It's not what it looks like !

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It was a normal morning, Storm and I fought , Sylvia made her cute comment , Rin thought about Rosemary and blushed at the thought of her and my brother was driving like a sloth . I thought it was going to stay a normal day . Boy ,was I wrong . I was walking with Sylvia to class, since Nash, Storm, Gale and Reiki were a grade above us, Rin, Akatsuki and Rosemary didn't have classes with Sylvia today and Nova only had classes with us later. I noticed Sylvia staring at her phone in shock , when I was about to sneak a peek at her phone Sylvia starts screaming in joy , which earned her some stares . Before I could shut her up ,she shoved the phone in my face and said "Nashi look at this article!". So I start reading the article , but the picture and the title really got my attention . In the picture,  Nash and Nova we're kissing. "Wow " was all I could say . Then, I turn to see Sylvia texting Auntie Mira . "No way you're telling any parent." I said while taking the phone away.  "Before you tell any parent, we should investigate what went down." I said.


"Well, where are they?" I asked ticked off. "I have no idea where Nova is, but I do know where Nash is. He's in the gym practicing before class." said Nashi. "Ok, I have 2nd period with Nova, so after class is over during break you get Nash and I'll get Nova and we'll meet at the gym. Also bring Storm, Rin, Reiki, Rosemary, Gale and Akatsuki, if you see them on the way to the gym." I said excitedly. Then the bell rang and it was off to 2nd period. 

45 minutes later


There was only 5 minutes left until the bell rang. All I did was stare at the clock and Nova.

Nashi P.O.V

There was only 2 minutes left until the bell rang and since I have class with Rin and Rosemary it was going to be easy for me to drag them along with me to this emergency meeting. RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! The bell rang and I grabbed Rin and Rosemary and headed straight for the gym. On the way I saw Akatsuki at his locker and I quickly grabbed him by the ear and headed for the gym without any interruptions. "AHHH!!! I'm being kidnapped, kidnapper, kidnapper!!!" Akatsuki yelled out. "Shut up before I smack you!" I said annoyed, not wanting to go to the principal's office. "Nashi? You're kidnapping me?" Akatsuki said confused. " No, BAKA (t/n idiot) I'm taking you to the gym. We have an emergency meeting." I said annoyed AGAIN


I quickly grabbed Nova's hand when the bell rang and ran straight upstairs, to get Gale, Reiki, Storm and Nash. When Nash and Nova saw each other they started to blush crazily. Then Nash asked "Where are you even taking us." I glared at him and he shut his mouth. Then we headed straight for the gym. When we went into the gym Nashi, Rin, Rosemary and Akatsuki was already there.


"So, what's this emergency meeting." Akatsuki asked curiously. "Well, today during 1st period I saw this article online, and it showed a picture ..." Slyvia said before she was interrupted by Nashi. "Of Nova and Nash KISSING!!!". "WHAT!!!" Everyone yelled (Including Nash and Nova since they didn't know that it was on Sorcerer Weekly).



So sorry that we haven't been posting recently. We cant visit each other all the time and school is taking up a lot of time. So we cant talk online either. We are so sorry, but we will try to post at least once a week. And we do want to write together so that we can make this better for you guys. Hope you like this chapter. - Older Author

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