Year 26 - The Burning Crusade

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After a short break, the timewalkers sit down again and enter the timeline some months later.

"Unfortunately, time goes on and soon the other Thrall prepares to leave for a journey."

Knowing what comes next and how his journey to Outland changed everything, Go'el remains silent to find out if his alternate version acts differently.

"Your family waves you goodbye when you pass the bridge of Theramore. Some time later, you enter the Dark Portal and visit the orcish world... and you look shocked."

"I indeed was shocked. You have to know, this was the first time I saw what the corrupted orcs and demons did to our home world."

"Let us jump forward then... There, you sit next to a very old orc lady. Is she..."

Go'el almost imperceptibly nods in respect.

"My greatmother."

"Oh, this is interesting. She reveals your real name. The birth name your parents gave you."

"Yes, that was the day I knew I am Go'el. The timeline looks identical to what happened here. He talks to her..." he scans the location and the dialogue. "Stop, I never said that."

"I am proud of my people, greatmother. Many abandoned their brutish past. For the first time since our people came to that foreign world, we live in calm times. We found a land for our people and established peace with the humans. Some orcs even fell in love with them. There is still a long road ahead of us but I see hope."

"However, you still find Garrosh and take him to Azeroth. All the talking did not prevent this big and resonating mistake."

"I do not see how this turns out well for Thrall's family," Go'el worries.

"As soon as you return to Orgrimmar, you have a secret meeting with your advisors. You force everyone to remain silent about your wife and son until all of you are sure that Garrosh understands it. Has he always hated humans?"

"He did and he never got rid of his hatred. Not even..." he pauses and stares at Chromie.

"How does the peace summit in Theramore turn out in that timeline?"

"First of all, it still happens and still takes place inside the tower but some weeks earlier. You talk to Varian about your past and it looks like the meeting turns out successfully. A large, round table is placed in the middle. Chairs surround it and on the table, one can find ink and papers. Two guards secure the entrance. The ground floor of the tower is filled with Alliance and Horde members. Among them are you and your advisors Rehgar and Garrosh. Varian, his son Anduin, his advisor, Jaina and her chamberlain stand on the other side. Rehgar makes a step towards Varian and reaches out his hand. The king frowns as he distrusts the Horde after his time as a slave. He ignores the handshake. His former slave master nonetheless bows and shows a sign of regret. Your rebuke in the arena must have worked. Meanwhile, Anduin cannot leave his eyes from you. The young boy has always admired you and your victories. When the eyes meet, you notice the boy's elation. Your serious mien lightens up for a second and you silently give Anduin a smile."

Looking at the human prince through the shard makes Go'el feel uneasy.

"I never realized how much Anduin looked up to me. It is very good to see this Thrall does better than I did."

"Everyone sits down and discusses the peace contract. You pick up the feather and start to take notes. They soon agree to trade goods. Lumber for Orgrimmar, copper for Stormwind. But then... Screams and clashing swords emerge from the streets."

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