Year 22 - The Frozen Throne

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Go'el finds himself floating in the air, slowly coming closer to the ground. He looks around and feels the weightlessness of his body for a moment. It feels like dreaming. Then he realizes this is not a dream but a different time and place now. This is not the marsh anymore. They are in the middle of Theramore isle and the city is still standing. However, Chromie sits in front of him and holds his hands.

"Can you hear me?" she asks and interrupts his surprise.

"I do... But where are we? Or when are we?"

"We are in Theramore. I want to show you the event that initiated this alternate timeline. Do you remember this situation?"

Go'el scans the area and sees many orc and tauren warriors surrounding human soldiers. His jaw drops when he sees his own warriors. A long time ago. His younger self stands in the frontline, with his half-ogre commander, Rexxar, next to him. Many dead bodies cover the ground. Humans and orcs alike. In front of him lies an old human admiral, dying from his wounds. Blood covers his body. How could Go'el forget? This is the assault on Theramore after Jaina's father threatened the newly founded Durotar and the existence of the orcish race. He carefully watches the event.

In the next moment, she appears in the scene. Jaina weeps as she sees her dead father.

"Father... why wouldn't you listen?" the devastated lady cries.

Rexxar looks to her one last time.

"Above all else, Jaina, he was a proud warrior. Remember him as such."

„Now, watch closely," Chromie anticipates while Go'el still sees the projection of this scene.

"The next thing I did was bidding Jaina farewell, exchange some words with Rexxar and leave the island," he adds and keeps watching the evolving story.

"Yes... Look, I talk to him, we leave and... What?!"

All of the sudden, Thrall stops. Rexxar is surprised as he reads the sadness in his eyes. The Warchief turns around and looks at the crying lady. The view saddens him.

"I cannot leave her like this. After all the loss in her life. After all the battles we fought together," he says and walks up to her. The guards let him pass through without saying a word. Instead, they begin to carry away the corpses. Now, Thrall stands next to her and slowly kneels down. He gently touches her shivering shoulder and looks into her blushed face.

"If you ever need help, you know where to find me."

"Leave now!" she demands and pushes him away with her arm.

The orc stands up again and prepares to catch up with his leaving warriors.

"I am sorry for what happened to you, Jaina," he concludes and goes his way.

The scene fades and Go'el looks up. Chromie smiles, waiting for a reaction.

"This is all? This is what divides the timelines?" he asks with doubt in his face.

"Yes. Comforting her makes the difference. This Thrall remembered his beloved human friend, Taretha. You would have chosen her as your mate if she was not killed, right?"

"Perhaps. She at least was the most valuable thing in my youth."

"Now that Thrall realized he likes human ladies... When did you see Jaina after this?"

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