Year 30 - Mists of Pandaria Part 2

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The sky slowly brightens up. The clouds fade and the sunshine warms the skin. Chromie smiles at Go'el, feeling excited about the upcoming event.

"Shall we?" she rhetorically asks.

"Yes, Chromie. Let us watch the siege of Orgrimmar and its outcome in the other timeline."

"After Vol'jin's recovery, he began to plan the Darkspear rebellion to stop Garrosh with you. Baine still advises him to reach out for the Alliance. To his surprise, Vol'jin already did in that timeline. We saw the meetings in Theramore before, at least the escalated one. There were a few more until everyone was satisfied with the plan. About one month after the assassination attempt on Vol'jin, the rebellion begins.

First of all, Vol'jin and Baine still make their way to free Razor Hill from Garrosh's Kor'kron military. You prepare your move while sailing to Bladefist Bay. On the ship, you tell Jaina to stay behind until the horn is blown and the path is cleared so she does not get killed accidentally if you would not make it. Adding to this, you advised Vol'jin and Baine to take care of your family in case you die. To your surprise, even Tirion joins the rebellion."

"Wait, Tirion joins the other Thrall? He was not there in our timeline. I feel honored," Go'el comments.

"I am as surprised as you. Let us follow the event. The trolls and tauren make their way to Orgrimmar. And so, the assault on your beloved home town begins. I think it is better if we watch the entire scenario together, instead of retelling it for you."

Thrall, Varok Saurfang, Anduin, Highlord Tirion Fordring, a small army of moderate Horde members and a first squad of Alliance forces make their way to the front gate of Orgrimmar. Shortly after his arrival, Baine and Vol'jin join them with their forces. The rebels fight Garrosh's Kor'kron soldiers without mercy, to make way for the leaders. Thrall raises his fist. Everyone looks to the gate now and becomes quiet. Only the sound of battling weapons can be heard. Vol'jin pulls a horn out of his belt and blows it. The first sign for the goblin spies on top of the wall. They wave with their hands, giving signs to their helpers. A loud explosion strikes the area behind the gate. The second sign for the rebels to enter the city.

"Is every gate secured?" Thrall asks Vol'jin, the leader of the rebellion.

"Da city be encircled. Nobody kin escape."

"And the civilians?"

"We got as many out of dere as possible. Only Garrosh's men an' support from wit'in."

Vol'jin turns around and looks at his Darkspear trolls and the other rebels. He nods and starts to run through the gate. Everyone knows what to do. The rebels follow him.

Once inside, Thrall faces the partly collapsed Grommash Hold. He and Tirion enter the building, searching for Garrosh but he is not there. The hold is empty. As they leave the hold again and turn northwards, Tirion spots Eitrigg, badly wounded, kneeling behind the hold.

"Old friend, what happened to you?" he sorrowfully asks and helps him stand up straight.

Eitrigg tells the rebels what happened, Garrosh's genocide plans, the Underhold beneath Ragefire Chasm, his lust for power. Tirion decides to stay with Eitrigg until the assault is over. The leaders of the rebellion accept his decision and move on.

The rebels fight their way up to Ragefire Chasm, making way for Thrall, Vol'jin and other leaders. Shortly before they enter the Underhold, the group splits.

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