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Go'el finds himself dropped on the small islet where the two massive bridges meet. Chromie, now in her gnome form again, stands next to him and places the shard which made today's timewalking possible, though fragmented, in his hand.

"Look into my eyes," Chromie says and pulls Go'el's massive head down. He feels the world bending around him. Just like it did several times during their journey. However, it is different this time. It feels so real.

"And here we are now."

"Now?" he asks puzzled.

"Yes, we are now. Here. In Theramore. Just look around."

Go'el looks up and cannot believe what he sees. The broad bridges leading from Theramore to the Southern Barrens are filled with market stands. Vendors from all over the continent came here to sell their foods and goods. He watches boats in the bay just coming back from fishing. Hundreds of people, many races, are around him. They roam this place. Some have a chat, some laugh, some move from stand to stand and carry filled bags. Go'el takes a deep breath and smells the fresh air coming from the sea which encloses the city, and the fresh bread. After looking around for a while, overpowered by the impressions, he spots a big green-skinned man in good clothing coming closer. The man carries his boy on his shoulders and a beautifully dressed lady walks next to him. The lady talks to her personal guard and girlfriend who accompanies them.

Go'el holds his breath as he realizes: It is him. It is Thrall and his family, living in a different timeline. They look happy, neat and healthy. And they enjoy the peaceful times. Theramore was indeed never destroyed but instead became a busy town which benefits from its neutrality and favourable location. It became the prosper place to be in the southern half of the continent. A modern city, as it is called by its satisfied citizens.

Suddenly, the other Thrall stops and looks straight at his identical self. His eyes get bigger in surprise. In this moment, Go'el feels someone taking the shard out of his hand. He twitches and wakes up from this dream. The voices and the market stands around him fade, so do the people. Now, he looks at the eternal ruins again.

"What did you just show me, Chromie?" Go'el asks, still dazzled by the impressions.

"My dear Go'el," she twinkles. "That was what you asked for. A possible timeline with you and Jaina. And one of the best on top of that. "

Go'el closes his eyes. His breath jitters.

"Was it all real?"

"As real as any other timeline you have entered in your life. I hope it was not too painful for you because-"

While Chromie explains, she notices how Go'el's eyes fill with tears. The bronze dragon looks at the pitiful orc and realizes how he fights against his overwhelming sadness. The beautiful images of a peaceful Theramore, a happy family, a better life for his other self affect him more than Chromie feared.

"You are a good man, Go'el. No matter which choices you made or will make in the future. Never forget about this."

"I should have cared for her... I should have helped her... I should have been there for her... Why?! It was all my fault... Jaina..."

Go'el falls to his knees and covers his face with his hands. He weeps, silently, and mourns the good times.

"Go back to your family, now. They need you. Just never forget how strong your bond with her was. Never forget the old Jaina and how good she was to you... Now you know that you cared for her in another timeline."

Go'el sobs and whines. His lips are shaking. Chromie feels sorry for him. The crying orc, dandling on the ground, weeping for all the loss, missing the good times of the past. She carefully comes closer and grabs his jittering hand. It is drowned in tears.

After being on his feet again, they slowly leave the ruins and the marshes behind. Go'el turns his head around one last time and bids Theramore farewell. His blurred sight notices sun rays casting bright light on this once beautiful place.

"Hello, big boy. Anybody there?" Jaina asks and waves in front of Thrall's face. He shrugs but immediately gives her a smile.

"Oh, it is nothing. I thought I saw someone but in the end... there was nothing. Ha! Those visions do get crazy sometimes," he replies and laughs.

His laughter gets interrupted by powerful slaps on his head.

"Pa, look. Apples," the young Duran says while patting his father's head again.

"You want an apple? That is a good idea."

They walk up to the friendly looking orc lady. The apples look delicious and reflect the warming sun on their shiny skins.

"Five apples."

"Five?" Jaina skeptically asks. Thrall gives her a serious look.

"Two for me... You know that I have to eat more than you," he gently explains.

The vendor lifts her eyebrow and smirks while picking the best fruits.

"And this one is for you," she says and gives Duran an exceptionally red apple. The boy looks at her with big eyes and smiles. Then she looks down again.

"That makes one silver coin... Mister Proudmoore."

"Farewell," Jaina replies and pulls a coin out of her pocket.

"Hey Pa, look over there. A big sandbox," the excited boy notices. "Can we play? Please!"

"Oh yes!" Thrall cheers. "You know what? Let us build mama's tower, shall we? Come on."

They chuckle and quickly leave the ladies behind. Pained stops and looks at Jaina. They both think the same. Jaina rolls her eyes.

"I really have to care for two boys."

The ladies giggle and slowly catch up. And while they linger from stand to stand, they spot Anduin leaning on a tree and waiting for them at the other side of the market.


Dedicated to everyone who has always desired a mutual future for Thrall and Jaina, to everyone who has never given up on their friendship, to everyone who also misses warmth in the Warcraft universe.

Warcraft: An Alternate TimelineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant