Year 28 - Cataclysm

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Chromie, who feels like retelling Go'el's entire life, accompanies him and mindfully listens as he tells her about Cairne, their visits and how he was like. An hour passes. The clouds get lighter when they approach their initial meeting point again.

"Do you feel better?" she worries about his mental state. The refreshed looking orc nods and takes his seat again.

"I must apologize," he says. "Now I still had to make a break. My heart was heavy, even after all these years. When Cairne died, a part of me died with him. Never in my life will I forget his wisdom and wonderful humor."

"I feel with you, Go'el. But our journey through the alternate timeline does not come to an end yet. And I have some positive events for you first."

"Aggra is dating me?"

"No," Chromie laughs, "that will come later. For now, let us have a look at Thunder Bluff again. Right there. Baine and his workers mount a totem in the center of the city. It was Jaina's plea and the tauren answered it. The totem is dedicated to Cairne and a meeting place for travellers across the continent to mourn, to show respect, to honor him. Uh... how did Baine feel after becoming the leader of the tauren? Was he satisfied?"

Go'el thinks for a moment. The events in Thunder Bluff were no part of his own life.

"As far as I remember... He escaped to Theramore and begged Jaina for help in our timeline because his father's archenemy raided his city and killed many of his people. Apart from that, he clashed with Garrosh but in the end helped and obeyed him. His people even were about to leave the Horde due to heavy dissatisfaction. Baine felt uneasy first. This is what he told me."

"Oh... interesting. That Baine does better. He is supported by his and by most neutral people. Hamuul, his father's friend and a powerful druid, becomes his representative. And look right there, Duran is with him on one of the following evenings. He even sleeps in his tent. The young tauren is a great uncle. But... I fear that there is a reason for his stay in Thunder Bluff. Let us quickly move to Theramore."

"Stop," Go'el calls. "Do you see that? The highway leading from Theramore to the, soon, Southern Barrens is still under construction. That brings me to the point. The Cataclysm should come very soon."

"Are you sure? The next important thing I can see is another conflict with Jaina."

"That is new again. What is the subject this time?"

Chromie throws her hands up when she hears the first arguments by the alternate Thrall.

"The highway, of course. Not only that but also the rise of Garrosh and his recent actions. Have a look."

Now they stand in the center of their private area. Jaina sits on her working chair, while Thrall walks back and forth, wildly waving with his hands and having an angry mien in his face.

"What is this out there, Jaina?!" Thrall shouts at her and points at the window facing the highway.

"More and more military in the streets, a highway leading directly through the heart of Horde territory, Northwatch Hold on the brink of a heavy war deployment! Where is your neutrality? Are you still neutral or have you switched sides now? DECIDE!"

"What shall I do?!" she loudly retorts. "Garrosh invades Ashenvale and threatens everyone who is not entirely on his Horde side. They need help and supplies. His people, no, YOUR people, invade this marsh and fly the flag of the Horde. As for Northwatch... this is more Varian's doing than my decisions but they still need supplies."

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