The boxing team Captain

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A/N sorry for not updating the two of us were busy so ya.
P.S Hope you enjoy the story , smile and have a nice day - Younger author
Now to the story


Soon, school finished and everyone was going to our favorite ice cream place : Nina's ice cream.  I was thinking about joining the boxing team.  So I told Reiki in advance that  I'll meet up with them later. According to the bulletin board the room where,they keep the equipment and where I am supposed to meet the captain is some where close by.

Time skip 5 minutes later

I open the door to the dimly lit room to see a tall blond boy putting on some boxing gloves.   With his back facing me .Then he starts punching the punching bag. His form was pretty good. While I was looking at his form I noticed that he was petty fit . He's most likely played in boxing matches before. But I still couldn't make out his face.  Since he was here I decided to ask him. "Are you the captain? " He soon turns around , now we're face to face . There's no words to describe my shock . I saw his face.  Never would I have imagined him being the captain. Nash Dragneel. Out of all of us me and Nash are the least close,  I mean we still love each other, but we never spend time together.  Then again,  it was liked that when we were little, while I hanged out with Sylvia, Rosemary and Nashi he would hang out with the guys . I heard something about Nash and boxing, but I thought he just watched matches on tv. Well I  guess I didn't know this side to him.


I heard a familiar voice,  I turn around and I'm face to face with Nova. Crap, she saw me like this, whatever I'll just ask what she's doing here.


"So Nova what're you doing here?" Nash asked coolly. (Very different from his usual flustered self). "Well I was wondering if you know who the captain of the boxing team is." Nova replied. "You're looking at him." Said Nash.


No way, Nash's the captain.  The more I think about it, it makes more sense. I mean his form was on point,  maybe I'll ask him for help. Ya it's less awkward since we're friends . But,  God , I never thought Nash could be so cool and not nervous.  But I  kinda dig this side to him.  But,  I  love his normal adorkable side .Wait what! Nevermind,  I'll just ask him for help.


"So , anyways I was hoping to join the team. Can I?" Nova asked.  "Sure,  but do you know any moves?" Nash asked


Dammit,  I'm a black belt in karate.  But boxing,  no I just have an interest . No experience. Nothing.  Will he still accept me.  I guess I gotta tell him. 


"Well I was kinda hoping that you." All of a sudden Nash interrupted her. "Could show me some moves?" Nash said for her in a cocky voice. "Well"Nova says in annoyed voice.  "Sure" says Nash cockly with a smirk.


That smirking cocky ass , who does he think he is urggh.  But at least he said he'll  show me some moves.  He turned into such a smirking, cockyassed,  great at boxing and hot jerk.  Wait, hot ! To be honest he was always hot he didn't just turn hot.  Wait,  what the hell am I saying? Uggh just forget that and focus on the boxing,  yeah the boxing not the abs.  Crap,  now I'm just going nuts.  Whatever,  boxing , yeah the boxing.


Once Nova finished thinking to herself she changed in to some athletic wear and she placed boxing gloves on her hand . Right after she was done getting ready , they got straight to training.

Time skip (because I'm lazy)

Nova was a pretty fast learner, but one move always throws her off, a side punch. So when she finally learnt it she was happy.  "Yass I got I!" Nova said. "Congrats Nova!" Nash said,  while giving her a pat on the back. Nova while still being excited that she learnt the move, smashed her lips against Nash's.  Soon, realizing what she just did, Nova was about to pull back, when  Nash started kissing back soon gaining dominance . Nash pulled her closer and then all of a sudden both of them heared a "click". They both broke the kiss and turned around to find no one else there.  Unsure of what the sound was they decided to ignore it.  Now,there's just one problem left .What was up with that kiss ?!


He kissed me back .  Does he like me back? I always thought he was adorkable , but now I really got time just alone with him.  And to be honest,  I really liked it.  I'll have to tell him sooner or later.


She kissed me.  I always thought Nova was beautiful , but to be honest I love being with her.  She makes me smile,  laugh and she gives me more confidence. I just have this feeling in my gut whenever i'm with her, I don't know how to describe it but it makes me feel amazing. I really do like her, I just don't how to tell her,  but then again kissing her back is a sure sign.


"Soo are we a couple now?" Nova asked. "Only if you want to be" Nash whispered in to her ear seductively . "Well I do" Nova said matter of factly. "Then why not."Nash says blushing (looks like old Nash's back). "We can't tell anybody about this" said Nova.  "Yeah things will be awkward" said Nash "So just between us" Nova said.  "Just between us" Nash replied. "Come on then let's go over to Nina's before everybody leaves" Nova said. "Ya, agreed" Nash.


Yes I got it, this'll start some nice rumors to destroy Nova's social life.

That was long chapter,  sorry about that.  Anyways, we are going to try to publish the next 2 chapters as fast as we can    - Younger author

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