratched his tattoo on the back of his neck and made his way out of the room.

Jeez, he must have a death wish! Leaving when Auntie Mira's like this! I wonder who called him? With the exception of Nova, Storm, and Reiki no one in the group has many friends outside of this circle.

Well, he probably won't walk out of a 1 km radius, so Gale, Akatsuki and I could still hear his conversation.

After intensely staring at Gale hoping to somehow get his attention, I was able to make eye contact. He gave me a nod signifying he was gonna listen in too. I managed to do the same with Akatsuki who caught my drift the second I looked at him.

Oh my God! What if Rin had a secret girlfriend! No, that can't be right...he has Rosemary! Unless he's been acting this whole time! SCANDALOUS!

Dammit! I've been spending way too much time with Sylvia and Auntie Levy reading those weird books...

Now I need to focus on listening in to what he's saying!

"...I can't right stuff."

"I'll work on it okay?"

"Stop screaming like my sister!"


Jeez, that didn't give me crap! Maybe I was being extra for no reason again? Whatever I'm done.


"Forget about Rin! He probably won't know much on the topic anyway," said Mira frustrated with the inattentive attitude of the teens. Looking away she lowered her head slightly deep in thought.

"Guys, what do you know about Reiki? More specifically his past?" Lucy asked reluctantly as she tried to ease the mood of the tension-filled room. She gave an uneasy smile hoping it would encourage the children to speak, but they saw through her facade.


Shit, this is awkward and Auntie Lucy isn't helping. I'm so confused... to be honest, no one really knows shit when it comes to Reiki. That is except, Gale. I glanced in his direction and saw him upholding his normally stoic demeanor. But, the more I focused I could see a different look in his eyes, they unlike the rest of his body held anticipation.

As, if waiting for a moment to "Strike," I murmured to myself.

All of a sudden, Auntie Mira turned in Gale's direction with a look of suspicion written on her face.

"You know something don't you, sweetie?" asked Auntie Mira, venom laced with her voice. Her blue eyes darkened as her sick smile broadened.

"Maybe. Why don't you come and find out?" replied Gale with a twisted smile. The emotion in his crimson eyes intensified, what was once anticipation became more. It became...



Heyo! We're back with another chapter this was in draft for a while until I found the right way I wanted to end it. I'm currently listening to IDFC- blackbear and rethinking my life decisions.

- Fanficlover127

P.S ALL PHOTO CREDIT GOES TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST! I TRIED PHOTO GOOGLING TO FIND OUT WHO MADE IT BUT I COULDN'T FIND THE ORIGINAL ARTIST! tumblr and pinterest confuses me. if you know who the artist is plz comment and save a hoe...

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