It's not what it looks like! part 4

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(A/N I thought this song would suit cuz Nash needs to be saved from getting killed from Laxus, but also I like this song.)

Lucy P.O.V

I'm cooking some fish for Happy since he just woke up. It's salmon, I was filleting the fish when I heard the door slam and stoped. I continued knowing it was my son and turned, when I hear footsteps get louder. "Mom, I need help now!" Nash says as he walks towards me taking the fish and helping me cut it for Happy. "What now Nash?" I said annoyed but happy that he was helping me. "Do you need money?" I saw Nash huff in annoyance "No mom! I Don't need money, it's more important than that. It involves Nova." He said in a serious tone. "What is it then. Don't tell me you got her pregnant?!" I said half joking and half serious, cause let's be honest his a bit of a player. But I low key wish something happened between those two.

Nash P.O.V

I was SHOOK when i heard mom say that. "Of course not mom!" I said flustered thinking about the kiss and what might've happened if the click of the camera didn't stop us. "I just kinda um..." I started to stutter getting a bit nervous. "Go on!" Mom said eagerly and enthusiastically. "I kissed her. And someone took a photo of us and now it's on sorcerer weekly's blog." There was an awkward moment of silence before I heard mom squeal. Wait, what mom just squealed?

Lucy P.O.V

I just couldn't contain myself when I heard that, finally my ship is sailing. I just hope Mira knows, but of course Laxus can't know cause he a bit cuckoo, you know cray cray. And he would be furious, i just hope he doesn't find out or that when he does he doesn't literally spontaneously combust. (A/N CUM BUST, haha so funny right. No just me. O.K.) But to be honest I'm just praying that my son doesn't die from getting electrocuted. "That's great. Why do you need help though. Well you might need protection from Laxus, but you'll still be fine." I asked confused of why he needed help. "What do about uncle Laxus. What if he found out. What would he do to me. Mom if you don't see me tomorrow, know that I loved your cooking." Nash said panicking and scared. "I already told you, he won't do anything. Don't worry, and really only my cooking, what about me!" I said jokingly. "I'm being serious though mom, you know how protective over Nova he is." Nash said getting frustrated. "Then why did you kiss her? If you already knew how protective he was over her, why did you kiss her? I'm asking you not because I'm mad or disappointed, I'm asked because you are getting so worried when there is nothing to be worried abo-" My sentence got interrupted when we heard the door slam.


Sylvia P.O.V

"Hey what are going to do about the photo, when uncle Laxus finds out?" I asked worrying for Nash's life. "Well, I'm not sure there's anything we can do." Reiki said. "Well, we can try to talk to him about it." Said Akatsuki. Oh man, he always knows how to solve a problem, he so smart. "Good idea!" I said a bit too enthusiastically. Immediately after I said that he started turning pink and gave me a sweet smile. Oh my fucking god he is so fucking cute. I just wanna cuddle and snuggle with him. "Yea, like talking to my dad will work." Nova said doubtfully. "Come on there's nothing else to do. And you can't go home either until this blows off." Reiki said. (A/N haha blows off. No takers OK i'll stop) "OK, how bout we go to your house, Nashi." Gale said. Everybody gasped "You really think Nash's house is the best place to go to?" Rin says like Gale hasn't been here for this whole thing. "Yea, I mean auntie Lucy is fine with Nash and Nova together," he said interrupted with our gasps before speaking again. "Like she low key ships them guys. I talked to her and Nash probably told her already so she wouldn't mind us going there." I mean I was shocked with this new info, but she hangs out with auntie Mira so probably ships a bunch of us. "OK, let's go!" Rosemary says along with Nashi.

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