Year 31 - A New Beginning

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After some moments, Chromie frowns and starts to explain her expression:

"As you might have noticed, there is no trial on Pandaria because you killed Garrosh in Orgrimmar. The reason I frown is because you change drastically in that timeline. In the following months, you reflect on the past years. About what Garrosh said to you in his rage. You question the attitude of your people, your unusually kind behaviour for an orc. You acknowledge your relationship with Jaina and the humans in Theramore, your general openness towards other races and the Alliance. You have the feeling that you understand them better than your own kind. And you remember Eitrigg's wise words. After weeks of deep thoughts and after your initial work as Vol'jin's advisor is done, you come to a conclusion. Garrosh was right. Your childhood made you different."

"Come to the point, Chromie," Go'el interrupts her with impatience in his voice.

"Remember when you said you have a feeling what all this leads up to? Here it comes: You leave the Horde!"

"I DO WHAT?! That..."

Go'el's jaw drops. He loses his face and throws his hands up.

"Speechless?" Chromie asks with a sly smile.

"You have no idea. I would never do this. I mean, I have no problems with humans or the Alliance. I never had. This, however... no."

"It gets even better. You, among many others, establish a new faction.

The 'Guardians of Azeroth', placed in between the Horde and the Alliance, led and joined by many neutral people in this world, including your counterpart. A home for those who are tired of the neverending faction war. As a proof of concept, Jaina calls Tirion to accompany her to Orgrimmar. There, he reunites with Eitrigg. They tell him about the new faction, about their plans and convince the old orc to move to Theramore. He agrees."

Once again, Thrall looks baffled but admits:

"He has always been one of the good orcs. I have blind faith in him. Everyone likes him and in this timeline, we give him the trust back that he has always given us. Wonderful."

"And so," Chromie concludes, "I can see Eitrigg enjoying his remaining years in a small cottage near the north-western entrance of the city. Here, he becomes a valued storyteller, cherished by the citizens. Tirion visits his old friend regularly and when he does, they make each other laugh like an old, married couple. They go fishing or tell a crowd of people stories of their past."

"Their friendship really looks strong. Seeing the other Eitrigg fills me with joy. But let us concentrate on the new faction. Anything else you can tell me about its beginning?" Go'el asks the narrating lady.

"Oh yes. Many high ranked people join the faction or give their people the opportunity to. Among them are you and Jaina, Anduin, Aggra, Kalec, Tirion, Eitrigg and the draenei leader, Prophet Velen. Go'el then writes down an oath everyone has accept to officially become a member."

Go'el stands in Tirion's room, accompanied by Jaina. The old paladin lifts his hand and looks at the big orc to be the first to make the oath.

"We are the Guardians of Azeroth, so we act. Bound by honor and unity. We protect our world and respect all races equally. Peace is our aspiration. So we can leave a better world to posterity. For Azeroth."

He reaches out his hand and Go'el shakes it.

"A bit too patriotic for those who are tired of factions," Tirion comments, "but we will improve the text. Will you stay for dinner?"

"Chromie, tell me about the other leaders."

"The other leaders stay within their faction, such as Vol'jin. He remains the Warchief for good. Baine also stays within the Horde as a moderate leader but gives his people the choice to join the 'Guardians' or even become neutral. He works as a diplomat and communicator between the factions. With regular visits and meetings in Thunder Bluff, Theramore and even Stormwind. Not only to see his family and friends. Aside from that, the new faction signs a non-violence agreement. Similar to the Theramore law. That does not prevent conflict but it is a step in the right direction for the good of Azeroth. Within a year, the leaders and ambassadors of the Guardians are accepted and respected people throughout the world. And you, my dear Go'el, achieved peace at last. That is the end of this year in the alternate timeline. I have nothing else to show you."

The big orc is amazed. His counterpart on the other side of the shard chose a totally different, more pleasant path after the siege of Orgrimmar. A thought comes to his mind.

"Shouldn't the other Thrall travel to the alternate Draenor soon?"

"Keep in mind, Go'el. In that timeline you already killed Garrosh, he never escaped the trial and the portal to the alternate universe is never opened."

"Valid reasons, I have to admit. If the journey to Draenor does not happen, what does Thrall do?"

"After you helped Vol'jin renewing the Horde, left it and established the new faction, you take a full year off. Instead of working and saving the world, you care for Jaina and your boy. Just the way you promised. You take your time to calm down after all the tragedy. Surprisingly, after years of doubt, you accept a more human lifestyle with Jaina by your side. Look, even your haircut is different. The braids are gone, you wear your hair way shorter. And... Oh. OH! Do you see that?"

Chromie points at the alternate Jaina and cheers.

"The belly. She is pregnant again."

"Oh?" the astonished orc wonders.

"Remember the broken hand and the heavily burned skin? For weeks, the hands need to be treated to heal. Magic does not help much. Even a soft touch of Jaina's finger hurts. They are wrapped up in bandages. Therefore, you are at the mercy of your wife. She helps you, she feeds you and when she is annoyed or angry with you, she calls you 'Mister Proudmoore'. And you do not like that. Then again, when Duran is with Pained or Baine and you are alone, well... you and Jaina use the time for intimate togetherness. You stay in your private floor, you embrace her with your wrapped hands, she pulls your shaman robe off... Or you sneak into the newly constructed bathhouse or the new community hall at night to be undisturbed. And you make the most of it."

"Chromie... You were right," Go'el says with pleasure, "they will be happy."

"I told you so. One more thing to do. Before we end our meeting today, as we have reached the present day, I have a little surprise for you. Follow me to the highway."

Chromie stands up and faces a very confused Go'el. He feels something is strange. She gives him a smile and transforms into a bronze dragon. Go'el hesitantly climbs on her back. She takes him to the western entrance of Theramore, where wide bridges once led to the Southern Barrens. A short but thoughful ride.

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